|Chapter 9| Escape

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Goddess. Have you forgotten who you are? Here is a reminder. You are the bearer of light, of life. Do you have any idea of your power? Every time your body bends, the universe yields to you. -Lang Leav

The wind blew in her face and the moon was just behind her, Ophelia looked ethereal and pure yet dangerously alluring.

Everyone who looked back at her was shocked and distracted by the beauty of her that they hadn't noticed the silent growls coming from the woods. The distracted people were alerted by the movement of the girl's eyes for them to only widen.

Wolves, they looked somewhat like them at least, were surrounding the yard. They looked vicious and merciless, rogues. Of course, they had come here, it was a perfect opportunity to hunt down the pack and at least try to take control.

The people screamed and ran at the sight of the rogues, women, men, and kids running to a safe exit only leaving the competitors from the ring to fend for themselves. Dominic scoffed at them, cowards.

He was suddenly in front of Ophelia, protecting her from the front, Raven went to her back where other rogues looked expectantly wanting to find the right time to attack. While everything happened Ophelia was confused. Confused about many things. Her new senses, her new appearance, why she had even won, her 'hallucinations', her prior visions when seeing the others.

She needed and wanted answers, but right now she couldn't get them, she had to wait. Maybe waiting would give her answers somehow. Right now she was scared, these wolves weren't anything like the friendly Mr. Bubbles she had met in the forest, they were hungry for something. Blood.

Dominic could see the blood lust in their eyes, they wanted to kill him, along with everyone here. 'Get Ophelia out of here and make sure she's safe, call for backups in the way.' Dominic mind linked to The Chosen, the special unit to leave with her.

Raven, Tyler, and Maddison took her out of the way while the other men and women stayed in the way. Ophelia couldn't help but run as Tyler's hand took her wrist and pulled her away from the yard along with the other 2 women. Even if he was dragging her she didn't want to be useless, she had to fight. She couldn't just leave Dominic there, besides she had already been in contact with wolves before, he maybe didn't know what to do with them there. 

"Let me go! I have to help him!" Ophelia said again, she was now trying to get out of Tyler's hold when Raven took her other wrist trying to make her go with them again. "Ophelia we must go, now!" Maddison said looking back at them. 

Ophelia's tears dropped and reached her cheeks, she felt so wrong leaving, she needed to help him. 

She pulled away quickly and ran to the yard once more, with the others running behind her. But to their dismay she was going so fast she had already reached the yard again. 

Dominic looked back at her as she went in front of him. The other warriors were surprised she had come back, she was in potential danger from the wolves.

"Ophelia step back!" Dominic yelled to her while she just stood in a battle stance trying to protect him somehow. She took a deep breath and looked around the wolves that menacingly were coming closer and closer. She got was undoubtedly scared, even with her previous encounters with wolves, these looked different from the ones she had met.

Ophelia turned back and took Dominic's hands in hers. "Dominic we have to go these wolves- they're dangerous!" She pleads to him holding her hands in his cheeks.  He wiped the stray tears that had been left from when she cried and sighed.

"Don't worry about me, please just go back, I'll come safe and sound to you. For now you must go." He told her nervously, every minute that passed she was more at danger.

One last tear left her eyes and she ran back to the others, Dominic's eyes never leaving her body.

Once he knew she was safe and sound, the pack started to shift and the battle started.

Ophelia felt scared for them, she had to do something, call animal control or the police or the firefighters, but she couldn't just let a bunch of people battle wolves to death. These weren't normal wolves, they are were big. Not that Mr. Bubbles wasn't bigger than them, but he was different, sweet, and special to her, these wanted to kill.

She touched her forehead, the moon was undoubtedly there. Her eyes were probably still golden. She looked crazy, if she were to call someone for help, who would know what they would do to her. Maybe they'd think she's an alien or something, she herself was thinking that honestly.

She reached Tyler and the others, after scolding her for running away, she said sorry in between paranoid sobs, they were looking for her all around but couldn't find her. They got into Tyler's SUV and drove away.

"How did you find us though?" Tyler asked, they weren't around the premises when she found them.

"I followed your smell... your scent. I don't know how but I just did."

They looked at each other baffled, what was going on? First, the incredible strength to fight off a warrior, and now her senses were stronger too?

"Luna, have you taken self-defense classes?"

"Well, yes but that was years ago in L.A, I don't really remember much."

They were silent. This was not normal, not for a small fragile human girl not.

'We have to investigate what's going on, from the moment she started fighting everything has been weird.' Tyler said mind linking them.

They both agreed silently. 'I think we should investigate in the library, even result in ancient history books.' Raven suggested back.

Ophelia started falling asleep, she was exhausted, the fight, the ambuscade, and the danger made her so. She just wanted to go home to her parents, she wasn't even looking forward to college anymore.

The others sighed, what had happened to their Luna would remain a mystery until tonight.

"Oh, and one last thing," Tyler said noticing his childhood friend was finally asleep.

"I call a meeting for The Chosen. We need to talk about this ASAP."

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