after he found out.

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gavin's pov

i can't actually believe i'm going to be an uncle.
"smith, just give us a ring. wherever you are we'll come and get you" i hang up the phone.
"we could be driving around all night i don't know where to start" dad says.
"well you know more than me milk, this is virgin territory to me. i feel like i'm on patrol with the police driving around, looking for a crook. 'where is he gone? where will he be? will we have to lean on someone to get a lead?'" bryn laughs.
"yeah you just keep your eyes peeled bryn" i say.
"what about rudy? shall we try her?" dad suggests.
"drive through" i say.

olivia's pov

i sat beside stacey and gwen on the couch.
"right i've put the kettle on for those who want it, personally i'm having a brandy. i've got to take the edge off, gwen" mum says, while pouring herself a brandy.
"oh i know what you mean. you haven't got any port have you?" gwen asks.
"i think so. stace?"
"i'll have a dry sherry"
"olivia darling?"
"okay my princess" mum grabs me a bottle of water.
"i'll have a baileys" nessa says.
"alright no problem" mum pours her a baileys.
i moved and sat on the other couch beside my mum.
"what are you going to do? where are you going to stay?" stacey asks me.
"i mean- if you don't mind mum i still wanna stay here" i look at her.
she smiles and fixes the top of my hair "me and your dad wouldn't want you and our grandchild anywhere else, princess"
gwen and stacey aww.
"what about smithy?" gwen asks.
"he can stay here too, if he wants. whatever you guys choose.. we're here for you" mum smiles.
"how far along are you?" nessa asks.
"i'm about three months bu-"
"three months already?!"
"but i only found out"
"so you're showing?" mum asks.
i nod and pull up my oversized t-shirt. i had a medium sized, but still small bump. but it's very noticeable.
"aww!" mum squeals.
"that's amazing!" gwen coos.
"cracking" nessa nods.
i turn to the side "they're getting big" i laugh.
"i gotta call dawn!" mum grabs her phone.
"she doesn't even know!"
"we can tell her" mum smiles.
she facetimes dawn.
"hi dawny!" she waves.
"hi pammy. you okay?" she must have realised how happy she was.
"it's olivia!"
"what's happened?" dawn asks.
"how do i turn this bloody camera around" mum mumbles.
"oh there" she turns the camera around to me.

gavin's pov

"hiya is smithy there?" i ask the women at the drive through, referring to rudy, smithy's sister.
"alright gav, alright mick"
bryn rolled down his window "hello i'm bryn!"
"yeah bryn this is rudy, smithy's sister"
"hello rudy!"
"nah call me smithy- everyone else does"
bryn laughs "here's the thing, i know your brother and i call him smithy!"
"alright bryn- listen to me have you seem him?" i ask.
"smithy? no, why?"
"it's a long story-"
"there's a young lady called olivia and he's only gone and-" bryn stars.
"what's happened to liv?" rudy asks.
"it's a long story but do you know where he could be?"
"you've tried the driving range right?"
"of course the driving range, he always goes there when he's upset!"
"cours eve does" dad says.
"when west ham got relegated when they lost the play off final"
"when pam told him to go on a diet"
"yeah that's where he will be" rudy smiles.

smithy's pov

i can't believe it. i'm gonna be a dad?
i love olivia with every piece of my being.. but i had to be alone to process this news.
it's great news, it's not that i'm disappointed. i just need to take it all in.
am i ready to be a dad?
i turn to face gavin "sorry about before mate. it's not your fault i just didn't know what to say"
"it's okay"
"how you feeling?" mick asks
"i don't know how i'm feeling"
"you gotta come back mate, you gotta talk to her"
"what am i gonna say? i can't be a dad, look at me. i can barley look after myself let alone someone else"
"she's your girlfriend, smith. you'll get through it together" i say.
"i know mate, but i don't know anything about nappies or burping or umbilical cords"
"no one knows them things smith"
"it's a pruning curve for everyone.. the night pam gave birth to olivia i was flying as high as a kite. i had no idea how to look after a daughter. but look at us now" dad says and i smile.
"i'll tell ya, it's one hell of a journey" dad wraps his arm around my shoulder.
"he's right, smithy. and no matter how scared you are, poor little liv, is back at the house not knowing which way to turn!" bryn says.
"you gotta come back mate and do the right thing"

end game // a smithy gavin&stacey fic Where stories live. Discover now