Chapter| 04

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Word Count: 2.3k+
Heyy, How are you all? :)


"Are you hurt?" Gloxinia opens his eyes to a familiar face. A familiar face he longs to see. "(Y/n)! What are you doing here?! It's too dangerous, I-" He stops talking once he sees their confused expression. Then he looks around.

They were in a grassy plain that stretches for miles underneath the blue sky. The clouds were full and fluffy. The sun was bright and warm. It felt like a hazy dream. (Y/n) kneels down next to the Fairy King, "Did you have a nightmare?" Their hands cups his face, "It's okay, I'm here." Gloxinia's heart was beating faster every second, "I missed you... I missed you so much."

It was barely a whisper, but it held his heart's deepest emotions. His hands went up to touch their cheeks with instinct, but they hesitate and settle themselves down. He stares deep into (y/n)'s eyes with his dark eyes of the abyss. "(Y/n)... is this really you...? You're not sick, are you?" (Y/n) tilts their head, "Gloxinia, fairies usually don't get sick..." They lean in close to his face to observe it, "Now, I should be asking if you're feeling well." Gloxinia's mouth was slightly agape, "So... it's all a dream...?"

Finally, one of Gloxinia's hands has the courage to lift itself up. He grazes their cheek, but he felt nothing. His hand went through their cheek and their figure broke up into grey clouds. They floated away into a more dull sky. His eyes widen and his breath hitched, "No... wait! (Y/n)!?" Tears of panic swell in his eyes, looking through the gloomy air.

The wind seems to blow harsher as the grass sways with aggressiveness. Gloxinia stands up, his long har stretches with the harsh winds, and his eyes shed fat tears, "(Y/n)?!Please come back!" There was a lump in his throat. His pained voice hurts from forming words. The green plains feel a little grayer as the First Fairy King cries. He looks up into the sky, tears never-ending.

"Big brother?" Gloxinia immediately turns around, "Gerheade!" His long ears instantly recognize his sister's voice. His mind freezes and his heart stops once he sees his sister. One of Gerheade's eyes was covered by her hair, but the blood running down from it was evident, and her legs were gone. "Gerheade!" He flies towards her so quickly, anybody would be surprised by the speed. "(Y/n)..." Gerheade mouth muttered out despite blood drooling down her chin, "(Y/n)'s dead." Gloxinia shakes his head, "Gerheade, we have to-" The gray plains start to shake and get engulfed by darkness. All around, everywhere he looked, the plains were getting swallowed. He turns to his sister, her body getting wrapped by darkness already. "Gerheade, no!" He reaches his hand but grabbed nothing but darkness. Darkness gladly took his hand and decides to swallow him too.

It was fast and Gloxinia's mind was in a panic.  He tries to back away to no avail and soon his world flashes white and he was back into reality.


There was a cold splash on his head. Gloxinia's body already felt itself healing and gaining back energy from the Moon Rose droplet. He hears the voices of Drole and Meliodas as his eyes pry themselves open. Then he hears rumbles and screams.

Everyone let out a yell, falling into Drole's technique, Gigant Embrace, and being plunged into the ground. "Resist, and they'll die," Drole states with a stoic face, but it soon turns into a state of shock as his other two last arms get chopped off. His large eye caught Meliodas himself in front of his face, "I'll defeat you before that happens!" A small fist collides with his cheek, knocking him back and onto the ground.

Meliodas sense another magic power, but before he can turn around to confront it, that magic strikes him down. The dust clears and reveals Gloxinia floating in the sky in a full fit of golden armor, resembling a lot of some kind of bug.

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