21. Two worlds collied

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We walk into the pool game room, it's a room off of a corridor at the bar Fynn and I are at. I see a sign and chalk pen, "Looks like we have to put a sign out the front of our names" I say. He nods and I write 'Y/N and Fynn' and then hang the sign on the door.

He shuts the door behind him, "Let's play pool!" I pass him a stick, "Thank you. You can start." 

"I don't know how to play..."

"Let me show you." He leans his stick on the wall and stands next to me. "Put your hand out like this, and then the stick like this." He demonstrates. I copy his actions. "Good. Now," he comes behind me and guides my hips. Then directs the stick and hits the ball. "Good job." We both stand up and I turn around to him. He leans down and leans down to kiss me.

"There are cameras in here."


I step aside and walk to the other side of the table. "I'm an FBI agent."

He decides to not press. "I'll have my turn, then it's yours." I nod. After he finishes his turn he says, "I'll go get us some more drinks. Same as last time?" Fynn asks.

I look up at him, "Yes please!" He walks out of the room and I move around the table. Someone bursts into the room and I stand up to look at who it is. 

"Not playing pool by yourself, are you?" Morgan asks.

I laugh. "What are you doing here?"

"Prentiss, JJ, Garcia and I are out getting drinks. Reid's coming after his date."

I nod. "Lovely. I'm actually here on a date myself." Garcia walks in, linking arms with Fynn who is trying to balance our drinks. "Speaking of!" He puts our drinks on the table which is in front of the couch. 

"I'm Fynn Pugh." He puts his hand out for Morgan to shake. I sit down on the couch.

Morgan shakes his hand, "Derek Morgan."

They let go and Fynn joins me on the couch. "It's a pleasure to meet you." Prentiss and JJ walk into the room.

"Ooo! Who's playing?" JJ asks.

"We were," I say gesturing to Fynn and me, "But I'm now in the mood to watch." They all nod.

"I'm game!" Morgan says.

"I'll play you!" Prentiss challenges. 


I look at my watch, "Come on Fynn, I think we should go." He furrows his brows. I widen my eyes at him and smirk.

He holds my hand and stands up. "It was a pleasure, but I have an early start for work tomorrow." He announces. The team says their goodbyes. Fynn leads the way to the door, continuing to hold my hand. As Fynn opens the door Reid appears on the other side. I pull Fynn away from the door.

Reid enters, holding Lila's hand. "Hi." He says as he enters. "Everyone remembers Lila?"

"Of course," Morgan says. They all say hi. 

"It's nice to see you again Lila." I smile warmly at her. "Reid." I nod my head. Fynn extends his arm out for Reid to shake but I interject. "He doesn't shake people's hands. Fynn this is Reid. Reid, Fynn." She smiles awkwardly at their interaction. "We were just about to leave, so we'll catch up another time. Goodnight." I say before leading Fynn out of the room. 

We arrive at Fynn's apartment and I haven't said a word since we left the room. "Are you okay?"

"Of course," I say unconvincingly as I sit down on his couch.

He sits down next to me. "I know you like being private and your work colleagues meeting me stresses you out. What can I do?" I gulp and avoid his eye contact. "I know I'm not a profiler, but I can tell when something's wrong. Talk to me Y/N."

He tucks my hair behind my ears. "Tell me how you feel about me because whilst I am a profiler and I think I know how you feel but I would like-"

 "Y/N," He cuts me off, "I like you, a lot." 

I sigh a breath of relief. "Thank god." I laugh lightly, before cupping his face. "I like you..." I pull his face towards me and kiss him passionately. He pulls me on top of him and I pull away from the kiss, "A lot."

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