Chapter 5

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Cathy's pov-

Jane clasps her hand over her mouth and I pull the bin up. She vomits into it, crying and shaking. Jane has Emetophobia. (the fear of vomit. Which fun fact I HAVE!!!! It's not fun, whenever someone vomits I cry and have to cover my ears. Help.)

I pull Jane's hair back from her face and whisper sweet nothings into her ear to calm her down. Her  breathing is rapid and shaky.
"Janey, match my breathing babs." I tell her and I start slowly breathing in and out. She tries to copy and after a minute or so her breathing matches mine.

"Th-Thank you." She says and curls up onto my lap. I kiss her forehead and allow her to relax. Eventually she falls asleep and I tuck her into bed.

I don't actually have a fever, I just told the school so I could stay off with Jane. I sit on my phone and scroll through Instagram.

"N-No.... I'm sorry.. Come back..." Jane then whines. She must be having a bad dream. I see a tear fall down her face. I gently shake her awake and she cuddles into me, crying.
"Did you have a nightmare?" I ask and she nods, whimpering. I stroke her head and place a kiss to her cheek. She nuzzled her head into my chest, sobs escaping her tightly closed lips.

"Shh. Hun, what was it about?" I aks softly. Jane shudders and wraps up into a ball.
"Y-You left me... I can't remeber why but you did. An-and I-.... Please don't." she cries and I hold her a little bit tighter.
"I'm not going anywhere hun." I say and Jane nods and sighs a sigh of relief.

I wake up with Jane's head on my chest. We must've fallen asleep cuddling. I smile down at the sleeping cutie and plant a kiss to her forehead. She sturs a little and let's out a sigh, staying asleep. I want to move but I physically can't, I don't want to wake Jane up because she needs sleep. I try to slip Jane off me but she woke up.

"Wh-What are you doing?" She asks shakily.
"Sorry hun, didn't mean to wake you. I'm just getting you some lemon and honey tea because that helps sore throats." I say and she nods, closing her eyes once more. I walk downstairs and prepare the tea for Jane. Jane comes downstairs halfway through me making her tea.
"Hey bubba." I say and wrap my arms around her waist. She groans and I kiss her forehead, "Tea'll be done in a few minutes." I tell her and she nods, stumbling over to the sofa and turning the TV on.

When Jane's tea is prepared, I bring it to her and place it on the coffee table. I sit next to her and she lays down with her head in my lap. I smile at the girl in my care and she gives me a weak smile back. She sits up to drink her tea but lays her head on my shoulder.
"Feel any better?" I aks her and she nods.
"A little. I don't feel sick anymore." she says and I smile. That's good, I don't like it when Jane gets sick.

Me and Jane sit on the sofa for the rest of the day, watching YouTube.

For dinner me and Jane have sandwiches and Jane takes a few bites of hers before saying she's full. I finish mine and finish off hers. I lead Jane up the stairs to my bedroom so I can cuddle her. I bring her tea for her, which she says is actually helping.

We doze off to sleep, me kissing Jane's forehead before closing my eyes for the final time that day.

idk why I'm writing this (Parrmour) - (discontinued) Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum