Threatened (Rewritten)

16 3 7

(Rewritten on 4/9/2023)

2:30 PM

"And why did we have to stop for Starbucks?" Woolf looked at the older ones with a confused face. "Well, because we could." Socks answered, sipping his caramel macchiato. "But why couldn't I get anything?" Woolf sulked, crossing his arms against his chest. Laff sighed, "Dino—" "I'm not dealing with his shit either, alright?" Dino rolled his eyes in response to Laff asking him to talk to Woolf about how he couldn't buy anything.

"Well, this is unfair!" Woolf yelled, still sulking. "Shut the fuck up and throw that tantrum away before I throw you away from this car." Dino threatened to hit Woolf with his elbow, making Woolf flinch. "Both of you slow down. If you'd like to catch them when they run away after they wake up, be my guest." Laff sarcastically said, glaring at the two at the back through the rearview mirror.

The two groaned, then went back to looking outside through the window. They arrived at their house as Laff parked the car in their garage and said, "Okay, we're here.". Socks then got out of the car and shut the door; the same goes for Laff and Dino. But when Woolf wanted to go out, Laff locked the door so he was stuck there. Trying to open the door, he knocked on the window and yelled, "GUYS?!". "Get the boys out," Laff ordered Socks and Dino, then they ran to the trunk to open it, grab the assassins, and shut it closed. After putting their hands behind their backs, they handcuffed the assassin's hands.

"Okay, Dino, you bring Woolf back to your house. We'll bring the boys into the base." Laff continued, "Sure, but I'll need the keys." Laff then threw the keys at Dino, who caught them and placed his finger inside the ring. "Thanks." He unlocked the car and went in, instantly shutting the door and going back out. "Don't murder anyone with that car, Dino! I'm warning you!" Laff shouted, "Eh, he'll be fine; don't worry." Socks mumbled and pouted because he couldn't open the cap of the macchiato. Laff chuckled at his struggles. "Here, let me," He was behind Socks so he wrapped his arms around him and grabbed the bottle from his hands to open it. He quickly opened it and returned it, which made his partner happy as he ate the whipped cream.

Laff looked at him, who was as happy as a child who just got candy, slightly chuckling. "Alright, come on, help me carry them." Laff walked to the two boys and decided to drag Memegod. Socks was following him from behind while dragging Blaza with him.

10 minutes later (In the interrogation room).

Specifically in the room, there were Tbvg, Ally, and Socks. While Dino, Tbh, Laff, and Joocie were outside the room, they looked through the two-way mirror between the two rooms, where they could see the agents inside.

Slowly, the two assassins woke up. "Ah, my head hurts..." Blaza groaned, shaking his head. Once the two notice that they were tied up, they started to panic and looked around, which made them realize that they were captured by the agents yet again. "Ah, speak of the devil," Tbvg said, unamused, as he leaned back on his chair, causing it to bend further back. "Hey!! Welcome back!" Joocie joked from his side of the room in a trial to lighten the mood; it didn't work, so he sat back down quietly afterward.

"You're probably wondering why you're back here, knowing you've already 'escaped'," Ally said the last words in quotes, using her hands to make quotation marks. "Simply by being a few steps ahead of you, you fell for a simple trick. But in any case, you're our only lead on finding Leo and Black Ruby." Tbvg explained, chuckling at the first sentence. "So we may need to ask a few questions about the team. If you cooperate, then we'll try to treat you in a good way." He continued, getting up from his chair and going outside to the other room.

"Did you think we'd tell you a single shit?" Memegod swore, rolling his eyes. "I'd think again if I were you." Socks crossed his arms against his chest. A few seconds had passed, and Tbvg came in with a device. The assassins weren't easily fooled so they knew it was a lie detector. "I suppose you know how this works, so I won't waste time explaining it." Tbvg took one of the wires and plugged it into his laptop, then strapped something around Memegod's body and clipped a wire on his finger.

(P.S. Their hands are tied up behind a chair so they can't do anything about it.)

"First question, how—" Ally was cut off by the sound of a sniper being shot. Everyone turned their heads simultaneously, looking at Dino. "What?" He looked at all of them with an innocent smile on his face when he realized his mistake. Somehow, with that smile, everyone pretended nothing happened. (A/N: They love Dino being adorable so they let him pass with anything istg) 

"Back to the question: how are you here? How did you know the location of our base?" Ally asked, putting her hands on the table to support her body as she leaned forward. "Like we're telling," Blaza snarled. Socks got tired of the stubbornness and pulled Blaza off of his chair and dragged him outside, "Leave him to me.". Ally went out of the interrogation room while Tbvg continued with Meme. Laff noticed Socks going out and wanted to follow but Ally didn't allow it. "Let's see if he still has his game.".


Socks dragged the assassin out and pushed him to the ground. "I feel like we have a problem here if you won't fucking cooperate with us." Socks pulled out his knife from its sleeve, which was placed beside his jeans. Blaza stood back up and was in a fighting position. "Like we don't already have a problem after you fucking captured us." Blaza snarled, ready to attack the male in front of him. "Oh, I'm sorry, didn't you guys sneak into our base?" Socks scoffed. Before the younger one managed to attack him, the loud sound of a gun was heard, getting him distracted and worried about Memegod. Socks took this as an opportunity and kicked Blaza's leg, making him fall backward. But before he hit the ground, Socks grabbed him by the collar of his hoodie, pulling him slightly up as he was on his hindfoot. "Do anything stupid one more fucking time, and you might just end up like your partner." He said with a threatening tone.

He took the handcuffs from the back of his jeans and put them on him, before getting interrupted by his neighbor. "Socks, dear!" He heard his neighbor call out to him. He panicked and immediately pushed Blaza to the side. "Hey, Ms. Lovela! I haven't seen you in days!" He greeted, waved politely, and smiled. Ms. Lovela walked to him until Socks informed her, "Oh, I suggest not, Miss. I'm pretty sick today; I'm just taking out the trash since it's my turn. Wouldn't want you to fall sick too!" He chuckled. "Ah, I see. Well, just wanted to ask, how are you guys? I'm surprised I haven't smelled anything burning for the past few weeks!" She joked, knowing damn well that they always burn something when someone else besides Tbh cooks.

"Fortunately! We can't afford to buy another fire alarm when that one just gives up after smelling smoke in our house for the tenth time!" Socks joined in, laughing at the thought. "But really, if Tbh's too tired to cook, you can just call me. I'll always have some food for you guys." She sincerely reminded. "Thanks, Ms. Lovela. But we wouldn't want to burden you just because he's too lazy to cook." He scratched his neck, slightly shy about the offer. "It's no big deal. Ah, looks like I have to go now, dear. It was nice having a chat with you!" Ms. Lovela ran back to her house and closed the door. Socks sighed and looked back at Blaza, who was genuinely confused about the situation. "We... don't need to talk about that. Now, let's go."

He reached out his hand to the younger one and pulled him up, dragging him back inside. Once they were back in the interrogation room, Socks pushed him back onto the chair. "Took you long enough." Tbvg rolled his eyes and sat back in his seat properly. "Sorry, it was Ms. Lovela. I had to talk to her; she's the sweetest." Socks playfully pushed his friend's shoulder. "So, what do we have?" He took one of the chairs and sat beside Tbvg. "Well, for one thing, we know who's helping Leo track down all our locations." Socks raised his eyebrow, curious about the answer.

Tbvg smirked and looked back at the two assassins, tilting his head. "You wouldn't mind if you repeated the answer you gave me previously now, would you?" Memegod kept his mouth shut, but not for too long as Socks pulled out one of his knives again and put it under his neck. "An answer and this thing doesn't go inside your neck." He threatened, pushing the knife against his neck. He gasped and looked at Socks, "Wiktoria! She's helping Leo!". Socks scoffed and pulled back his knife, placing it back inside its sheath. "Well, isn't this such a small world?" 

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