Date Ruined...

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Ally's POV

Austin drove us to this really fancy restaurant, I was really nervous because it looked like it would cost a lot of money for just a glass of water and I didn't think that I was that special to be spending a lot of money on.

"Austin, this must cost a lot I don't want you to spend all that on me," I told Austin, he replied with a smile and slightly blushing, "No Ally I really want to do this for you."

I just nodded and continued walking behind him, when we got to the table Austin, being the gentleman that he is, pulled out my chair once I sat down he scooted me closer to the table and walked to go take his seat across from me. The waiter came and asked us what we wanted to drink at the same time we both said, "Coke, please." We looked at each other and started laughing once we calmed down we just stared into each others eyes Austin was the first to break the silence,

" Ally, I'm so glad that you decided to go out on this date with me, I was so nervous that you were going to say no that I almost didn't ask you ."

Omg I, Ally Dawson made the Austin Moon so nervous that he was afraid to ask me a simple question, but I'm going to keep that thought to myself don't want to embarrass him anymore than he already is. The waiter came back with our drinks and asked us what we wanted to eat, Austin smirked, close his menu and said," We will both have the lobster with a salad on the side." I gave him a questioning look and asked," How did you know what I wanted?" "I guess I know you better than I thought," he replied smugly. Josh, the waiter, left and shortly came back with our food, as we were eating somebody I didn't want to see decided now would be a good time to walk up to our table.

"Oh gosh, Austin look Dallas is coming," I said frantically.

Austin looked furious, "What? Where?"

I pointed left and looked down, I saw his feet make a stop at our table. "What are you doing here, Dallas," Austin asked through clenched teeth.

"Oh nothing just saw how happy you guys were and decided I should come over and ruin it," Dallas said with a smile on his face.

"How did you know we were going out tonight," I asked. He just laughed and replied," Oh I put cameras in your room so I could see and hear every last thing you decide to do with anyone including him." If a look of disgust could kill someone Austin would be dead in a quick second, I looked around to see if anyone could see the situation at hand. It turns out that everyone was looking at us, there was a look on one lady's face that said, " Oh snap something is about to pop off."

"Look Dallas just go haven't you hurt Ally enough for awhile," Austin tried to reason.

"There's more to come so watch your back Ms. Dawson," Dallas said and left. Austin looked at me and asked," Do you want to go home?" I just nodded I didn't feel like speaking, he paid the check and we left. He made it to my house a few minutes later and stopped. "Ally I'm so sorry that he came and ruined our date I-," he started I cut him off by kissing him, " It's ok," I said after pulling back "Goodnight Austin." "Night Ally," he said and left, I went inside after and went to bed thinking once again about Austin Monica Moon.

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