28. Flashback

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(Reid POV)

*After working on a case for 18 hours, the team quickly decided on sending two agents into the field undercover. This is six days before Morgan and Y/N went undercover* 

I walk into the reception of the Investors Party and scan around the room to see if Y/N is here already, it's filled with caucasian males. I sigh when I realise, she isn't. I fix my suit jacket and grab myself a drink, making sure it's non-alcoholic. I begin talking with a man similar in age to me. 

We begin talking about some of the stocks that will be on sale tonight. The man I'm talking to is not going to buy anything here and has looked up on the internet everything we're talking about.

The doors fly open and a woman in a green dress walks to the top of the stairs. Everyman in this room turns his head to look at her. Her hair is out and neatly tucked behind her ears. Her makeup has green sparkles on her eyelids. She elegantly walks down the stairs, revealing a slit in her dress. 

The room resumes chatting when she grabs a drink.



I gulp as I realise all eyes are on me. I look around and see Reid. I walk towards the drink table, grabbing a bottle of water and pour it into a champagne glass.

I stand alone for a very long time, a lot of men are staring at me as  I'm the only woman here. I glance at Reid occasionally, mostly checking if he is okay. He is talking to a different man each time I look at him. One time he is talking to a man with a blue suit, I look back and he is still talking to him. I make a mental note of this guy, if Reid is talking to him for this long, then there must be something about him. 

I eventually decide to start talking to some of the men near me. I talk about what it's like to be a female investor for what feels like forever. Although it's kind of fun pretending to be someone for a night. 

"We will commence in ten minutes." The man in the blue suit announces. He must be Mr Myers, the man selling the stock. Eventually, he starts talking about his business to the crowd. 

I begin to feel trapped in my dress. I start fanning myself with the booklet I was given upon entry. I grab the shoulder of the man next to me as I fall backwards. I fall to the ground, hard, and everyone swamps around me. Mr Myers rushes down from the stage, I sit up. "Ma'am, are you okay?" Mr Myers asks.

"I need some air," I say. A young man with a scar above his eyebrow offers to take me outside. He takes my hand and we go out the back. I lead him outside and look in the curbside mirror of a parked car. He raises his arm, holding a crowbar and swings. I drop to the ground, and spin around, standing up. I raise my arms getting ready to fight.

He licks his teeth, "I do like women who can fight." His tone makes me nauseas. He throws the crowbar aside. He swings a punch with his left arm and I duck. I quickly bounce back up and strike his nose with my right fist. His head flies back and he stumbles, grabbing his nose. Before I know it, he has turned and run back into the venue.

"Why do they always run?!" I pick up my dress and chase after him. The UnSub runs through the crowd. My legs feel shaky in these heels, but I continue the chase. I see Reid eating some of the food, and having a laugh. I shake my head and roll my eyes. I take a shortcut and meet him at the top of the stairs. The UnSub lunges and grabs the left strap of my dress. I grab his wrist with my right arm and use the forearm of my left arm to push his elbow the wrong way. He immediately falls to the ground and I push my knee into his shoulder blade. 

Reid runs up the stairs and raises an eyebrow to check that I'm okay. I nod and he opens the doors and walks out to the team. I keep my knee pushing into the Unsubss shoulder blade and he winces in pain. I see a cut on his nose from my rings and laugh internally. I push my dress over my leg, so the slit reveals my garter with handcuffs. I cuff him and start telling him his rights. I walk him outside and see Reid smiling and giving me the thumbs up. I hand the UnSub over to the police and rush over to the team.

"How'd I do? That was my first arrest..." I ask the team.

"You did amazing!" JJ says. Hotch uses his eyes to direct me to chat privately. I meet him at the end of the squad car.

"You did well tonight," He begins, his face softening, "I'm proud of you." I smile warmly.

"Thank you." Hotch looks past me and I see Reid, hovering, waiting to talk. "Do you mind?"

"Not at all." Hotch replies and I walk over to Reid.

"Good job partner," I say.

He bites the inside of his cheek, "You too."

JJ is such a mom, she insists that Reid and I take stereotypical police poses. She sends them to Garcia and I know I will never hear the end of it.


(Reid POV)

Morgan walks up to me and pats me on the back. "Good job tonight man."

"Thank you," I reply. Morgan follows my gaze and realises I'm staring at Y/N. "She looks beautiful in that dress."

"Have you told her that?" Morgan asks.

"Not yet." I put my hands in my pockets and begin walking toward her. I look back and smile at Morgan. JJ and Prentiss continue the conversation, I whisper in Y/N ear, "You look beautiful tonight." She looks up at me and laughs pathetically. "You don't believe me?"

"Nope!" She says loudly.

"How can I make you believe me?" She doesn't say anything, she just winks at me.



The team walks down the corridor of the motel we're staying in. Morgan, Prentiss, JJ and Hotch mumble different goodnights and enter their rooms quickly. I look at Reid and his eyes direct me to Rossi. I smile kindly at Rossi, who nods at me.

I unlock the door to my room and open it, "Goodnight boys!" I say before closing the door behind me.


At 1:42 am there's a knock at my door. I get out of bed and open the door slowly. 

"Can I make you believe me now?" Reid asks. I tilt my head in confusion. "You said you didn't believe me when I said you were beautiful. Can I make you believe?"

"How would you do that?" He steps into the room and shuts the door behind him. He takes his shoes off. He stands up and rushes to me. He grabs under my thighs and picks me up. I giggle loudly. He lightly pushes me against the wall and kisses.

He lowers me to the ground and I grab his hand and take him to the bed. I lean against the bed and pull his neck down to me. He wraps his arm around my waist and lifts me onto the bed as he lowers himself. He kisses my neck as I unbutton his shirt. As I reach the last bottom he stops kissing my neck and pushes himself up. He shuffles back and I sit up.

"Are you okay?"

He wipes his face. "I have to go." And then he stands up and leaves with his shoes before I can say anything. 

*End of flashback*

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