44. Water and bread

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I hear footsteps approach the door, I turn my head to see if he brought food or water with him, but his hands are empty. My eyes and head follow him as he walks in front of me. He lifts his hand out to my face and his fingers grip my chin, forcing my head up. "Ahh, what pretty eyes you have." He whispers. I pull my chin out of his tight grip. "Oo! Someone's a little feisty!"

"I need food and water Fynn," I say bluntly. He shakes his head and walks around me, leaving the room. "GOD! You're the stupidest man I know!" I huffed under my breath. He storms back into the room and yanks on the back of my chair causing me to fall backwards. The wind is knocked out of me and my head begins to throb. "You're going to starve me to death? Wouldn't it be more satisfying and pleasurable to- to be..." I gulp, "Creative?"

He pulls the chair back up and rubs the side of his head. "What would you like?" He asks through gritted teeth.

"Water and bread... please" I mumble When he leaves the room and I force myself to fight the wave of sleep that's trying to take over my body. If I can hold out, the team will find me.

He walks back in with a tray. It has two slices of bread on it and a tall glass of water. He puts it on my lap. "I can't eat with my hands tied up Fynn," I say softly. He pauses and thinks for a moment before untieing me. I raise my hand and place it on his cheek, his eyes close at the touch of my hand. . "Thank you for being so kind," I whisper. 

He quickly backs away and says, "Eat," before leaving the room. When I hear his footsteps further down the hall, I grab the bread and shove it into my mouth. After I finish the first slice, I take two gulps of water and eat the other one. I look around the room, being mindful of my head. As I finish drinking the remaining water, he creeps back into the room. "Are you done?" His voice startles me, but I put on a smile.

"Yes, thank you." I hand him the tray and he takes it from me, putting it somewhere behind me. When he returns in front of me he has more rope to tie my hands with. "Fynn?" He looks at me. "You know how hangry I can get... now I've had some food, I can think more clearly. I now understand what you're doing and I just wanted to say... thank you." His face softens, and he ties my wrists. He opens his mouth as though he wants to say something but he shuts it and leaves the room.

That was the last time I saw him that day.


I scream and wake myself up. "How'd you sleep?" He asks, sitting across from me on a metal chair.

My eyes slowly meet his. "I had a nightmare." He leans forward. "I've been good, I haven't asked for much." I gulp. "Fynn, I know you're worried that if you untie me I'll run... but I won't... " He looks away and I move my head to get his attention again. "Why would I?" He looks at me. "I'm with the man I love, there's nowhere else I'd rather be." The corner of his mouth twitches, indicating he wants to smile but is trying not to. "Oh come on baby untie me." I plead.

He inches his chair forward slowly and grabs a knife from his back pocket. He cuts me free. My wrists are throbbing and I want to massage them, but I can't give in. He stands up and offers a hand, I take it without hesitation. I struggle to stand as my head makes the room spin. My hands have a tight grip on his biceps. When the room stops spinning I lift my head and look up at him. 

"I know that was hard for you... trusting me again... after everything, I've done." He mumbles.

I let a smirk spread across myself and shake my head. "Trusting you is the easiest thing I've ever done." I lie. He lowers his head and his lips meet mine. I keep my eyes open, hoping it's just a peck... but it was much more than that. When I feel his tongue enter my mouth, I shut my eyes and wrap my arms around his neck. Finally, he stops kissing me and takes my hand, guiding me out of the room into a room with a bed. I turn around, feeling my stomach swirl and then drop. 

"Get in, I'll bring you some breakfast in the morning." He says before closing the door and locking it. I walk to the bed and get in on the right side, Reid always slept on the left.


When I wake up, I feel his arms around me, I smile and roll over. My smile quickly fades as I realise who the arms belong to and why I'm here. I kiss his forehead and his eyes slowly blink open. "Goodmorning," I say.

"Good morning. How'd you sleep?" He asks, pulling me to cuddle him.

"Much better and I know why," I say, putting myself up on my elbows.

"Why's that?"

"You were here," I say before swiftly kissing him. After a quick kiss, I pull away and get out of bed. I lean against the door. He sits up. "I want to cook you something," I say in the most seductive voice I can. He reaches into his pocket and throws me a set of keys. 

"Pancakes." He says. I know the look in his eyes, makes me feel sick but I turn and unlock the door before my face reveals my feelings. When I walk downstairs, into the kitchen, I see the same teddy that was in the room I was originally in. They must have cameras in them. 

I begin cooking the first pancakes in the pan. As I watch them sizzle, I affirm my plan. If I want to make it out of here alive, I should play along with his fantasy. "The team will find me soon," I mumble to myself. 

Fynn walks into the kitchen. I didn't realise in bed, but he was wearing the grey trackies I liked. I instantly realise what he is wanting me to do. I serve him two pancakes and sit down next to him. "I didn't get a goodnight kiss..." He grins.

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