Chapter 2

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"I MADE IT?!!!" I practically screamed. I was so happy! I'm going to be on my favorite tv show of all time!

"Yes, you did. Congratulations. Here's the script. Your parts are underlined. We'll call you to let you know all the details," the director of the show told me, smiling.

"Okay. Thank you so much!" I said, and then I skipped out into the lobby where my mother and Jojo were waiting. Jojo hasn't gotten called in yet, and she's waiting nervously. So was I.

"Well, did you make it?" Jojo asked me.

"Yeah, I'm in!" I told her happily.

"Yay, congrats!" she said. We started doing the happy dance, which is just jumping up and down clapping.

"Jojo?" the director came out and said.

"That's me," she said, and followed the director into the room. "Wish me luck," she whispered to me.

I sat down in my chair and listened to my iPod. I clicked shuffle and the song Yeah X3 by Chris Brown came on. I sang along. Shortly after the song was over Jojo came out with a disappointed look on her face. That's a bad sign.

"Did you make it?" I asked.

"No, sadly. They said I would've, but they had to take me out because they only had two spots, and I was their third choice."

"Aw, I'm sorry," I told her. I felt bad for her so I hugged her.

"Want to go out to dinner to celebrate?" my mother asked me.

"Why? Jojo didn't make it," I said, then I regretted saying it because that probably made her feel bad.

"Yeah, but she can still come."

"Okay," I answered.

We headed out to the car and drove home. Jojo and I went up to my room to get my cell phone to call get mother and ask if she can stay over for a little while and then go out to eat with my family. Her mother said yes.

"What do you want to do?" Jojo asked. I was busy looking through my closet to find a different outfit to wear to dinner in two hours, when I came across a button down shirt that way way too big for me. It wasn't even mine. What was it doing in my closet? I then remembered whose it was, and a tear came rolling down my cheek. "Avery?"

"It was my father's," I told her when I saw her looking at the shirt in a confused look.

"Oh. I'm sorry," she said, hugging me. My father had died in a plane crash four years ago. The worse thing was that he died on my 10th birthday. It was the worst day of my life.

"It's fine," I said.

"So, what do you want to do?" she asked.

I plopped down on the bed beside her. "I don't know. I kind of wanted to look over my script but..."

"It's okay. You can if you want. I can help you practice by playing the other peoples lines."

"Really? Okay, thanks." I grabbed the script off the nightstand and looked at all the lines. I'm playing a girl named Debby and my character's best friend is named Lily. "Let's start."

"Okay," she said. She cleared her throat and started the lines.

After we practiced my mom came upstairs and asked us if we are ready to go eat.

"Yes," we both said.

"Okay, then come on down here and let's go!"

We walked downstairs. I put my neon blue Nikes on and my hot pink zebra print jacket. Everyone was already outside. I walked out of the house and shut the door behind me.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"I was thinking maybe Olive Garden. What about you guys?"

"Sounds good to me," Jojo and I both agreed.

"Alright, then that's where we'll go."

We got in the car and started heading to Olive Garden. "Can you turn on the radio," I asked.

"Sure." She turned the radio on to mine and Jojo's favorite radio station.

"YES!" Jojo and I screamed when our favorite song came on, Born This Way by Lady Gaga. "I'm on the right track baby, I was born this way," we sang along. We also danced along. Well, as well as we could in a car.

"You girls are crazy," my mom said.

"We know," we laughed.

"So, did they let you know when we have to go shoot the show Avery?"

"No, they just said they would call us to let us know all the details."

"Okay. Works for me. As long as it's not in three weeks."


"I have to go on a business trip, remember?"

"Oh, yeah. I forgot about that. Then who's going to take care of me?"


I groaned. Krista is my babysitter. I hate her and she hates me. Besides, I don't understand why I need a babysitter. I'm fourteen for crying out loud!

"Oh come on, she's not that bad. Be nice to her while I'm gone."

"Ugh, fine!"

We parked our car in the parking lot of Olive Garden and got out and walked towards the restaurant.

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