[2] Thus, They Break In

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In contrast to the previous day, the next morning was a tad bit less high-demand.

Surprisingly, I was the first to awake out of the bunch of us, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes as I adjusted to my new surroundings. Blair would, on typical occasion, rise at the crack of dawn, unfolding the case of a new book to sit and read while she awaited mine and Seiko's consciousness. A few hours later, give or take, Seiko would then reanimate, making sure to get a good annoyance session out of Blair before shifting her attention to me. And thus, the Koemsters would find herself thrust back into the real world. Ah, how fleeting; the cruelty of reality.

Today was a different instance. While we did have a nice armchair in the corner of the room, Blair was not there this time. On first thought, I settled on the idea that perhaps she had just taken a liking to her own room (because GODS FORBID Blair room with Seiko and I for the night). But what was more odd was the fact that Seiko was still laying next to me, snoozing away in her presumably happy little dreams. Hey, is today opposite day? I'm supposed to be the one who wakes up last.

Turning to Seiko, I gripped her shoulders with both my hands and gave her a little shake. Well, I suppose this calls for my duty. The annoyed becomes the annoying, as they (probably don't) say. She released a faint rumble, shifting around a bit before finally stirring. "Meeoww... eugh, where am I? Have the heavens come to claim my soul?"

"Is that another way of telling me I look like a goddess? Really, Seiko, I'm flattered," I snorted, shaking her a bit more. "But the flirting can wait. You needa wake up."

"Blargh! Koemi?" Seemingly finally snapping into a responsive state, Seiko's head swiveled towards mine, her eyes practically growing to consume half her face. "What time is it, meow?"

I shrugged, tossing my glance towards the empty nightstand beside me. "Don't know, haven't checked. You slept longer than me, though."

"Truly embarrassing, and a shame! How will I ever bother Koemi now?"

"Save that for Blair, whenever she decides to show up."

The topic seemed to grip Seiko's attention as she visibly frowned. "You're right, meow. Blair isn't here..." she pushed herself off the bed with a little acceleration, navigating around the corner of the bed by pushing herself with one arm. "Did she head out early?"

I shed her some of my prior thoughts, claiming, "I considered that maybe she's adjusting to her room first. Although it is possible she wanted an early start."

"D'awww, and she's the only one who knows this terrain, too," Seiko huffed, kicking at the floor with her toes. "Any chance we can track her down, meow?"

"Ah yes, just let me whip out my user-friendly Blair radar. Beep beep, she's nearby, beep beep."

"R-really? that exists?"

"No, not really. But I'd hate to admit that it wouldn't be convenient right now."

The swordswoman bounced over to the only window in the room, a pane of glass resembling a door that opened up to a miniature balcony. As she tugged on the handle, I felt a wisp of fresh air brush past me, indicating that the child had stepped outside. She waited a few heartbeats, head spinning in all directions, before pulling back inside and releasing the handle with. "Don't see her anywhere outside, meow. Maybe she's in the lobby?"

"I say we shouldn't worry about it right now," I used this as a cue to climb out of bed myself, making my way towards the bathroom. "Instead, we should get ready to go check the Guild. We're gonna need to take missions in order to advance the Worlds, remember?"

Paridiots {VOLUME 2}: How to Survive a Fantasy World with a Party Full of IdiotsWhere stories live. Discover now