Chapter 6

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"What? Why?" she asked confused. "You just got here."

"I know but I can't be here if Bethany is going to continue to bully me."

"Wait... has she been mean to you ever since you guys got here?"

"Yeah, she has. She's mean to me, just not around you. At least up until now, anyway."

"I didn't realize that. What does she do?"

"She yells at me not to talk to her, she's constantly telling me I'm not talented, and she was lying about pushing me in the pool. She also told me that she wishes I got hurt so I couldn't dance."

"Wow, okay. She's a lot meaner than I thought. I mean, she did seem kind of mean when I met her in the audition room but I let her through just because she's a good dancer."

"Oh, well I want to go home."

"Why? You're not actually going to listen to her are you?"

"No, but I can't stand her and we share a room. I just can't."

She sighed. "Okay, if you want to you can go home."

"I want to."

"Alright, I'll book a flight for you for tomorrow then if you can wait that long."

"That'd be fine I guess."

"Okay, I'll call the airport then."

"Thank you." I walked away up to the room and lay on the bed. Luckily Bethany wasn't in our room. I looked over at the clock and it was already twelve. I sighed and leaned over to my suitcase to grab a book to read. A little while later I fell asleep.

The next day I was getting ready for the plane ride. The plane takes off at seven thirty and right now its five ten. We have to be at the airport by six. I finished getting ready after about twenty minutes and we took off to the airport. When we were about to get out of the car Carrie asked, "Are you sure you don't want to stay?"

"I'm sure," I replied.

"Okay." She helped me get my suitcases out of the trunk. "Goodbye. I wish you would've stayed. You're very talented."

I smiled. "Thanks." I gave her a hug before heading off to get my flight ticket.

I had to go through all he security lines before I could get on the plane. They're boarding the plane in just ten minutes. I grabbed out my book and read. When I was close to finishing a chapter the flight attendant announced that we were boarding the plane. I put my book away and wheeled my suitcase to the plane. I sat down next to a stranger. I got my book out and read until I finished the chapter.

As I was putting the book away the pilot announced that we were taking off. I put my seatbelt on and looked out the window, a tear dripping down my face. The plane took off and I waved goodbye to Hollywood.

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