Beach + Surprise

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Shortish chapter, but big news for our favourite couple!

Olivia's POV -

"It's gonna be lovely weather in Barry tomorrow" mum says, as we are sat in the living room watching some random TV.

"Yeah saw on the news. I wish we had the weather here" dad says, reading his newspaper.

"Yeah it's gonna be dreadful here tomorrow" I sigh, grabbing a cushion and leaning into it. "Well.."

Mums head shoots to me from the tv. "What's wrong my love?" Dads still busy reading his newspaper.

"Smithy and I were going to take Mikey to visit Stacey and Gavin in Barry tomorrow.. I suppose we could all pay them a surprise visit?" I suggest. Dad finally looked at me. "That sounds like a nice idea" he takes his glasses off and places them on his head. "What do you think of that, Pam?"

"Oh I don't know, really! Is Barry Island a nice place?"

I laugh. "Mum. It's lovely. Please! It'll have lovely weather and also we can go to the beach. There's also a funfair" I practically beg her.

"Yeah okay then! Sounds like fun. Let me ring Dawn!"

- The shipman's and Smithy make their way to the West household -

"Olivia? Mick? Pam? Smithy? Mikey? Is that you!" Bryn asks as he hangs his head out of his window. We parked the car on the sides of Gwens house, we notice Bryn shouting from the other side of the road.

"Hiya!" Mum smiles, and waves.

Smithy gets out of the car with mikey on his hip, and he puts his arm around my waist. "Alright Brynala!"

"That was fast, how did you know we were here?" Dad asks, as he closes the car door.

"Glenda! On twitter! She said she's seen Gavs sister and parents pull up outside of Gwens!"

"Here we are" I chuckle.

"Mum? Liv? Dad? Smith? What are you doing here?" Gavin asks as he walks towards us with a pint of milk. He grins and mikey makes grabby hands towards his uncle. Gavin holds onto him on his right hip.

"That's a fiver I owe Glenda!" Dorris emerges from her home beside of Gwens, the same time Gavin arrives.

"Aww Dorris!" Mum says.

"I told her I bet you five quid it isn't, and here you are! She's made a twat of me pam!" We laugh. "I'll tell you something, Gwens in for a shock"

The group of us are met with Gwens smiling face. "Glenda has just text me! Aww what a shock!"

"I know, it's a surprise!" Mum smiles, hugging Gwen. "We fancied a day on the beach.

"Oh that sounds lovely. Can we join you?" Gwen asks.

"Gwen we would love it! We have everything in the car, surf boards!"

"It's a body board! Will you join, Dorris?" Dad asks.

"I've not been down the island for years mick! I'll have to dig out my bikini" Doris laughs. "Joking I am, Gav! One piece" she winks. Gav looks disgusted.

Dorris has always very clearly had a crush on Gavin.

After a lovely day at the beach, we all decided to head back to Stacey's house
for a chippy dinner. Can't say no to a chippy dinner!

Smithy and I sat on the couch, with little mikey between us, his face covered in squashed chips.

"So, any plans on the wedding?" Bryn asks, more of a conversation starter.

Smithy looks at me and nods his head. "Yeah, we have been planning it"

Mum almost choked. "Why didn't you tell us sweetie?"

"We wanted to have it all planned out first before telling anyone! But.." I start.

"It's planned. Everything's sorted" smithy says and eveyrone cheers.

"Where's it happening?" Stacey asks.

"Back in Essex. Mainly because trying to get my whole entire family to wales would be a struggle"

"That's fair. Very fair" Bryn nods.

"I've picked my bridesmaids!" I smile secretively.

"And best man" smithy says.

"Who?" Dad asks with a smile.

"I've chosen Nessa, Stacey, Gwen-"

"Aww really!" Gwen smiles, she looks so happy and I'm over the moon.

"Oh Gwen of course. Also Rudy, smithy's sister"

"That's so lovely, Liv" Stacey hugs me tight. "Tidy" Nessa smiles and nods.

"Our little page boy" I pick mikey up and hold him on my lap.

"All we need is a flower girl! The wedding is happening in August. A summer wedding!"

"It's January now. We need someone to pop out a little girl before then" smithy laughs, winking at Gavin and Stacey.

"Who knows" Gavin smiles. "Anyways,a toast! To my beautiful sister and best friend"

"Cheers!" Eveyone clinks there glasses together. 

It feels even more real now. We are getting married in t-8 months.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16 ⏰

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