Chapter 11

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"MRS. MENNING!" One of the kids in my 1st hour came up to my desk first thing and I looked up in bewilderment at the video they were shoving in my face.

"Hi Luca, I can't really see the video you're trying to show me because it's right in front of me and it's also shaking?" I told him gently, trying to scoot back. He finally backed up and regained his breath, apologizing before continuing his rant with the same vigor as before

"Is this you?!" He thrust out his phone and I curiously peered at it, realizing it was a Tiktok. I raised my eyebrows when I saw it was George. He was sitting in his bed with white sunglasses and pointing to words on the screen that read "Yo, who got you smiling like that?"

I was about to ask why he was asking me when I gasped at the video that came after. It was me spilling iced tea over my lap and laughing. I looked like a mess but my heart warmed at the context of it. I remembered this: it was our... "date" at Charley's the other day.. Even though the music was loud, I could still hear George's giggle through it. I wasn't aware he was recording.

"N-no it's not." I stammered out but Luca stood there, clearly not convinced. "Okay, fine it is. How did you get this video?" I demanded.

"Mrs. Menning, do you know how Tiktok works? And that George is famous? A couple million people have seen this, including Dream." Luca said, shaking in excitement. "But oh my god, I can't believe you know GeorgeNotFound! Do you know how cool that is! And you made him smile!"

That day, I was not concerned that the whole school was treating me like a celebrity. The only thing I could possibly focus on was the fact that Clay knew my existence and that he might be giving George shit on it. It worried me so much, I almost said Dream instead of team for one of my classes.

That night, I arrived later than usual so I can guarantee George would be there before me. He was, and I silently thanked God, despite not even being religious.

"George!" I yelped out and he turned around to rush and hold my hands.

"Marlowe!" he laughed as he mocked me. But he caught my concerned expression and immediately faltered. "Is everything okay?"

"I should be asking you that!" I frantically said. "Clay found out about me!"

"Ok slow down, what?"

"Clay found out about me." I repeated, widened my eyes to emphasize and stress the situation. "Once of my kids showed me a Tiktok you made and it had me in it and he commented!"

Out of all the things I expected him to do, it wasn't to blush. "You saw that?"

"What do you me- yes I saw it! But so did Clay?!" 

George tilted his head and nodded, "Yes?"

"So-" I sputtered, "Is he not saying anything?!"

"I- Marlowe, he's known for a while. Do you think he would seriously let me go out every night without knowing why? Besides, I talk about you all the time, even Nick finds it annoying. I had to drop out of a jackbox stream with Alex so I could go to Martha's with you." He went on and I felt those damn butterflies again.

"Wait- so... so... he isn't giving you shit about it?" I asked, wanting to make sure. "He doesn't think I'm the reason you rejected him?"

I expected him to give me another yes in assurance but instead he stiffened. I peered at him, "He does think you rejected him for me then? Even thou-"

"I did." he said so quietly I almost didn't hear him.

"You- huh? What did you do?" I asked, still not catching onto whatever point he was trying to make. He looked at me and pressed his lips in a thin line.

"I did."

"You did what?" I was genuinely confused.

"I did reject him, Marlowe! I rejected him for the very reason you think he thinks I did. I don't like him because I like you." he said, raising his voice as he went on. "He knows and everyone knows except you and I- I really really like you. You're perfect. You're smart, pretty, witty, and know how to make my brain and stomach feel like twisted knots when you just talk to me!"

The moment he let all of that out, as if he was trying to hold it in for a while, the wind stopped. The crash of water against rocks seemed to dim or maybe every other sound was drowned by the one thought that was reverberating through my head: he likes me.

"You...?" I could only repeat as I stared at the sad smile on his gorgeous face. 

"Like you. I like you." 

He likes me. 

He LIKES me. 

My hands that previously shook from anxiousness fell limp to my side. Because before I knew it, I stepped toward him, grabbed his jaw and pulled it to mine.

Back when I saw George drenched head to toe in water staring out into the sea, I thought it was the most beautiful thing I'd seen. The feeling that blossomed all throughout me now could very well compete against that.

I practically melted into those lips that were as soft as clouds as I had thought them to be. At first he was shocked but then he leaned forward into me, our chests pressing into the other. II thought I might disintegrate, implode, and fly all at once. Something about the way his jaw laced with slight stubble felt in my hand and something about how the crook of his nose fit perfectly adjacent to mine made me want to never ever let go.

He tilted me forward, an arm snaking around my waist and pulling me even closer than I was before. In front of that railing, in front of that ocean, in front of those stars, is when George Davidson met me and I wouldn't have wanted him to kiss me anywhere else.

Despite not wanting to, I pulled away, but still I held his mandible.

"George from London. I love you." I stated, wanting to swim in the pools of brown that were his eyes as I gazed into them.

"Miss Marlowe. I love you more than anything I have ever loved before." He replied in the same affirmative tone. "And I always dream of that day I could tell you."

"Don't bring Clay into this."

"Surprisingly, that comment didn't change how much I want to kiss you again."

"Oh thank god." I brought my voice to a hoarse whisper, "Do it again please."

He smiled and brought my waist to him again, "You don't have to say it twice."

And I felt those same cloud light lips on mine again.

And again.

And again.

And again.

I was floating, having finally found the bliss and ethereality I tried so desperately to search for when I came here those lonely nights. Who knew that the drug I needed was him? A George from London who tried to save a girl who didn't even need saving.

But that man made my nights a little less lonely.

And that was more than I could have ever asked for. 

The End

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