L.J. Company (Rewritten)

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Rewritten on 26/8/2023

(2 A.M)

(Tbvg asked Woolf to go back home a few hours ago since he had school tomorrow.)

"They'll wake up any second now, I'd say." Tbvg, who was sitting on his chair, claimed. Juice, who was behind him, doubted, saying, "I don't know, dude. Socks would probably sleep through it. If anything, I think we'll get answers from Laff".

"Morning, guys.." Socks entered the room and approached them. "Morning? Fuck yeah, it's 2 in the morning." Tbvg scoffed as he rolled his eyes. "Tb, they just got back from the mission. Calm down..." Joocie sighed and put one of his hands on Tbvg's shoulder, "Wait, then how did I—" Ally interrupted Socks, "You fainted right after you got back." She explained.
"Oh... How long have I passed out?" "About a few... hours?" Ally answered, "So, mind explaining what happened?" She continued. "Not much? Wait, Laff didn't say anything about cockroaches, did he?" Socks reassured, "Actually, he did." "I swear in my life it had nothing to do with me!"

"And what? You're going to blame me for it?" Laff came after a while, rolling his eyes at Socks. "Yeah, because it could have still been a stealth mission if you had killed it for me!" Socks yelled at Laff, "Okay before you guys argue, how about an explanation?" Joocie requested. Socks and Laff looked at each other before taking a deep breath to explain.

(A few minutes after explaining)

"I think that's all.." Socks yawned, "So the stealth mission was ruined by... A cockroach that was chasing Socks 30 levels above?" Tbvg raised an eyebrow. "Hey, hey! It was a flying one!" Socks tried to prove his point. "Uhuh, whatever makes you sleep at night." Ally crossed her arms. "Other than that, did you guys find anything to know who they were?" She continued, "We did find a logo or something that may help." Laff took out his phone and showed a picture.
"It does seem to look familiar." They thought about it until they remembered a previous incident...



Woolf sarcastically said, "Oh, not at all; we're talking about how they love to run without a reason." "End the sarcasm, Woolf; we have to help them," Joocie said, "We need to make sure that-" he paused; he spotted something. "Wait, bring the car closer." Tbvg zoomed in on the car that was going after them, and I read, "L. J. Company," thinking, "Perhaps Laff knows?" Joocie proposed. "Well, he can't help us right now because he's being hunted by god knows who!"


Tbvg realized how familiar the logo was, "I think we've seen that logo somewhere; follow me." He got up and walked to the security room as the others followed behind. He yet again went to camera 5 and reversed it a few hours before, while Socks and Laff were being chased, then zoomed into the logo they saw on the truck that was chasing them. "Looks familiar?" He showed them "The 'L.J. Company'. Well, who would have not guessed?" Socks said and everyone looked at him, "Mind explaining?".
"Well, about 8 months ago, an enterprise called 'L.J. Company' had to be shut down because they were caught stealing Uranium and Plutonium to make a nuclear bomb. Other than that, after an office inspection, the government also found out they were stealing chemical research, which they also named 'Project StayArmy' or 'Star' '" Socks explained.

(If you get the reference, you're my bestie now.)

"But it managed to get back up because they managed to prove themselves better after creating an 'EverGreen' project, which was supposed to cover them to be proven good. After SAEA heard the news, they did their best to shut it back down, but there wasn't any 'actual proof' " Socks posed his hands to make a quote. All of them looked at him surprisingly, "I'm... impressed that you did research about it." Laff complimented

After a short discussion, an alarm went off, and it came from Joocie's phone. He took his phone out of his pocket and looked at it, saying, "Oh, it's just Nadwe trying to sneak out. I've gotta go, guys." "You can go, Juice. We need to take a break too. Come on, we need to sleep, guys. Although Socks, the prisoners are trying to escape, go handle them." Ally ordered, "Ugh, fine." Socks groaned.
As the others went upstairs to their bedrooms and Juice left, Socks went to the training course to handle the captured ones.

"No escape, my body went numb I, can't feel my fingers.." He sang in his head, "Trapped, you got me wrapped up, around your fingers~" He continued. He sang until he arrived at the training course, seeing Blaza tied up to the railing, "Alright, where's Meme?" Socks yawned.

As he yawned, Meme jumped and tackled him from behind, but it was expected, so when he jumped, Socks caught him and held him by the collar of his onesie without turning around. "Did you really think an agent like me would fall for a simple trick like this? This is the first basic surprise attack move that I think everyone was taught." Socks turned around with a smirk on his face.
Memegod realizes his mistake but doesn't show it on his face; instead, he has a cocky look to replace his fear. Socks rolls his eyes and harshly lets him go by slightly pushing him, and then he goes behind Blaza to uncuff him. "Follow me," Socks ordered and walked away, "Or don't if you want to die." The two looked at each other and ran to follow him.

"You know, you guys are quite lucky to be one of our prisoners. Most of them were killed when they were found, or even worse, brought to prison to be interrogated." Socks chuckled. "And why is being brought to prison worse?" Blaza asks, "Would you like to find out how they interrogate people when we're the ones who caught them?" Socks looked slightly over his shoulder in a trial to scare them, and it did work since they shook their heads fast after that.

"Exactly" They arrived in a spare guest room. Socks then pushed the two inside the room, "Jeez, no need to be so harsh," Meme complained. "You'll be staying here until tomorrow. And tomorrow, wish yourselves good luck since we'll be deciding what to do with both of you." Socks warned, he then slammed the door shut and locked it from the outside, which left the duo with lots of questions. 

(The song that Socks sang was 'Venom' by Straykids, just so i dont get attacked for stealing it or smth idk im afraid here) 

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