Chapter 8- Frogs Are Actually Really Scary: Anne Boonchuy

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When Marcy' parents came looking for her, I was so scared! I wanted to tell them the truth, but they never would've believed me. My own parents barely did. Like now. My mom is cooking something in the kitchen with Polly asking, "Is that a WEAPON?" every time my mother grabs a cooking utensil. My mom uncomfortably replies, "No. That's not a weapon". I think my dad actually has a fear of frogs now. Ranidaphobia is apparently what that's called (I looked it up). He basically just stays in his room. When we went to the store a couple of days ago, he saw a little toy frog. He started shouting, "FROG! FROG! AHHHHHHH!", and I had to shush him. Everyone on the isle was looking at us when that happened. That was really embarrassing. 

"LOOK AT THIS WEAPON! HAHAHA!" Polly jumped in front of me holding an egg beater. 

"Uh, that's an egg beater, Polly," I laughed and gently took it from her. "Did you take this from my mom?" I asked, lifting my eyebrows. Ever since we came here, I've been feeling normal on the outside but really sad and not normal on the inside. 

"Hey look what I found!" Sprig held up a broken egg as he ran into the room. "It tastes pretty good. Kind of squishy and it makes me feel sick but good."

"Uh, Sprig, you're not supposed to eat that," I laughed again, this time burying my sadness deeper inside. 

"Well, okay. I guess I won't eat it anymore," Sprig turned to go back into the kitchen. "I'll give it back to your mom."

"Wait, Sprig, don't give that back to my mom! Just throw it away in the garbage!" I raced after him to make sure that he threw it away in the correct place. 

Then, we both came back to the living room and sat down on the couch beside Polly. "Where's Hop Pop?" I asked. 

"Sleeping," Sprig and Polly gave each other a look. 

"Okay, good. I want to check something out with you guys, but I didn't want Hop Pop to get involved. You know, low profile," I looked around as I whispered this, making sure nobody was listening in on our conversation.

"Where are we going?" Sprig jumped down from the couch excitedly, forgetting to lower his voice. 

"Shhhhhh!" Polly and I shushed Sprig. 


I took a deep breath. "Anyways, when Marcy told us why she did...everything in Amphibia, she told us about a book from the library with the Calamity Box in it. I want to find it, because it could have some helpful information about how to use it, or how the gems work or something that could help us get back to Amphibia. I know it's a long shot, but I can't just sit around any longer. I need to do something. I've been working on using my powers, but I don't know how that can help us if we can't get back to Amphibia." 

"Let's go then! What are we waiting for?" Polly was excited at the idea of going home. 

"Okay, you two need a disguise. I think if Polly stood on top of you, Sprig, you would be tall enough to be a human. I'll get a raincoat or something to cover you, and a hat. Oh! And maybe some paint to cover up your colors. I'll be right back," As I raced around the house finding supplies, I got excited. What if we found something in the book that would allow us to get home? I know it wouldn't happen right away, but a chance was better than nothing. 

Finally, I ran back into the living room, holding a long, ugly brown coat, a black bowler hat, some shoes, and some paint. I painted Polly's face a more human skin tone color. Then, I got Sprig and Polly into the coat. I had to admit, they actually looked pretty much like a human.  

"I'm going to the library, Mom!" I shouted opening the door and helping Sprig step out, Polly wobbling on his head. 

"Okay, sweetie. Be home before dinner. I might need some help making this tom kha gai," My mom called from the kitchen. 

"Bye!" Now we could walk to the library. Luckily, it wasn't that far away. I just hoped we wouldn't attract too much attention. 

We snuck through a lot of alleyways and got chased by a dog, but we finally made it to the library. Now we just have to find the book. Marcy never told us what it looked like, so this might take a while. I think it had something to do with ancient relics or something. 

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After two and a half hours, we finally found it! It's a mostly green book with frog feet symbols on the spine. It also has some cream colored artwork on it. Now it's time to read the page. 

"That's all it says!?" I said, almost shedding tears in frustration. "It just says everything we already know about the Calamity Box!" 

"It doesn't even have another page?" Sprig asked, moving closer, peeping through a hole in the coat. 

"I don't know. Let me see." I flipped through the book, looking for any other information on the Calamity Box. Then, I saw something. "Guys, come look at this!" It was a hidden page that fell out of the book. It had a picture of the Calamity Box on it. 

We all crowded around the page and read it. Then we stared at each other in shock.

"Guys, there's a second Calamity Box."

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