Chapter 2

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(Art creds me)

Anne's pov-

I stopped because I remember what we were told last week.
"Oh god no" I hear Cathy say.
"What is going on?" Jane asked concerned.
"Let me tell you this in the most simple form. Anne is squeamish and last week Mr Franks, the science teacher, told us we would be dissecting frogs today." Cathy says and I gag.
"Shit" Cathy says again. I sit down on the step in between Jane and Cathy.
"You alright?" Jane asks me and I nod and get up again, with help from Cathy.

We continue to make our way to the classroom. Jane and Cathy are flirting, well they're talking but it sounds like flirting to me. As we near the classroom Cathy grabs a hold of my hand. 
"Anne." Cathy whispers and I shake my head. We sit in our seats, Jane is put next to Cathy and I'm sat next to the door. The teacher brings the frogs out and I run out the room.

Jane's pov-

"Cathy and Jane please may you go see to Anne?" The teacher asks rolling his eyes.  I follow Cathy where we see Anne sat in a corner violently drinking water.
"Anne, slow down." Cathy walks over to Anne and takes the water off her.
"No, Cathy, I don't feel well please." Anne begged. Cathy wouldn't give in. I sit myself next to Anne and stroke her back.

~Time Skip~

So what happened after that, Anne got taken to the nurses office. Then home. So that was my first experience with science. Can't say it was that bad.........ok it was pretty bad. Anyways, I'm walking home from school when I get a text from Cathy.

CathysGoldstar: Hey, are we still meeting up tmrw?

HeartOf_Stone: Ofc we are.

CathysGoldstar: Kk, can I add u to a chat with all of the others?

HeartOf_Stone: Ye

I got a notification that read 'CathysGoldstar added you to: GaY BiTcHeS'

I chuckle to myself, that name must have been Anne.

CathysGoldstar: I added Jane.

Get_TheFdown: Hey.

Allyou_WannaDo: Hai

Green_SleevesBish: What up.  

No_Waymate: Hi

I turn my phone off as I've gotten to my house by now. I jumped onto my bed and started scrolling through Instagram.

Cathy's pov-

Ugh I can't stop thinking about Jane, she was so pretty. She had a nice voice, she was EVERYTHING. I can't stop thinking about tomorrow  as we're going to the park. She's amazing, smart as well. 

I lie on my bed wondering what the heck I'm supposed to do as I can't write, I have writers block and Jane isn't helping. I never got her last name. I should probably ask.

I message her:

CathysGoldstar: Hey Jane, I realised I didn't get your last name.

HeartOf_Stone: Oh that's ok lol, It's Seymour.

CathysGoldstar: Kk ty.

I end the conversation. Seymour....Jane Seymour...

Well, Jane Seymour seems to be taking up my mind right now. I can't stop thinking about her face, oh my gosh she is so pretty. Sooooo pretty. I try writing about how I feel but I can't put it in words. My mind is racing so I don't even realise the 5 missed calls from Anne. I call her back.

"Hey sorry I was....never mind. are you better?" I ask and I see Anne shake her head. 
"I can't get the thought out my mind." She says, she was so pale. I actually felt bad for her. Anne was my best friend. 
"I can't get Jane out my mind..." I sigh. Anne starts to giggle a little bit.
"Annnneeeeee" I whine and she just starts to laugh a bit more.
"You can't get Jane out your mind?" She asks and chuckles a bit "That's definitely a crush." She says and I roll my eyes.
"It's not a CRUSH...It's just she's very pretty..." I say and facepalm. "It's actually a crush isn't it."

Anne is now laughing so loud I'm scared for her vocal chords. I see her nod her head and then she ends the call. I lie down on my bed and end up passing out.

Jane's pov-

I wake up on the floor. I check the time, 7:40am. Shoot it's Saturday already.  Luckily we weren't meeting up till 12:00 so I had time to get changed. I get up of the floor and walk towards the bathroom. I get in the shower and brush my teeth. I pick out some blue jeans and a white crop top. I get a message:

CathysGoldstar: Hey, still coming to the park?

HeartOf_Stone: Ye lol.

CathysGoldstar: Kk

I get changed and then put my make up on. 11:47. Shit. Luckily it doesn't take that long to get to the park. I practically run to the park and get there at 12:01. Shit!
"Sorry I'm late." I say and walk over to Cathy who was sat on a bench.
"It's ok, it was only one minute." I sit next to her.

We talk for at least 2 hours.
"Hey Jane.." Cathy begins. I nod my head.
"Yeah?" I ask and she blushes. I really want to tell her something as well but I don't know if I have enough courage.
"Well....It's...nothing.." She says and sighs. "Fine..." She begins again. She seems unable to say what she wants to.

Cathy's pov-

I really want to tell Jane I love her but I don't know how.
"After what I'm about to do, you're either gonna hate me or it's gonna be amazing..." I say and then I kiss her. After a few seconds she returns the kiss and puts her arm around my neck, her lips were so soft and she tasted like coconut. We pull away for air.
"Well, I don't hate you..." She says and hugs me tightly. My heart skips a few beats, she liked me back? Oh my god she liked me back! I was in such shock. She was so cute.

(Words 967)

idk why I'm writing this (Parrmour) - (discontinued) Where stories live. Discover now