[6] So, They Follow Blair

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1 [Side:Blair]

Footsteps crunched over grass and crumpled leaves as a group progressed through the forest.

Silence spread amongst them, not necessarily uneasy nor comfortable. The sun lit up the path before them, scattering dots of life between the trees that overlay the woods.

"It appears we have a bit of a trail already," came a voice, located near the front of the group. Presumably the leader, as everyone seemed to look up to and turn to him for guidance.

All except Blair, of course.

Despite her placement in the group, she remained independent as ever.

It wasn't necessarily that she disliked her group, or that being with them felt unnatural. Well, primarily the latter. It just didn't feel as natural as her prior group.

Sure, they'd had conflicts, but is any relationship truly human should it not bare flaws?

Constant perfection only causes blandness. Perhaps a bit of boredom on the side.

Before she'd met her friends, Blair was unmoved. She believed in the concepts of growth and accomplishment, in the idea that not achieving perfection meant achieving nothing at all. It was either she'd win, or she'd lose. There was no second, third, or fourth place. Just first and last.

Blair refused to take last place.

Be it a matter of pride or whatnot, failure was not an option.

And yet, even now, while she found herself beside a group of accomplices, those who practically beamed the definition of perfection itself, she was dissatisfied.

Why was that?

Regardless, her doubts had no residence in her mind any longer. She'd been on a couple short missions with her group by now, and their potential in future progress was immense. It would only be some time before they rise to the top of the top, if not the peak of that all.

But victory isn't everything, is it?

Blair shook her head. Victory was everything. Being unsure was a weakness that she dared not show, not to anyone. Especially not to those two.

She had to show them, more than anything.

She refused to go down without a fight.

Blair was strong. Sixteen years of age, sixteen years of constant training. She'd never missed a beat, and she especially wasn't willing to drop the bar now.

World:Two had created a status quo. A mark of strength. The first two Worlds may have been fun and games, but becoming a better hunter required sacrifices.

Her group was also strong. They would pursue with her on her conquest, following their own ambitions that lingered in the rearview. Their goal, as a whole, was to manage their independent goals. It was a group effort to make individual efforts.

And that was why, even now, Blair was on her own.

Alone, against the world. She'd never allow herself to truly rely on others.

Koemi and Seiko would have wanted me to rely on them.

They would have spewed their nonsense, as per always, flashing those stupid lighthearted smiles that they wore everywhere.

That's no way to live. How do they ever think they're going to grow?

Foolish, foolish Blair. Is your understanding of the world that shallow?

Determination is not your greatest feature.

It is your greatest enemy.


Paridiots {VOLUME 2}: How to Survive a Fantasy World with a Party Full of IdiotsWhere stories live. Discover now