Chapter 1

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(First, art is mine. Second, if u know me irl you don't. Third, don't ask why I'm writing this cuz not even I know. Fourth, in all the high school six fan fics I've read Cathy is always the 'new kid' so I switched that up a bit)

Jane's pov-

As I walk into the school building everyone starts whispering to one another. Then a girl comes up to me.
"What's your next class?" She asked me. I replied with,
"English, why." I didn't know this girl and I didn't really want to get to know her.

The girl was wearing blue jeans and a green hoodie. Her hair was in space buns.

"Oh cool, mines English too. Come I'll introduce you to everyone." The girl then grabbed my wrist and dragged me through the large crowds of pupils.

We ended up in a room that had 'English room 16' on a sign above it. Thank god this was the right room. I walk in and she takes me over to a group of 4 more girls. One in particular catches my eye.

"Girls, this is..." The girl stared at me blankly. She didn't even know my name.
"J-Jane" I stutter and the other girls waved and said hello. The girl who caught my eye introduced herself first.
"Hey I'm Catherine Parr. People call me Cathy for short though." She smiled at me and I could feel my cheeks getting red.

The girl who dragged me here was next.
"I'm Anne." She says and plops a sweet in her mouth.

A girl with a ponytail spoke up.
"I'm Katherine Howard, call me Kat or Kitty for short, this is my.... Friend... Anna" Kat pointed to a girl with short hair.
"Hey" Anna smiled.

"Oh yeah and that's Catherine." Cathy says and points towards a girl on her phone. Cathy turns her head to face me.
"So what are you doing? You must have caught Anne's attention if she dragged you here." Cathy asks me and I can feel myself blushing.
"W-well I was j-just walking and she kinda r-ran up to me and brought me h-here." I say. I don't know why I'm so stuttery. That one girl, I think it's her. She's so undeniably pretty.

I realise I'm staring into space when Cathy prods my shoulder. I blush and she giggles.
"I though you died." She said and I felt hot. Like I was sweating.

The teacher walks into the classroom and begins teaching. I raise my hand.
"P-please can I u-use the bathroom." I can feel everyone staring at me.
"Cathy, take her to the bathroom will you?" The teacher asks and she nods.

I'm walking to the bathroom with Cathy.
"Why did he make you come with me?" I asked.
"In case you don't know the way to the bathroom." she said, "Why, don't you like me?" She asked and I could tell she was feeling hurt.
"No silly." I reply and I pat her back, "I was just wondering. I like you, you seem like a nice person."

~Time skip to after English~

Still Jane's pov-

Me and Cathy had exchanged phone numbers in the bathroom and took a few selfies together. She's so amazing, I've fallen hard for her. Can't wait till I get my heart shattered.

We arranged to meet up at the park by school on Saturday as it was Friday today. She's so sweet. I really am in love with her.

Cathy's pov-

It was lunch time and I had gone to sit with the other girls including Jane.  After 10 minutes Anne drags me to the bathroom.
"What Anne?" I ask her and she giggles.
"You've fallen for her haven't you." She says and I can feel my face turning red. She giggles again, I'm assuming she noticed.
"F-for who?" I ask and Anne rolls her eyes.
"Jane you idiot, she might not be gay, we've literally just met her today." Anne says and starts laughing. I punch her jokingly on the arm.
"One, I HAVE NOT. Two, why would it matter if I have and THREE, she is definitely gay. No question about it." I say and Anne bursts out into even more laughter.
"Bet ya £50 she's straight." Anne says and I agree.

I walk back to the lunchroom with Anne.
"Hey Jane..."I begin.
"What's your sexuality?" Anne says and holds her hand out in front of me.
"ANNE, YOU CAN'T JUST SAY THAT." I hear Anna shout.
"It's fine, I'm a lesbian." Jane says. I smirk and hold my hand out in front of Anne.
"For fucks sake, that's 100 quid I've lost this week." She says and hands me the £50.
"Why?" Jane asks and I give Anne a death stare.
"Basically-"Anne begins.
"THANK YOU...Anne." I say, "There was no reason, just wondering. No-one here is straight." If looks could kill then we'd have Anne on the floor.

After lunch I walk to my next lesson. With Anne and Jane. Great. Our next lesson was biology. Anne always gags when we do anything that isn't to do with a piece of paper. Sometimes even things that are to do with paper, so I normally have to wait outside the classroom for her to stop almost vomiting. She actually did this one time and I had to take her to the nurses office and let me tell you that was NOT a pleasant experience. Anyways I was walking with Jane and Anne up the stairs when Anne stopped randomly.

"Anne, what are you doing?" I ask her. Then I remember what we were told last week.

(Lol there's load of words here, 924 to be exact)

idk why I'm writing this (Parrmour) - (discontinued) Where stories live. Discover now