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4 days later

"yeah were going home colin" i slowly buckled him in the car seat. "your as cute as your daddy hmm. you have his lips and hair. you got my eyes and my nose" i smiled stroking the small baby's cheek. "im so lucky i had your daddy with me. i would have given up you know" i smiled.  "you both ready?" marcus walked in with 2 hot drinks. "i believe so" i smiled. marcus put down the two drinks and smiled grabbing my hips and pulling me towards him. "you dont know how much i love you" he whispered. "im sure i do" i smiled. "no you dont" he slowly got down on one knee. "marcus what are you doing?" i gasped. he laughed and chuckled taking out a box of his hoodie. "alexis, the first time i saw you i knew we had a future together, from as little as 13 years old. you helped me through poor mental health and physical health, injury's and bad days and your the reason my good days are good. the unforgettable memories of walks and picnics  and your favorite go karting. alexis you are the reason i do what i do and without you i wouldn't be able cause you make me the man i am. Alexis khai grace o'conner, will you marry me?" he asked. "ye-yes" i smiled, he chuckled sliding the diamond ring on my finger before carefully picking me up and kissing me. "i love you" i smiled kissing him one more time. "i love you" he smiled at me 

"alright buddy this is your home now" marcus gently unbuckled him. "this is the living room. you've got your toys and the tv" i smiled. "kitchen and thts boring. i think we should see your room" i smiled. "here hold him" marcus handed me colin. "this is your room. me and daddy did it"  i smiled. i sat down on the rocking chair

 i sat down on the rocking chair

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alexiso'conner: he's here. <3

marcusrashford: god i love you
meleanierashford: my babies. proud of you marcus and lucia <3
???: lucia?!?!
???: wait what?
???: congratulations!!!
marcusrashford: alexis mum.
danerashford: congratulations little bro and alexis!!
dwainerashford: hes beautiful
briano'conner: awhhhh...congratulations to the both of you!!!

marcusrashford: my precious baby and loml💕😍

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marcusrashford: my precious baby and loml💕😍

Jesselingard:awhhhhh congratulations mate
Jadonsancho:uncle sancho💪
Jacko'conner: congratulations 🥺
500,527 more

"alright you missy, you need to sleep" marcus put colin down in his cot. "but-" "he will be fine. theres a camera there and a baby moniter" he smiled. "alright" i mumbled. "only if my fiance sleeps with me" i smirked. "as if i wouldn't" he chuckled putting his hand on my lower back as we went to our room. 

"i love you" i mumbled into his chest. "i love you" he smiled kissing my forehead

forever♾️ Marcus.RashfordWhere stories live. Discover now