Chapter 10

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After removing her accessories, her habits are showing and removed her blazer and dumped it on the big basket that she saw inside the closet. "You don't affect me. I don't get it why people likes you when Irene's definitely better."

Taehyung said and stared at Lisa. Lisa looked back at him and the familiar name played with her mind. "Oh you will be affected in no time." She said and smiled at him. With just her white tube top, skirt, and high socks she probably looks fuckable and she knows it.

"But wait Irene... the model Irene? She's your girlfriend?" Lisa asked and leaned on the glass table.

Taehyung ignored her and stared at his things then to Lisa's things. He sighed at the sight of it.

He's been sighing a lot of times today. And the reason is probably me.

Lisa looked at Taehyung who's clearly stressed with everything. She looked at him apologetically, "Hey.. I'm sorry. I didn't think about the things that will happen after—"

Taehyung glared at her. "You know what! Save it. Get your sorry ass out of my sight." He complained and Lisa did what he told her to. She left him alone in his closet and closed the door.

Lisa didn't even have the time to eat dinner earlier as things went so fast. She walked downstairs and went to his kitchen. She opened the drawers and saw some granola bars. She grabbed one and she unwrapped it. She's probably going to wait for Taehyung to fall asleep first before doing anything.

After finishing the bar, Lisa went upstairs again and went to the bathroom. She grabbed the towel that was stacked on the side of the door. She removed her clothes, from her tube top to her socks. She's now butt naked. She hopped in the shower and adjusted the temperature of the shower.

Lisa hung her towel on the hook inside the shower and check the temperature of the water.

Lisa wanted the water warm. She looked around and saw how her things are knocked down and on the floor. Some of them are completely empty that Lisa had no choice but to use Taehyung's shampoo. It's his fault that Lisa has to use his things.

Lisa washed her body thoroughly and reached for the towel and dried herself with it. She wrapped it around her body and walked towards the sink. She opened the drawers to look for her toothbrush and succeeded in finding it. It was beside Taehyung's. She also grabbed the toothpaste and started brushing her teeth.

After 3 minutes, Lisa rinsed her mouth and went out of the bathroom. She walked in in the walk in closet again and grabbed her most covered lingerie. She didn't expected to be living with someone so suddenly how can you blame her.

Lisa placed the towel she used in the rod she saw inside. She still doesn't know how things work in here so she's just hoping she wouldn't anger Taehyung even more. She took a deep breath before walking out the closet.

Lisa walked to where Taehyung's bedroom is and knocked. She did knock but she didn't waited for Taehyung's response.

Lisa saw Taehyung is half naked wearing his glasses and his laptop on his lap. He's probably talking to his lawyer about the divorced papers. Lisa laughed in her mind. She walked closer to his bed and hopped on it.

"Are you that shameless? What are you even wearing?" Taehyung said as he looked at his so called wife. Lisa however opened the drawers on his side table while answering. "Uh— clothes. What else do you wear?"

Lisa looked for a hairbrush and succeeded in finding one. She closed the drawers and started brushing her long hair. She walked near the glass window and watched how the city in here works.

They live in a different city so Lisa is unfamiliar with a lot of things. Taehyung just watched Lisa who's making herself too comfortable in his house. He grabbed a pillow and threw it straight to Lisa's head.

"What the fuck!" Lisa yelled when the pillow hit her head and turned her body on Taehyung. She grabbed the pillow and threw it back but he sadly caught it.

"Get out.." Taehyung said and Lisa returned the brush she used in the drawer. She ignored Taehyung and hopped on the bed. She moved the comforter and went under it. The least thing she expected is kiss the floor.

Taehyung kicked her out of the bed with no mercy. Lisa slapped her face on the floor. "You fucker!"

"I have a girlfriend. It's wrong to have another girl on the bed beside me." Taehyung said and Lisa heard him type on his laptop.

"Oh baby, let me sleep for tonight and I'll get the divorce papers myself tomorrow!" Lisa said and hopped on the bed again. She made use of the other pillow and used it as a barrier.

Taehyung finally smiled for the first time today when he heard what Lisa said.

"Okay then." Taehyung said and was controlling himself not to throw Lisa out of the window.

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