car ride

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The sedative I was given did not last long. I woke up less than thirty minutes after I had gone under. but what it lacked in duration it made up for in strength. my eyelids feel heavy as i opened them and i had a splitting headache. ironically, it felt like i hadn't slept in days. lucky it wasn't too bright in the room i now sat in, or rather the vehicle. I could feel the steady beeps indicating that I was in some sort of van. I tried to reach my hand up to rub my throbbing temples but both of my wrists were restrained. "Hey, you, you're finally awake" I heard a voice say off to my left "what?" I croaked, still adjusting to the shock my system had just gone through. I turned to see a boy who looked about my age. He had matted brown hair and was also strapped into a seat, except his restraints seemed to be much heavier than mine. not only were his wrists held down but so were his ankles and chest. The only thing he could move was his head. He also appeared to have a bloody nose. "You know, like from Skyrim," he chuckled at his joke. He seemed to be surprisingly calm for the situation. The van was large and well lit by windows at the two opposite sides. There were six seats built into the two opposing walls facing each other. they all had straps set in. there were only two other kids with me. the boy, and a young girl sitting directly across from me. she looked terrified but surprisingly was not restrained at all. her hands were in her lap and she seemed to be holding back tears. she had long red hair and looked a bit younger. "do you, know whats going on?" i asked, my voice a bit clearer this time. "oh didn't mr. antrobus tell you?" he replied sarcastically "not- not really, he said something about a disorder, and school, and diapers mabey? where are they taking us?"

"well you pretty much got all the main points in. you got flagged for something they call child regression disorder. it's not a real thing dont worry, it's just an excuse to get you forcibly removed from school. They are taking us right now to a treatment center. let the record state i would be making heavy air quotes if i could. im warning you now it's not going to be fun. they put you in diapers and treat you like a baby until you're so used to shitting your pants they have to potty train you all over again. it's humiliating and the punishments are brutal. enjoy your dignity while you can"

what he described sounded awful. it made me sick just to think about it. there's no way they could actually do that to me. "how do you know all of this?"

"my sister works for a small organization that is trying to uncover the whole scandal. The miller foundation has hundreds of these centers all around the county. I learned alot about it from her. unfortunately it looks like taking me is their warning to her and the rest of her colleagues."

"is that why your.." I trailed off looking at the aquard way he was positioned "no" he replied guessing the rest of my sentence "they just put me in these because I didn't exactly come quietly. i assume you weren't the easter target either seeing as you came in unconscious."

"they didn't knock you out too?"

"nah, they'll only sedate me if they have to. they want to make sure i feel every moment. that's how i got this!" he shook his head a bit making the blood run even thicker from his nose. "Anyway, I don't think I actually introduced myself, I'm miles and this is fran." he pointed his head in the red haired girl's direction. she looked up at the sound of her name. she clearly wasn't paying attention to our conversation. she nodded to me timidly. "you were out for most of the ride" miles said. "were almost here"

"where exactly is this.. treatment center" i asked.

"i'm not actually sure. somewhere out of the public eye i would assume. you can tell we're getting close because we have been going at a much slower pace the last 5 minutes. were off the highway" just as he finished his sentence the van came to a screeching halt. I could hear the sound of slamming doors as whoever was taking us here got out of the vehicle. not long after a bright beam of sunlight was let in to the back as the man who knocked me out, dr. dr evil if i remember correctly, slid the door open. I winced in pain, my eyes still weren't fully adjusted after the little power nap I took. The second doctor who had been in Mr Autobuses office stepped in. i didn't know her name. "hey kids" she said in a cheery tone. she turned to me and i scoweld a her "someone work up on the wrong side of the bed" dr. drevel chuckled at her joke. "my name is doctor finch. im going to be helping you all settle in" now it was miles turn to laugh. he snorted and looked up at her. she clicked her tongue "i heard you were going to be a problem miles, no need to worry. we will have that silly little attitude of yours dealt with in no time" her smile was sickening, just like mr. antroubuses. she nodded to the devil and he pulled out what looked like a short cattle prod. He walked over to miles and jammed it into his stomach. unable to move all he could do was yell in pain as electricity shot through his body. fran let out a whimper as she watched him squirm and shout. dr. Finch turned to her and spoke 

"now it's alright little one" she said in a surprisingly comforting tone "nothing of the sort will need to happen to you if you behave, understand?" she nodded, wide eyed and frightened. miles now sat limp in his chair, having gone unconscious in pain. "how about we get you all out of those restraints and ready for class."

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