oh, baby

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Gavin's POV-

After four weeks of living apart, Stacey came to visit.
cassie has been staying with Gwen and Nessa the past few days, her and Nessa have grown very close.

Mum, dad, stace and I were in the living room.
"I mean she's massive now. Huge!" Stacey says. Referring to cass.
'Really?" Mum asks.
"Is she okay?" I ask.
"Yeah she's fine. She's been having contractions but most likely because baby is due in a few weeks" she says.
"At least she's doing okay. Should we call her?" I ask.
"Yeah" they say in union.

I FaceTime cassie.


"Hello!" cass smiles and waves.
"cassie! Hey are you feeling okay?" I ask.
"I'm alright.. in a bit of pain though but I'll be okay" she admits.
"Pain? What type of pain?" I ask.
"Like cramps? I don't know. They're like every few minutes"
Mum looks at dad..
"On my Christ!"
"Minutes apart?!" Dad asks.
"Yeah?" cass says from the other end.
"Are you sure this isn't labour?" mum asks.
"I doubt it mum. I still have under a month—" liv stops speaking.
"cass?" Stacey asks looking at Olivia. Her face went blank and she started into space.
"cas— my darling are you okay?" dad asks.
"m-mum— I think you're right" cassie says. We all look at each other.
"What's happened darling?" Mum takes the phone.
"Water? Uh what the fuck is happening?" cassie asks.
"Her waters" mum tells us.
"Look I need to go. I will call Nessa"
cassie hangs up.

"What on earth? Has she just went into labour?" I ask.
"It's sounds like that!" Dad responds.

Mums phone rings about five minutes later.
She runs out to answer it.

cassies POV -

"cass.. they want us to send you in" Gwen says.
"Shit" Nessa, Bryn, Dave and I say simultaneously.

Gavin's POV -
Rudy and I were on the hunt for smithy. Come on smithy mate we need you.

"What does that mean 'they're taking her in'" I ask Bryn.
"Feels like we're driving round in circles- nah I'm with Rudy; Smithy's sister"
"Bryn says hello" I say.
"Alright Bryn?"
"Actually Bryn- now isn't really a good time"
I hung up.
"I can't believe smiths gonna be a dad" Rudy says and I nod.
"And cass,, being a mum? Geez"

We ran into the pub where smithy was watching the foot ball.
Rudy stood on a chair infront of the projector, covering the game.
"Oiiiii" the lads groaned.
"Shut up! Shut up a minute- has anyone seen my brother?!"
Smithy walked out of the toilet.
"There he is" i say. 
"Sorry bout that boys" Rudy apologies.

"Smithy.." I say.
"Gavla! What you doing here?" He asks.
"What? What has happened?" Smithy asks.
"cassie has gone into labour"
His face looks shocked.

cassies POV -

It's so painful...

mum, dad, Stace, Nessa, Gwen, Dave and Bryn were stood by me.

mum holds onto my hand "my little Princess" a tear goes down her cheek.
I burst our into tears. "I love you all so much. mum, dad you're family. Stace, Nessa you're my best friends. Dave, you're an amazing lad and a great friend. Gwen and Bryn, you're two very special people"
"We love you too cassie" Bryn grins.
Mick and Pam hug me.

"Where's smithy?" I ask.
They all look at each other.
"They're running late" Dave says.
"But- I need him. And Gav"
"Don't worry my love they'll get here" Gwen smiles.

The midwife walks in.
I take another bit of the gas.
"Oh I'm sorry it's usually only one person in with her at a time. Where's the father?" She asks.
"He's on his way" Bryn informs her.
"Right- so who would you like to stay with you?" She asks me.
"mum. I need my mum" I grab onto her hand.
She pouts and kisses my head.
The other lot leave.
"Please don't leave mum"
"Never, darling"

"Right I think we're ready!"
I look up at my mum.
"What?" We both asks simultaneously.
"Let's have a baby" the midwife smiles.
Freaking out. Where's smithy he can't miss this.

Gavin's POV

I found smithy and now we were going to the hospital.
"Dad? What?" Dad called me.
"They've just taken her down!" Dad says.
"They've taken her down" I tell smithy.
"What I don't know what that means. What does that mean?"
"It means she's ready to have the baby" i inform him.
"Tell her to wait!" He says.
"Smithy she's in too much pain to wait" I say.
"Coming over the bridge now" I hang up the call.
"Shit I don't have money for the bridge"
"Neither have I— not a lot anyway, I've got exactly three quid" smithy says holding the money.
"I've got two. We're ten pence off"
"They'll let us off that, surely" he says.

They didn't let us past. They called the police. More time wasted..

cassie's POV

"Come on cass, you can do it!" mum says.
"Where's smithy? I don't want him to miss it" I say, taking some gas.
"You can't be worrying about that now love" the nurse says.
"He'll be here I know he will! your brother will get him here on time" mum says. Rubbing my back.
"Come on now, cassandra. You're doing great!" The nurse encourages me.
"Oh god!"

Smithy's POV

Gav and I arrived at the hospital finally.
"They're all in Welsh. They're all in bloody Welsh!" The signs.
"This way come on" I follow Gavin.
We run like hell through the hospital. I need to see her.
Ended up falling..
But we finally got there.

cassie's POV.
The nurse handed me him, my boy. He's beautiful and looks just like smithy.
mum began crying.
So did I.
The baby coos.
Finally, the moment I was waiting for.. smithy arrived.
Him and Gavin stood there in shock. Stared at the baby and me.
I smiled at smithy and he slowly walked over. I can tell that he is crying.
I begun to hand the baby over "you've got a boy" I whisper, grinning.
mum takes a quick photo. For memories.
Smithy kisses the babies head. And hugs him.
Everyone else came inside the room. Smithy sat on the seat beside me and held onto the babies head while I held him.
"Looks just like you smithy" dad says sweetly.
"He's beautiful!" Gwen says.
"What a beautiful baby" Stacey coos.
Bryn just smiles. A lot.
"What are you gonna call him?" mum asks us.
"well, i had an idea" i say.
smithy looks at me.
"i wanted to name him after the two most special men in my life— besides this goof who's sitting next to me" i chuckle.
"what's that, love?" mum asks.
"michael gavin smith" i smile. "named after his amazing grandad, and uncle.
"r-really?" dad asks.
smithy nods "of course, mickster"
"for real, cassie?" gavin asks.
"obviously!" i smile.
dad walks over and looks at me and his grandson in my arms, and hugs us. "you don't understand how much this means to me" he sobs almost.
gavin joins in "thank you, cassie. he's my boy forever"
I looked at him and smiled feeling more tears coming.
The baby let out a cry. Like a approval.
"that's a beautiful name my darling. such a lovely gesture towards your dad. oh i'm gone, i'm actually gone" she cries.
"that's amazing!" stacey squeals.
"that's cracker" nessa smiles.
"congrats cassie" dave smiles.
"hello little man. i'm your uncle bryn! your mum is one of my greatest friends, she's an arming young lady!"
"do you reckon the baby will like my omelettes?" gwen jokes. we all laugh. this day has been.. surreal.

end game // a smithy gavin&stacey fic Where stories live. Discover now