barry to essex.

552 11 0

It was around one pm. I was in the shower and I heard my doorbell ring.i grabbed my towel and wrapped it around me quickly and headed downstairs.

"Hey Smith"
He walks inside the house without saying anything.
"He's got engaged" he looks at me.
"He what?!" My jaw drops.
"Yeah. He just told me" he admits.
"Why didn't he tell me?" I asked. Hurt.
"I stormed our the pub and drove here. He said he was gonna call yo-"
*ring ring*
I look at my phone - Gavin
"Shit"smithy and I said at the same time. I sighed and picked up the phone.
"Hello?" I ask.
"Liv. It's Gav. Look do you know where smithy is-"
"Yes. He's with me"
"Can you both please stay at home i'm coming back, i need to speak to you both. dress nicely"
I look at smithy and he nods. "fine" i hang up.

i answered the door and gavin, mum and dad were on the opposite side.
mum barged in and ran to the kitchen.
dad sighed.
"what the fuck?" i ask the two guys in front of me.
"we'll explain" dad says.

We walked inside the living room to find dad, mum and gav.
"Mick what are you still doing here?!!" mum yells.
"What's going on?" I ask.
"Olivia when you were with Gwen. Did she mention she's a vegetarian? Or the others?" mum asks.
"No" I respond.
"Mick just to to Tesco!" mum says and milk leaves. Poor guy.
I look at Gav "why'd we have to come over?" I ask.
"Well-" he begins.
"How great is it that he is engaged! The family are coming to stay!" mum yells excitedly.
"Gav didn't tell me any of those things" I admit. Looking between mum and Gavin.
"gavin. olivia is your sister she should be the first to know!"
"I told her" smithy admits.
I nod.
"Right it doesn't matter who told. All that matters now is that stacey's family will be here any minute now!" i say.

Smithy has to leave. He'd be back later on though.

Gavin and I looked out the window. "mum they're here" I let her know.
"You are joking me!"

She opens the door.
"Hello! Welcome. Welcome. Come in!"
Bryn, Stacey, Nessa and Gwen has arrived.
I wanna be nice to the Barry lot. Gavin is special to me, I really want to make an effort. 
"Hey Stacey" I hug her.
"Olivia" she hugs me back and smiles.
"Ness" she shakes my hand.
"Alright liv"
"Gwen!" I smile and hug her.
"Hello again Olivia! I did say we'd meet again" she laughs.
"Hello Hill!" I laugh.
His eyes widen "you're one of the only to remember!" He laughs.
"I'm Pam. Pamela. You all know my kids- Gavin and Olivia. Unfortunately, my husband Mick has been called into the office apparently all of the computers have.. been shut down. Only he knows how to- anyway enough about him" she giggles.
"You must he nessa" she shakes nessas hand.
"Alright Pam"
"That makes you Gwen"
"Ooh mother of the bride!" mum squeals excitedly.
"You must be uncle Bryan"
"Bryn" Bryn politely corrected her.
"It means hill in Welsh" I say and Stacey grins. Maybe we would be good friends. well, she is my sister-in-law.
"Does it really!" Pam says amazed.
"Do you know I have no idea what my name means in Welsh!"
"Why" nessa says.
"Because I don't speak the lingo darling!"
"No in Welsh. Pam means 'why'"
"Or brick."

We were now sat in the living room.
I sat beside my new best friend Bryn and Nessa.
"OH stace. I tell you what you could do a lot worse, no word of a lie when they dies you'll be loaded" nessa says.
"Nessa!" Gwen scolds her.
"She's got a point Gwen. I mean let's face it, when Trevor died- god rest his soul. He left you a penniless widow— you don't wanna see stace go down that same Terri me rude, do you?" Bryn says.
"I can't believe this. I'm not even married yet and you're already talking about my in-laws dying!" Stacey whisper shouts. And I nod.
"You got to think about these things love — I mean, had you ended up with Leighton right. You'd be living on the bread line. His family has nothing. Howells lot, they weren't much better off. At least with Achmed you felt there was a bit put by but that was in their culture, see"
I make a confused face. What's he on about.
"Bryn we've not to mention the other engagements. Stace will tell him when she's ready!" Gwen says but then realised she said it in front of me.
"Other engagements?" I ask shocked.
"Look Liv-" stace begins.
"I won't tell him. Please trust me, Stacey"
"Thank you so much" she smiles and I return it.
I'd never go against her wishes. Even if Gavin is my brother.

The doorbell rang and Gavin and I answered. It was smithy. He looked hurt, which made me feel sad.
I had my elbow on gav's shoulder.
"You alright Smith?" I ask him. He nods.
"Sorry mate it just knocked me for six, that's all"
"I thought you handled it well" I admit.
"Seriously?" Smithy asks. I nod.
Smithy holds out his pinky's and steps inside I feel a smile growing on my face.
"Come on" I stick my pinky's out too.
"Come on!"
"No I don't want to" Gavin says.
"Right" I take Smithy's arm and we were going to leave.
"Okay quickly"
Me and smithy smiled to each other.
We all attached our pinky's.
"Make friends, make friends-" Gavin said unenthusiastically.
"Gav" i warmed him, looking sad.
"Make friends, make friends. Never never break friends. If you do I'll flush you down the loo and that will be the end of you!"
We had a group hug and forgave each other.
"Is that a smithy I can hear?" dad walks toward us.
"Certainly is Michael!"
"Bryn this is my best mate smithy" Gavin leaves the three of us in the hallway. Smithy Bryn and I.
"Smithy nice to meet you!" Bryn says. He looks inbetween the two of us.
"If you don't mind me asking. Is there anything going on between you two?" He asks.
"Yep" the two of us said insync. I said it for a reaction but he was dead serious. I was too but..
"I very much thought that. You both look great together!" Bryn says and I grin.
"Thank you. Brynala" I thank him.
"You know Olivia. I have never had what you could call a 'best friend' except for Trevor — god rest his soul. But you're a lovely friend!" Bryn says and walks away.
I was stood there with smithy "aww" I say. I love the Barry lot already.
"We are well suited aren't we" smithy says.
I nod "indeed"
He just needs to ask me.

"You'll look like a Princess, Stacey" I say. Stacey was explaining her dress
She grins and giggles.
"I'm gonna have seven brides maids!"
"Seven?" Gwen asks.
"Yeah! Ness the maid of honour"
"Nice one" ness said as I couldn't help but smile.
"Cheryl. Cheryls two little girls, my cousin Zoe, Nessa's old step daughter Collette. And Olivia— if you'd like to be one" Stacey looks at me. Oh my god.
I stand up and hug her "Stacey I'd love to!"

I decided to do some 'flirting'
If smithy liked me as much as he said. Why not?

I walked into the kitchen where all the guys were. Laughing and what not.
I approach smithy. "Alright smithy?" I whisper and he looks at me.
I wink and leave.

Smithy was dancing with Pam. I was with Gwen. Holding our drinks and dancing.
"Right everyone— could I have your attention?" Gav asks.
I go stand beside smithy. Very drunken put my arm around his shoulder.
"First of all we've had a great night tonight it's been blinding. But— we thought we'd ought to tell you all that-"
"Oh my god! You're pregnant?!" mum says excitedly. Smithy and I chuckle.
"We've set a date" Stacey says. I 'aww'
"We want to get married on the sixth of April. Which would have been dad's 50th birthday"
"Aw that's lovely that is stace" Gwen hugs her daughter and her son-in-law.
"Is that the sixth of April next year? Or the sixth of April as in eight weeks from now?" I ask.
"As in eight weeks" Gavin says.
I cheer.
"I need a fag" smithy leaves.
"It's not ideal— but it's durable" mum says.
"I'll be right back" I say.

I seen the back door was opened. I walk outside to see smithy smoking.
"You alright?" I ask him.
"You shouldn't have done that earlier, Liv" he throws his cigarette away.
"Done what?" I grin.
He sighs and takes my hand and walks to end end of the garden.
"Smithy what are yo-"
"Nobody will see" he says and i sigh.
"Only you would do this" I laugh.
"I know but-" he begins.
I kiss him or shut him up.
"Be quiet though" he says.

Twenty minutes or so.. such a great twenty minutes. Had to be quick or else the other will get suspicious.

I walk back in first.
"Alright?" I ask.
"Liv your back is covered in mud"Stacey informs me.
"Oh- I fell over"

Smithy walked in. Bad timing Smith.
Everyone looked at his legs and arm that's covered in mud. I just shook my head laughing.
"I fell over" he says.

Gavin looks at us suspiciously.

end game // a smithy gavin&stacey fic Where stories live. Discover now