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A/N: Hello toadstools! 🍄 (I've decided on nick-naming yall with each update.) What have I done to get this much positive feedback! Like... frick! You guys are so nice, seriously. We're almost at 1K reads and 50 votes, so if you can contribute, please do. Anyways, I've got at least two plots per person planned up, but this chapter will be about both Peter and Tara, and one of these plots (Peter's) is an adaptation of an idea that @VictoriaMay889 gave me! Enjoy, feedback appreciated! 💜

Carter's Perspective (Second Eldest Brother, 24)

I watched as everyone pooled into the dining room, chatting in their small groups or scrolling mindlessly through their phones. Thankfully, it had been a week since one of the rascals had acted out, no pitiful winces were seen as the chairs around our glistening dining table were eagerly filled. A smile brushed my lips as I sat down too, then patiently waited for the noise to dim and everyone to focus. Gazing around the room, I grudgingly noticed that the two youngest members of our family seemed annoyed and restless, attitude blazing, but for the sake of peace on a Saturday, I let the minor infractions pass. As I opened my mouth, Author beat me to the task, smoothly drifting into conversation with the girls and Ethan. Beside me, Peter huffed dejectedly, rolling his eyes at the interaction and scrolling aggressively on his phone. I wanted to nip the problem in the bud, because we all knew that Author handled disrespect like a bull in the arena. "Peter. What's wrong, kiddo?"

"Nothing," he snapped back at me, irritation lacing his words and expression. I spotted my brother's eyes dancing across the phone screen as he read it, eyebrows narrowing and posture slouching. "Just leave me alone."

"Then cut the attitude or tell me the problem, Petes." My voice was firm, but the underlying kindness in it wasn't unnoticeable. Unless you were Peter. He locked his phone grumpily, smashing it on the table and dragging the attention of everyone else towards him. He almost threw a tantrum there and then, but I swiftly interrupted him. "Relax, Peter! We will talk about it after dinner, but first, eat."

"Ok, Carter." Peter knew better than to deny or disobey me directly, and he huffed into his seat, while I turned back to everyone else with a look that sent a clear message. Just in time, the oven sang an impatient ding, calling Ethan and Jemma to stock the pre-laid table with delicious delicacies. As the duo joyously trotted around, placing the steaming chicken and pasta and crisp salad on the table, everyone leapt up in their seat excitedly. We all knew those two were the best cooks in the area. "Thanks Jemma, thanks Ethan."

"Ok guys, don't rush it, try not to choke." Everyone thanked the two chefs, then greedily turned back to the food. Wasn't it the main point? The table resounded in laughter and chatter as everyone began eating, generously serving themselves. Strangely, except for Ethan himself, who was cheerfully avoiding his food. My focus drifted, and I appreciated Peter's mature attempt at being kind, but it was obvious that something was relentlessly bothering him. I knew the wisest choice was to leave it until he was ready. That was what I decided, along with ignoring his sudden addiction to his phone. Sadly, there was enough to distract myself with, as on the other side of me, Tara bluntly refused to eat. She skunked in her chair moodily, pouting at the food and rolling her eyes at any other interaction. God, why are kids so difficult!

Tara's Perspective (Baby Sister, 12)

Seriously, today sucked! And I'm not barely ready to deal with another lecture, but I can't manage to make myself do anything right. My head was spinning, my stomached ached and burned while the only thing every did was talk, talk, talk. I'd rather take another million harsh beatings than be subjected to this hell again. I felt my irritation start to boil under the relatively calm exterior, and as Carter lectured me relentlessly, I just managed to swallow a few bites. The food was delicious, the smells wafting in the room and it even looked like a catalog dish. I just couldn't bear the pain and fatigue. His voice droned in my head, merging with the clatter surrounding me and the heat bubbling within blew out like a volcano. "Can you just shut up, please!"

"Tara. Come here," demanded Carter, biting his lip and he moved so I could stand in front of him. His voice was more concerned than annoyed, yet the order was firm, so I tiredly heaved myself to my feet, stumbling over to Carter. His worry only increased once he saw my feeble state, yet confusion lined his features. It wasn't misplaced, there wasn't anything remotely wrong today. He clutched my arms and examined me hesitantly."Baby, are you ok? Are you sick?"

"I don't know Carter!" The anger didn't bother shimmering down anymore, and all I felt was chaotic confusion, until fury and frustration overwhelmed it. I wrenched myself out of my older brother's grasp, half-heartedly pushing him away. A tantrum pooled onto the tip of my tongue, but apparently all my self control flew out the window, because all that came out of my mouth was screams. "Leave me the hell alone!"

"Tara! Control yourself." Carter's tone firmed, and he grasped my arms, landing a swat on my backside before releasing me with a glare. To everyone's surprise, I burst out in tears as I leapt into his arms. The hit was barely hard, nor his strict grip on my arm, and I felt my older brother desperately try to calm me. "Honey, calm down."

"I'm sorry...." When nothing seemed to be able to console my cacophonous sobs, Carter pulled me of himself and guided me up the staircase gently, and I felt Jemma worriedly follow behind. The two managed to carry a my sobbing mess upstairs before kindly tucking me into bed, taking care to not hurt me trembling limbs. As the world around me blurred into oblivion, I heard my the noise around me soften, and colours blurred into black. In the midst of that chaos, Carter lovingly patted my head, wishing me a hopeful goodnight. Voice breaking, I replied back distractedly. "Goodnight Bubba."

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