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The man who now stood in front of the class was certainly menacing, but he seemed more timid. He wasn't as authoritative as ms. donner. while she clearly got pleasure from this, he seemed just to be doing his job.

"my name is dr. nole, i am ms. donners teaching assistant" he held a clipboard and was scanning through the paper on it as he spoke. "right, uh" he hesitated for a moment still looking over the words "let's go over some rules shall we?" he picked up a piece of chalk from ms. donners desk and began to write on a large blackboard in front of the class.

"number one you already know, that's going to be baby talk only" as he said this he scrolled the words on the board in very neat cursive handwriting, almost exactly what they might teach you in primary school. "number two, you will be compliant with all of the handlers. This includes being picked up, restrained, carried, or changed '' again he wrote compliant with staff in those big cursive letters. He ran through the rest of this list which included eating every meal, using the staff's last names, and the last one which I had been dreading.

"and number five is toilets are off limits, you will use your diaper for everything" he turned back around smiling. "i think that's it" he looked back down at his clipboard checking he had hit every point. "if you break any of these rules you will be severely punished." he flipped the paper he was looking at over the top of the clipboard, presumably revealing another set of talking points "this includes spankings, both private and public. being left in dirty diapers. extra special food. and whatever else your assigned handler sees fit. if rules are repeatedly broken you may be placed in the green room." there were murmurs of confusion at the mention of that "the green room is what we call our more specialized program. it focuses on a more individual approach and deals more harshly with behavioral issues-" dr. nole's procedural drone was cut off by ms. donner, who walked back into the room wearing a fresh skirt.

"The green room is only for very bad little babies" she said as Noel scurried out of her way. He looked glad to be relieved of the duty. "you don't want to be put there if you know what's good for you." the class was silent, nobody dare speak after what she had done to miles. "you will each be assigned a handler. you will have special one-on-one tutoring sessions with them for an hour after lunch. In the mornings you will be tough like kindergarteners. reading and writing, handwriting, geography. It's a very standard curriculum. then comes lunch and your tutoring sessions. After lunch is play time. you will be taken out one by one to have your diaper changed during that block, so i suggest you go before then. if not you'll just have to hold it until bedtime." she gave a wicked grin at that. "speaking of lunch, aren't you kids hungry? now that orientation is finished you'll be taken to the cafeteria. after that you will be introduced to your handlers and we will finish the day like normal"

while she was speaking, people in white coats were beginning to unstrap the kids and usher them out of the room. I was still trying to process everything. Was this even real? two young women came over and cooed at me as they undid my restraints and picked me up with surprising ease. normally i would fight back but i was in shock. I felt numb as the two doctors carried me into another room and placed my enormous diapered bottom in a highchair. The "cafeteria" looked just the same as the classroom, except instead of bouncers it had large highchairs arranged in a circle.

"Now little baby" one of the women cooed in a sweet tone "we won't have to restrain you if you're a good little potty pants and eat your food like a big kid." She undid my pacifier. I watched as the other women unscrewed a big jar of baby food and mixed a large helping of powder in. "what is that?" i asked, trying not to sound desperate "don't you worry. some babies have trouble making messies in their diapers so we like to help them just a little bit." she smiled as the women handed the jar to her. oh god, were they going to make me eat laxatives?? there was no way. "open wide" she said, taking a healthy spoonful of the green mush and pushing it towards my mouth. I moved my neck trying to dodge the spoon, this clearly agitated her. she pulled out a pacifier that looked just like the one that had previously been put in my mouth, except this time it had a long tube attached "i'm being very nice by not strapping you down, don't make me force feed you." it was clear there was no way out of this. I reluctantly opened my mouth and she shoved the food in. it didn't taste bad, aside from the fact that i knew it was laced with drugs. I watched the other kids as I was fed spoonfuls of the mush. some had gotten the tube pacifier, it didn't look pleasant. what worried me was miles was nowhere to be seen. where had they taken him? Was he in the so-called green room? would he ever be back?

lunch time went by fast. I had gotten lost in my thoughts and almost zoned out while I was being fed. The woman who was feeding me gave me two jars and then checked her watch. "well little baby, looks like it's time for you to meet your new handler" she smiled and lifted me out of the highchair with the help of the second woman. my stomach began to growl.

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