Flashback (Rewrite)

24 6 17

Rewritten on 9/6/2023

After getting back from the mission, I decided to go for a stroll outside. "I'm pretty sure Laff and Socks would have been back by now.." I reasoned with myself, "Probably, unless they stopped for something." Joocie said, "They wouldn't act in such a way, right?" I remarked, "Oh, you don't know Socks. He always finds a way to convince someone to let him do what he wants" He laughed, "Plus, Laff's his best friend and partner. Nothing can be done, honestly."

"That does sound like Socks" We laughed until I heard something from afar. "Do you hear something?" I asked, "I do hear yelling." Juice replied, I tried to get a precise sentence from the yelling, " 'Faster, Laff!' ?" "Wait, THATS SOCKS!" Joocie gestured at what he noticed. We could see that Socks and Laff were being followed, but since they passed us, we assumed they were clueless about us. "How should we help them?" Joocie panicked, "Okay, maybe we should tell Tbvg!" I proposed

"Tbvg!" We said as we dashed inside. He was directly in front of us, "WHAT?!" he exclaimed sarcastically. "WE NEED TO HELP SOCKS!", "What do you mean?", "Look at surveillance camera 5", Tbvg sighed and went to the security monitor, changing it to camera 5. "OK, now reverse like a few seconds ago," I said. He reversed the security footage to a few minutes before Joocie and I came in; the camera showed Laff and Socks passing through the HQ in disguise without even noticing us. "So you're saying someone is chasing them?"

I sarcastically said, "Oh, not at all; we're talking about how they love to run without a reason." "End the sarcasm, Woolf; we have to help them," and "We need to make sure that-" Joocie paused; he spotted something. "Wait, bring the car closer." Tbvg zoomed in on the car that is going after them, and I read, "L. J. Company," thinking, "Perhaps Laff knows?" Joocie proposed

"Well, he can't help us right now because he's being hunted by god knows who!" "Calm down, Woolf; everything is in disguise for a reason." Tbvg activated a switch. Two big machine guns rose from the ground, which opened two holes on the opposite sides of the house, shooting the truck, which led to it riding away as Laff and Socks finally noticed their house. Their faces described how glad they were when we saved them


The two arrived at their houses mini-parking spot, a.k.a. the underground garage they had. "ARE YOU OKAY, GUYS?!" Joocie inquired, and Socks passed out immediately after getting off his skateboard. "Whatever happened to him?" Laff was equally worn out when Joocie asked the question, "Yeah, uh, funny story.. It's a long story, actually," he responded slowly. "But I'd say he might not wake up for a while." He continued "We're both exhausted, mainly as a consequence of his."

"Summarize it up," I suggested. "Uh, cockroach, building, fucking bathroom, and the earpiece is broken." All of us were puzzled, but we had to put off asking questions since Laff was worn out and Socks passed out.

A few hours before...

Socks was the first to arrive at the abandoned building before Laff, saying, "You're finally here." Socks grumbled. "Well, it wasn't my fault that your skateboard is faster," Laff commented. They attempted to get inside the building but found it locked. The door is blocked, "Damn it." Socks murmured, "The windows are also sealed." Laff added, "If you and I attempt to break down the door—" "You kidding? What if someone hears it, huh? Are you going to fight all of them? Cause I aint helping you," Laff responded.

"Is there another option? Cause I'd love to hear it!" Socks stated sarcastically. He eventually kicked down the door, saying, "So, which floor was it again?" "The 15th floor," Laff replied, and they proceeded to the stairs and carefully ascended. Tbvg bellowed, "ARE YOU GUYS THERE?!", SHHHHHH!" Socks half yelled half murmured, "What the hell was that Tbvg?!"

"Shit, your mics keep turning themselves on and off, you may need to take them off; it could mean a glitch," Tbvg said. "How are we supposed to communicate with you?" Socks inquired. "Ah, y'all are highly trained agents; you'd know what to do without me. Only contact if there is an emergency.". Socks and Laff took out their earpieces and placed them inside their pockets to make sure they didn't forget to bring them back home

They reached the 15th floor and noticed no one, so they searched the rooms. "Room 1 is clear," Socks told his partner, "as are 2, 3, 4, and 5." Laff responded, "How the hell did you inspect that fast?!" Socks yelled but lowered his voice.

Socks was about to investigate the final room when he overheard noises inside and indicated to Laff that they were there. Socks was ready to strike down the door, so he counted down "3, 2, 1" and kicked it down. They did the classic act of fighting and not turning back.

About 30 minutes later...

The two dragged the bodies out of the room and dumped them outside, then returned to release the teenagers from the ropes. "Are you fine?" Laff replied to the teenagers, "We're fine, thank you." "All right, now you go downstairs, where a few officers are waiting for you; they'll bring you back home."

Socks and Laff had gotten out of the room and reached level 20. "Alright, I need to pee-" Socks stated out of nowhere. " WHAT?! NOW?!" Laff shouted, "NO, 5 MINUTES AGO!" They dashed to the nearest filthy bathroom.

While Socks was in the bathroom, Laff mumbled, "God dammit, Socks.". Socks got out of the bathroom after a while. "OK, I've got to be honest right now; it isn't that bad," he finally said. Socks noted the fact that Laff was staring at him strangely. "What's wrong?" "I'm not sure what you're going to do, but there's a small cockroach on your shoulder." Laff chuckled. "WHAT?!" Socks fled when the cockroach pursued him; he is, as you can tell, terrified of insects.

"AAAAAAAH, LEAVE ME ALONE, PLEASE!" Socks yelled as he ran away. "You're the oldest yet afraid of cockroaches, the fuck?" Laff sighed, running away to chase him so he doesn't become a lost puppy. Socks was still screaming for help, yet Laff didn't bother, but instead was worried about if anyone could hear them. "LAFF, PLEASE KILL IT!" "WELL, IF I DO, THEN YOU WOULDN'T BE BRAVE ENOUGH TO KILL IT ON YOUR OWN WHEN I'M NOT THERE"

"SLOW DOWN SOCKS!" Laff said, "HOW THE FUCK AM I SUPPOSED TO SLOW DOWN? I'M BEING CHASED BY A FREAKIN BUG!" Socks clarified. " ALTHOUGH I'D BE HAPPY TO SLOW DOWN IF YOU KILL IT," Socks quipped. Socks just sprinted wherever his leg took him, meaning Laff had no theory of where he was going. "Fuck, screw it," Laff said, turning on his earpiece. "Tbvg, are you there?!" He yelled, but no one answered, so he called him again, but no one answered. " Shit!" He yelled and proceeded to follow Socks.

They managed to run to the building's top level, level 50. Socks had not realized the cockroach had fallen on the floor and was running to the edge when Laff grabbed his sweatshirt and pulled him backward. "Do you want to die?" Laff panted, still tired from chasing him for about 30 levels

Suddenly, they heard footsteps coming up, and more people surrounded them. "I'm putting all of the blame on you." Laff complained, "How about we think about that later?" They kept backing up as the people kept moving forward. "I guess there's only one thing left to do," Laff said before grabbing Socks' arm and jumping off the building. Socks yelled out of fear, thinking they'd land on the ground and probably break their bones until Laff shot out a grappling hook to a tree and hooked themselves there

Socks was holding Laff as if his life depended on it, which was sort of true. "I'm going to kill you the next time you drag me again," Socks complained. "Do you want me to let go of you?" Laff threatened playfully, and Socks immediately tightened his hold around Laff, shaking his head

Laff lowered the hook so they could jump down safely. "Shit, we're caught." They saw people running after them, "Come on!" Laff pulled Socks to run to their vehicles. "Why did we even park so far?!" Socks complained once they got to their vehicle, even though it appears that there is another issue that has to be solved

"Is your earpiece working?" Laff questioned him, and Socks shook his head. "I think we'll have to handle this situation ourselves." Laff got in his car and started the engine, "Oh shit" Socks swore. "What's wrong?" "The engine got shot." He groaned, "Damnit Socks." Laff sighed, "Fucking hell, just grab the back of the car." Laff stepped on the pedal. After Socks had processed what he said, he held the back of Laff's car.

"WHERE ARE WE GOING?!? "Socks yelled, "HQ!" "BUT WHAT IF THEY FIND OUT WHERE WE LIVE??" Socks pointed out, Laff thought about it first but just went with the plan.


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