Characters Info

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Hello guys! hope you will like this story and uh here's some character info about them, and yall old readers that have read this story before this was posted before, we dont talk about what was written here before alr

(Also, this is all my creativity, its not real info about them irl alr)

(Oh ya FYI, its from Oldest to youngest)

Socks Maxwell:

- European-American (Canadian)
Oldest (21), 5'8
Has a younger sister, parents are dead
"Man-child" "Fake youngest" "The group's child"
Fire powers. Comes from a pendant
Highly-trained agent : Agent Eagle
Roommates with Laff, Tbh, Tbvg and Ally
Childish, clingy, cute, has a babysitter, acts like the youngest, troublemaker partner with either Tbvg or Tbh, has past trauma


- Latin-American (Chilean)
Real name; Thiago Garcia, 21, 5'11
Only child, parents somehow still alive
- "
Joocie's twin" "AI but IRL"
Levitation / Gravity manipulation. Natural powers
Team Hacker / Team Assistant
Talent in hacking / computer engineering, loves to disturb Juice, one of the troublemakers, flirts with some people, can speak Korean and Spanish/Latin, one of the richest, can do an Aussie accent


- British-Asian (Korean-Thai)
Real name; Park Ji-Sung, 21, 6'1
Older brother to Nadwe and Muffin, has a twin and an older brother
"Tbvg's twin" "The black swan" "Baby bread"
Psychic / Telekinesis. Natural powers
Hydro Agent : Agent Parakeet
Lives with Nadwe and Muffin
Bilingual (speaks multi-languages): English, Korean, Thai, Japanese, Chinese and Spanish
Has ADHD, still studying to get a PHD, one of the richest, over-protective over his brothers, passionate about music, loves to write lyrics for songs, good at cooking, loves to back-hug people

Laffen gas:

- British
The youngest in his family, has an older sister
20, 6'1
"Socks' babysitter" "Lee-Bbok"
Electricity / Lightning. By a failed experiment Lmao
Highly-trained agent / Team's Scientist : Agent Raven
Most matured in the team, tallest, the only one with enough patience to deal with the whole team besides Dino, clumsiest, breaks anything that he touches, although responsibility is his second nature


- American
Has a younger sister
20, 5'7
"Crab Prince" "Sea guardian"
Water control. Found a pearl under the sea
Hydro Agent : Agent Rails
Good at cooking, makes dad jokes, loves to mess with people's stuff, also quite clumsy, tried to release crabs at a supermarket once, has a pet fish, mocks everyone he sees, has the weirdest plans during missions, mood maker, likes to argue with Ally, full of swag

Allison Thomas (Ally):

- American
Has an older brother and sister
20, 5'7
"The crew's princess" "Badass"
No powers, but hey, at least she can fight
Team Leader
Her roommates are always overprotective of her, argues with Tbh a lot, is not allowed in the kitchen, likes to rap for no reason, drama queen

Dino Everett:

- Latin-American (Spanish)
Has 7 older brothers, is closest to the oldest one
18, 5'2
"Koo/Cookie" "Inside Softy" "Furry"
Wind control. Natural powers
Backup agent (Soon to be Air-force agent) / Assistant Scientist: Agent Condor
Roommates with Woolf and Oof
Wears glasses, sharp-shooter, acts mean but inside is a soft boy, secretly loves when people hug them, has past trauma, good at cooking, owns 2 bunnies as a pet, the scariest when he glares, cutie, everyone treats him like a child while he could actually murder them lmao, likes to read novels/online books

Woolfster Serrano:

- German-British
Has an older brother
16, 5'4
"Furry" "Wolf-hybrid-guy-whatever"
Speed. Natural Powers
Backup agent (Soon to be Air-force agent): Agent Jay
Family full of athletes, runs quite fast even without powers, likes to sneak out with Oof, likes Joocie's cooking better than Dino's, never does his homework on time, shy at certain people, has a collection of snowglobes


- American
Only child
16, 5'4
"Dice guy" "Board game champion" "Rubix cube nerd"
Ice. Powers got passed on to him
Engineer agent: Agent Weaver
Nerd, tries to cook but fails anyways, good at engineering and/or building things, loves to collect plushies, best at playing board games, 2nd best fashion clothes

Nadwe Park:

- Thai-American
Older brother is Joocie, Muffin's twin, has an older sister and brother
14, 4'11
"Bat boy"
A Vampire. Got bitten by a bat when he was 12
Tries to act 5 years older than he is, loves monika, plays too much games, doesnt like homework nor does it, is begging Joocie to get a cat, takes Violin lessons

Muffinjuice Park:

- Thai-American
- Older brother is Joocie, Nadwe's twin, has an older sister and brother
14, 4'11
"Baker boy"
Teleportation. Found a gemstone in a cave
Is learning how to bake, takes Piano lessons, loves to watch Joocie cook, helps Nadwe when he gets bullied, sometimes does Nadwe's homework


Fatmemegod Goel:

- Indian-American
Only child
16, 5'6
"Fake doctor"
Laughs like a hyena, has a fake medical degree, "You're adopted", sometimes good at fighting, flirting master

Blaza Powell:

- European (Netherlandian)
Only child
19, 5'11
"Banana man" "Monkey man"
Has the best jokes, the one who saves Memegod from getting his ass kicked, is better at fighting than Meme, likes to flex that he's taller

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