Chapter 1:Retreat

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Talaeos cut down another one of Hurzalas's dark servants. Beside him, Juralen shot a Carthor, and blocked a strike from a Rothari, grunting under the creature's monstrous strength.

Suddenly, a xyra leapt before him, followed by another. Juralen wouldn't be able to defend himself in time, and Talaeos doubted he had enough power to push back two of them. He pulled Juralen back with telekinesis, and the Rothari stumbled forward. A Keltorean soldier stabbed it in the eye, and another cut off half of its leg. A third jumped on its back and stabbed his sword through the Rothari's cheek. He ripped the blade out, and the Rothari collapsed. One of the xyras swept up two of the soldiers, and swallowed them whole. The other didn't move, pinned in place by fear. The xyra swung its tail and impaled him on one of the spikes, before swallowing him, too.

The other xyra turned its attention to them. "Take out the other. I will handle this one" Juralen said. The xyra pounced, and Juralen leapt back. He sent out his eyebeams. It crossed its forelegs before it, creating an impenetrable shield. Juralen levitated several boulders, and hurled them at the xyra, hitting it in the shoulders and sides. The creature screeched and swung its tail, breaking one of the boulders in two. Then, it formed a shield around its body, its flaps hardening. The monster advanced, screeching.

Two blasts of light struck its head, as two Sun Warriors appeared. They followed up with pistol shots and one of them turned invisible. The other conjured a wall of light, blinding the monster somewhat. Suddenly, the xyra jumped back, a gaping hole in its chest. It struck the Sun Warriors, sending them to the ground, before it collapsed.


Juralen, Talaeos, Jorna and Nurama attacked a group of Kyroans, quickly killing the creatures with beams of light.

Dark energy flashed around them. A group of Tearia teleported. Leading them, was Haarzen. "Where is Casar?" Talaeos said. Haarzen scowled. "Your friend Xular killed him when we fought. He had almost killed me too, but I survived, without him knowing. I was rather disappointed to learn that he was slain before I could get my revenge. No matter. Ending you is good enough."

They attacked. Haarzen and two others battled him, while the others fought Jorna, Nurama and Juralen.

Talaeos blocked the Tearia' attacks, his sunsword a golden blur. He sidestepped a thrust and blocked an attack to his back. He evaded Haarzen's ice whip and pushed him away with telekinesis. His two comrades attacked him again, but he deflected their strikes, and scored a light hit on one of them. He blocked a beam of dark energy and slammed the pommel of his sword into another's jaw.

The two pushed him away with kicks and let loose a torrent of lightning. Talaeos held out his hands, repelling the energy, and throwing them against the ground. As he ran at them, Haarzen attacked. Talaeos leapt away and sent a light whip at him, crashing through his defenses, and blasted him back with lightning.

He turned his attention to the two Tearia. He pushed one of them away and attacked the other with renewed vigor, disarming her. Haarzen materialized before him and pushed him away. He sent out a torrent of fire, which Talaeos evaded. The three Tearia attacked him together. He locked one's arm and drew his sunsword across her chest. He blocked an overhead cleave from the other and cut through his neck.

Haarzen snarled, and let loose a blast of magic. Telekinetic, ergokinetic, hydrokinetic and pyrokinetic blasts came at him, along with a geokinetic barrage. Talaeos leapt in the air, and blasted Haarzen with his eyebeams. Haarzen responded with his own. The two fought for dominance, but, this time, Talaeos's golden beams pushed Haarzen's black back, and the combination of energies destroyed his eyes.

"Blast you" Haarzen cursed. Talaeos narrowed his eyes, and released a torrent of lightning, electrocuting his foe. Haarzen writhed in pain. Then, as Talaeos prepared to strike him down, the Tearia absorbed his lightning, and channeled the power into telekinesis, choking the life out of him. A sunsword came out of his back, and the pressure around Talaeos's throat disappeared. Juralen withdrew his blade and sheathed the weapon.

"Thank you" Talaeos said, regaining his breath. "We can not hold out here any longer. We have to retreat to Rokas" Juralen said, his face grim. "So be it" Talaeos sheathed his sunsword.

The Keltorean army retreated, closer to the Central capital cities.

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