Chapter 25

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"You in the office, Love?" Lisa asked Taehyung who are currently talking in their respective phones. 

"Uh- Where else would I be?" Taehyung stated the obvious and that earned a scoff from Lisa that he heard. 

"I'm  leaving now, Love. Ugh! Another two hour drive for me... How fun this is!" Lisa sarcastically said to her husband who have no choice but to turn her rants into something good. 

"It's not like I'm asking you to do this, Lisa." Taehyung said and suggested that Lisa doesn't have to do this everyday, well- of course, he doesn't want that to happen but you know? Trying to be considerate knowing Lisa wouldn't follow his words. 

At least he tried, I guess?

"A simple thank you would do you fucking jerk. Yes, you didn't ask me but I'm like out here keeping our marriage alive." Lisa boasted and now Lisa's the one who earned a scoff from Taehyung. 

"Who's providing a house to live on?" Taehyung tried to insert himself and Lisa just laughed at him sarcastically.

Taehyung even heard her mumbling on the other line, I can even buy you a hacienda if that's what you want. That's what Lisa mumbled. 

Taehyung also heard Lisa shutting the door of her car, a sign that she's leaving her work to see him. He smiled at the thought of her barging in his office like what she does everyday. 

"I'm in the car now. Imma hang up, love. See ya—" "No—Wait!" Taehyung sort of yelled to stop Lisa from doing what she was supposed to do, hanging up the phone call. 

"Stay.." Taehyung mumbled. It was so low that Lisa didn't get a hold of what he just said. 

"Huh, baby?" Lisa asked Taehyung and he have no idea how to repeat the words he just muttered. 

"Damn you.." Taehyung mumbled to himself but it certainly did not come off like that to Lisa. He can feel her eyebrow rising and her one hand travelling to her waist, and placing all her weight on one side. 

"What the fuck?! I was asking nicely, mister!" Lisa scolded Taehyung and wore her seatbelt. After all that, of course she's still going to see him. 

"Oh God. It's not— I'm sorry. I didn't mean it for you.." Taehyung tried to explain himself and apologized a lot of times before Lisa asking him about what he said earlier.

"So what is it?" Lisa asked for the second time and she heard him cleared his throat. Is it so important that he had to clear his throat?

"Don't end the call," Taehyung gathered all his confidence and hoped for the best. He's bracing herself from all the chuckles and teasing from Lisa but he did not heard any. Instead she smiled. He felt her smile and heard the sweetest and calming voice on earth. 

"Hmm, why?" Lisa sweetly asked and waited for Taehyung's response. As she's waiting, she connected the call to her car and started her engine. She waited for him to talk and for her engine to heat up. 

"Nothing... Just don't end it." Taehyung finally said what had to be said. 

"Okay..." Lisa mumbled that single word more sweetly than before.

Lisa started driving away. She drove and he listened in silence. 

"Baby.." Lisa broke the silence as she entered the highway. 

"Hmm?" Taehyung hummed as response and Lisa heard the flicking of the papers on the other side. 

"Busy?" Lisa asked and relaxed herself on the car seat. 

"Sort of, why?" Taehyung asked on the other line and she smiled. His voice is really deep whenever he's on the phone. Very easy to sleep on while listening. 

"Hmm.." Lisa pursed her lips and pouted her lips. "Planned something with Irene?" She asked and drove safely just like what he said earlier.

"I did..." Taehyung answered and went back to his papers. Lisa didn't say anything after that cause there's nothing to say?

They both did their own thing with each others presence. Lisa hummed as she's stuck in traffic and sang a few lines which is surprisingly good, that Taehyung briefly stopped what he's doing and listened to her calming voice.

Taehyung lost it when Lisa sang all the possible disney songs. He especially liked the Tangled one. It suits her. 

Taehyung was attentively listening to Lisa but was startled when she cursed. "Shit.." She mumbled and loud noises were heard on the other line.

"Uh- Babe! Hey, Imma end this call real quick- and- uh-" Lisa's stumbling with her words and that made Taehyung worry about her. "Bye, don't worry!-" The call ended so fast that Taehyung didn't even had the chance to ask what was going on.

Taehyung's about to call Lisa again when her voice echoed in his head. She said don't worry so I shouldn't, right?

Yea- maybe I shoul- Dang it!

Taehyung sent her a message before he can even process his actions. 'Everything okay?' That's what his text is.

Taehyung waited for a couple of minutes and didn't earn a single reply from her. Not even a notification that she read it. He sighed and went back to his work.

Taehyung buried himself with all the paper works of the company. Signed all the things that was needed to be signed. Read all the papers that was needed to be read. Literally everything just to clear Lisa out in his mind.

Taehyung anxiously turned his head on his office door when someone knocked and peeked inside. It was his secretary.

"Still nothing?"

"Not a single sight, Sir." Miss Jung said and bowed before closing his door.

Taehyung slumped his head on his table and looked at Lisa's side on his table. He's been asking an update about Lisa entering his company and not a single strand of her hair was found.

That fucking call!

Taehyung ruffled his own hair and bit his bottom lip. He looked at his watch and saw how late Lisa is. It's been hours since that call and she's supposed to be here 11-ish but no! She's nowhere to be found!

Taehyung flooded her with messages asking for an update but nothing was returned.

Taehyung dialed the security's office and announced something. "Check every damn parking lot and CCTV in this building. You see a black BMW with a black haired lady inside, notify me right away!" He can't help but raise his voice.

Taehyung didn't remove his eyes from his watch and watched it's arm tick every damn second. And watching the time pass by with Lisa, still not in sight. It's killing him.

He's so close in calling the police and asking for a search and rescue operation but he knows its ridiculous, he knows that it's ridiculous but that didn't stop him from dialing the station's office.

One more number and he was done but his secretary barged into his office with her laptop on her hand. He stopped what ever he's doing and listened at the live news.

Taehyung's heart dropped when he saw a familiar car on the background. That was enough for Taehyung to start walking out of his office.

Walking with long strides, he pressed the elevator button and it immediately opened. He gulped and composed himself. He let himself wear his straight face that everyone is so familiar with.

Miss Jung on the other hand, saw the news earlier and immediately took action.

"Prepare the presidents car!" She instructed in the call. She dialed another number and turns out it was all the speakers in the building.

"An emergency, by any means, please do not use the elevator. Again, please do not use the elevator... not until you can see the president walking out of the building. If not, please do not use the elevator." Miss Jung announced for the last time before grabbing her laptop and showing it to Taehyung.

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