23. Hey, Baby girl

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"You ready to go?" Morgan asks running down the stairs of the office. I pick my bag up and show him.

"Once I get changed, I am going to beat your ass! Same track as usual?" He chuckles.

He wags his finger, "I don't think so. Same track. Meet you out the front in five?" I give him a thumbs up and log off of my computer. I rush to the bathroom and get changed into my running clothes. I head downstairs with nothing in my hands, the moment the elevator doors open my eyes land on Derek.

"See you there!" And then I start running. 

"Hey! Lady! That was unbelievably unfair!" I hear him yell from behind me. I don't look back. I keep running and keep the pace easy.

*4k's into the run*

"Hey, baby girl!" A man yells at me as he runs past me. I don't have to think twice about who it is.

"I'll catch you at the bridge!" I yell after him. He runs around the corner and I laugh.

*9k's into the run*

I see Derek in the distance, his run is favouring his left side. I catch up to him and lightly jog, showing off how easy his pace is this far into the run. "How's it going baby girl?" I mock.

"Yeah..." He's out of breath.

"Not so good?"

"Not so good." He looks at me. "Go on, I know you wanna win." 

I smile. "See you back at the office." And then I take off. Making my strides shorter and therefore my pace quicker. After 5 minutes I finally arrive at the office. I buy two bottles of water from the vending machine and wait out the front for Morgan. About ten minutes later he comes around the corner walking. "Ohhh, buddy. Got a bad stitch didn't you?" He hangs his head as I hand him the water. I pat him on the back. "Next time, I'll take it easy on you. But I just wanted you to know..." I lean into his ear, "I could beat you any day of the week." I pat him on the chest and walk into the building.


"I think I'm going to buy a cat," I announce as Fynn sets the food down. 

He serves me some food, "Yeah?"

"Yeah, I think so!" he sits down across from me.

"That's exciting!"

"It is, but Fynn, you know how much I'm away for work and..."

"You'll want me to babysit it?"

"Yes, if that's okay with you. Otherwise, I'll work something out with Haley." I eat a mouthful of salad.

"You're Godmother?" I nod. "Will I be meeting her?"

"If you'd like. So... Fynn, can we have a cat?"

As dinner finishes Fynn announces he has to go pick something up. "I'll be back in half an hour, okay?"

"Okay." He pecks me before leaving. I clean up dinner and wash all of the dishes. I sit down on the couch and continue reading The Narrative by John Smith. The door opens and I know it's Fynn. Something fluffy loops itself around my legs causing me to scream. I set the book down and Fynn picks up a ball of fluff, "This is our..." Fynn sits down next to me and the ball moves. "Well, she's our cat!"

 My eyes fill with tears of joy. "Oh, Fynn!" I place a hand on his cheek and kiss him softly. 

"You asked and you shall receive." I kiss him again. I pat the cat until she makes a purring sound. I giggle with delight as tears fall down my cheeks. "I love her so much!" I pick the cat up and examine her. "I'm going to name her, Freya. Hello Freya!"

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