quiz night.

556 9 0

Gavin called me from the pub him and smithy were at.
"What's up Gav?" I asked through the phone.
"Look, Liv I need you to come to Barry with me" he says, leaving the bar.
"I'm sorry what?"
"Misunderstanding with Stace. You're a woman she will believe you"
I sigh "whatever. Pick me up"

After a drive which has felt like hours, we arrive.
He knocks on the door.  I stand beside him.
"Oh look who it is" the lady opened the door. I think she must be Nessa.
"Hiya nessa is she here?" Gavin asks. Yeah I was right.
"You've got a nerve" nessa says.
"Listen he can explain" I step backwards slightly, as she was scaring me a little.
"And who are you?" She asks.
"Oh she's Olivia" Gav says.
"Ah. Alright Liv?" Ness asks.
I nod. Scared shitless.
"Right you listen, London boy. That girl in there, is heartbroken. And who's fault is it? Not mine, it's yours"
"What's going on?" A Welsh lady arrived.
"Hi I'm uh-"
"I don't need your name. What are you selling, because I've got enough dusters" she says.
"No we're not selling anything it's just-" I begin.
"Oh right, Jehovah's is it? I'll tell you what don't you go picking on this one just because she looks like easy prey that is all in the past" she says.
"No you don't understand-" I try to say but I were interrupted by a male across the street.
"Hang on Gwen. I'll be there now" the lady must be Gwen.
"Look are you Mrs West?" I ask Gwen.
"Oh yes she is young lady. And is no concern of yours" the man says.
"No you don't understand— I'm Olivia" I smile hoping he'd be more friendly than Gwen.
"Oh hello. My name is Bryn. It means hill I'm Welsh" he shakes my hand.
"I'm Olivia. And it means— actually I don't know what it means in Welsh" I chuckle.
"Olifia" ness says.
Gwen looks at nessa and bryn shocked. Confused even.
I smile at ness for the help.
"Mrs West my name is Gavin and I'm in love with your daughter" Gavin says. Finally. I thought that Gwen was going to skin us alive.
"Gavin?!" Stacey runs out and kisses him.

Gavin left to go on a date with Stacey down by the beach. He told me he'd be back to get me soon.
He left as six pm, it's now eleven pm.
I was with Gwen, Nessa and Bryn in the living room
"Olivia, are you sure he said he'd come and pick you up?" Bryn asks.
"Yeah. We were suppose to drive home together" I respond.
"Now that is strange. Would you like a cuppa? An omelette? Anything you want love" Gwen smiles.
"I'm alright, thank you Mrs West"
"Awch, call me Gwen" she giggles and I do too.
Nessa looks out the window "OH, London boys car is gone"
"Huh?" I look out the window. He's left.
"How can he leave? Where is Stacey?" I look back to Gwen.

I stand by the front door.
"Love are you sure you're not wanting to stay over and tomorrow we can get you a train ticket?" Gwen asks. I shake my head.
"It's alright Gwen. I'll find something"
"If you're sure. Oh I'm sorry about the mix up earlier. I really hope to see you again" Gwen hugs me and I return it.
"Thank you Gwen. Me too" I smile.
"OH Olivia. My friend Dave could drive you?" Ness says.
"No it's okay. Thanks for the offer of course"
I look at ness "hopefully see you again. Ness"
She smiles, for the first time today. "You too Liv"
"Goodbye Olivia" Bryn says.
"Byeeeeeeee" my signature goodbye.

I stood in the freezing cold by Marcos.
There's only one person I wanna speak to right now. Smithy.
I felt a small tear escape my eye. I just don't know why Gav had to leave like that.
I press 'call'

"Hello?" Smithy says.
"H-hi" I say.
"Livvs. It's twelve am, are you okay?" He asks.
"No. Gav left. I have no where to go"
I hear him stand up "I'm on my way"

I was sat on the floor. Now it's about three am.
I look up and see smithy. I hug him.
"Thank you thank you thank you!" I kiss his cheek.
"Don't be silly. As if I could leave you in Wales" he laughs.

The time we got back to Essex was in the morning. Smithy went home and I decided to go to my house. even though he's a twat, i wanted to know if Gav was okay.
I opened the back door.
"Hello Michael. Pamelaaa" smithy says
"When Gavin brought Stacey home last night. We were asleep" mum was finishing her conversation.
"He what?!" I asked.
"Oh.. hi love" she says.
"So that is why he left me stranded in Barry. So he could take her here?"
"He did what?!" my dad asks. Confused.
"Smithy had to come get me"
"I'm so done with today already" I leave again. I'll just go to Smithy's.

Smithy answers the door. "Hello again" he laughs.
"You wanna know why Gavin left me there?"
'He took Stacey back. To MY house. And forgot about ME"
"What a dick" he says. I nod.
"Tell me about it"
"Look I was meant to tell you. I have a quiz tonight, wanna come?" He asks.
"Brilliant" he grins.
"Fancy going shopping?" I ask, out of boredom.
"Sure.. but why?" He asks.
"New outfit. For tonight. I wanna impress!" I laugh.
"Impress who?" He smirks and I slap his arm.
"Don't be a baby"

I show him two dresses.

"Okay. Pick"
"Me? Why me?"
"Smith just do it"
"Second one. Wear a jacket"
I laugh "I was gonna do that anyway"
"Good. Let's pay and get out of here" he leaves the dressing rooms.
I grab my things and follow him.

I had a few missed calls from Gav. I ignored them. I couldn't be bothered with him.

A few hours later. Smithy and myself drove to the pub.

Smithy and I exited his car. I wrapped my jacket around me tighter as it was freezing. My heels clicked off the floor.
Smithy noticed Stacey "Stace, may i welcome you to the Coach and Essex!" Smithy says.
"And.. to Essex" the two of us bow. Of course I was pissed that Gavin left.. but Stacey was a lovely girl and I'd wanna be friendly with her.
"dad, looking exquisite!" I hug him. he laughs and throws his arm around me too.
"But not as good as Pamela. Pamela, Pamela the love of my life, the girl I want to call my wife but she's taken" smithy grabs his chest "a spear, through my heart"
I snort.
"Oh stop it. What's got you in such a good mood?" She asks.
Smithy explained about the quiz.
"Shall we?" He links arms with my mum.
I link arms with dad. Still not looking at Gav.

"Question number seven. Uh. Who won.. the golden boot, World Cup Mexico '86?"
Everyone groans.
These questions.
"That's the second time tonight Gary Lineker's been the answer!" my dad complains.
"Oh there they are" dad says referring to Pete and Dawn. I love Dawn, she's like an aunt. Pete is a good guy, sometimes doesn't show it correctly though.
"Where've you been?" mick asks. 
"You wanna tell them or should I?" Dawn asks her husband.
"Seven o'clock he said he'd be back. Walks in ten to nine"
"I was working"
"Now now Dawn. Not in front of Stacey" my mum says sweetly.
"This is Stacey"
"Hiya Stacey love" Dawn says.
Dawn turns to me "Olivia hey darling"
"Dawnyyy" I hugged her.
"Question number eight" smithy begins.
"Here we go again" I say under my breath and the table laughs. I take a sip of my drink.
"Who took over for Des Lynam on BBC's match of the day"
Everyone groans once again.

A long time later. Inky on question nineteen..
"Question nineteen.."
He went silent. He forgot the bloody question.

"The town of leister.. the birthplace of, WHICH mass murderer"
"Smithy what are these bloody questions!" I shout out.
The pub laughed, in agreement.
"Shush miss shipman"
Woah he's very dunk.

"Question twenty one-"
"Twenty!" I correct him.
"Twenty whatever"
"Pascal Chimbonda moved to Tottenham for what transfer fee. Summer transfer window, season just gone"
I make a puzzled face "what is he on?"

After a lot. And I mean a lot of drinks. We all left.
I linked arms with smithy.
"Who's ever heard of a twenty nine question quiz?" Mick asked while zipping his coat.
"You came second didn't ya?" I asked.
"Yeah and what did we win. Packet of Hamlet"
"Bye sweetheart, lovely to see you" Dawn kisses my cheek.
"Bye dawny"
"Take it easy dawny" smithy says.
"Right i'll see yous later"smithy go to his car.
"He's not driving them home!" dad laughs.
"smithy you're hammered! stay at ours i can drive you back tomorrow" i suggest. mum, dad and gav nod.
"let's go" mum says.
I jump on Smithy's back.
"Ohh Pammy Pammy. Oh Pammy Pammy Pammy Pammy pammayyyy" the two of us sing.

Smithy and I passed out on the sofa.

Short one, next parts will be longer x

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