Chapter 14:Training

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"Again", the Sage said, as Talaeos got back to his feet. He tapped into the Stone, and directed an energy beam at the moving mannequin before him. The thing dodged, and resumed its advance. He sent beam after beam, but each time, the mannequin evaded, and with each miss, his mounting frustration threatened to bring him closer to the edge, and only the Sage's calming presence kept him firmly within the light, out of Kilmar Artos's reach. Then, as the thing closed the distance, he finally landed a shot to its shoulder, preventing the "deathblow". He moved back swiftly, and as the mannequin charged him again, his next blast struck it square in the chest, blowing it into pieces. The satisfaction disrupted his focus, though he recovered quickly, and, with difficulty, forced the Stone out of his consciousness, and cut the link.

"Again", the Sage repeated, reforming the mannequin. Talaeos sighed in frustration, and took his position once more. The cycle repeated, though this time, he was not as successful, and the mannequin landed a few blows with its mock sword before he finally took it down. The Sage didn't stop, however, and forced him to repeat again, and again.

Finally, after what must have been at least a hundred times, she relented.

"Well done. And it only took two weeks. And, your last 10 attempts were flawless", the Sage said with a hint of a smile. "Then what was the point of making me repeat the rest after the first time?" he asked. "I had to know if you could maintain that perfection. And you did. Now, there is still much more training to be done. If Mandraesyr ever had doubts about you being able to use the Stone, those doubts are long gone. He will be ready. However, no Tearia will stand a chance against you. Though that will not be until your training is complete, and even when it is, you will still be weaker than Mandraesyr, Kanratur and Hurzalas. But that is a long time from now. Now, eat. And rest", the Sage replied, as she poured then some stew from the pot over the fire.

"How many Mist Reapers are left?" he asked. "7. I dealt the last one a mortal blow, though nearly lost my own life in the process", the Sage replied. "Why did you never make yourself known to us? We could have killed Mandraesyr earlier, and thus significantly hamper the Delmar forces", Talaeos said. "I am bound to this place. So long as I remain here, I maintain my power and my life. But if I ever venture out of this sanctuary, my old body will shrivel up, and I shall die. I must remain here, and do what I can to assist you. Even if I could fight, I wouldn't be of much use. Most of my power lies in healing and regeneration. Of course, I can summon fire, lightning, light and telekinesis, and wield a Sunsword, but not to the same degree as I once could. I can best an average Tearia, but against Mandraesyr, Kanratur or Hurzalas, I stand no chance. That is why I focus on healing and regeneration instead, and leave the fighting to those who are better at it than I am", the old woman replied.

"I understand", the Hunter finished. They ate their meal in silence. Once they were done, they washed their dishes in the stream running through the garden.

"Draw your Sunsword, Hunter. I intend to test your physical abilities as well as your ethereal ones", the Sage suddenly said.

Talaeos obliged, and the Sage drew hers. "For now, just our weapons and our bodies. I will let you know when to start integrating your powers." She struck first, and he braced his arms, as her Sunsword collided with his with more force than he expected. With lightning speed, she struck again, and again. Talaeos quickly found himself on the defensive, unable to retaliate, as the Sage attacked him again and again.

Their Sunswords collided once more, but this time, weary of being on the defensive, he pushed back, and slammed his shoulder into hers. He unleashed a flurry of strikes, integrating hand strikes, and batted her Sunsword aside, leaving her wide open for a slam kick to the chest. The Sage retaliated swiftly, sweeping him off his feet and brought her Sunsword down on him. He barely evaded, and she ducked, as his foot passed over her head. She locked his leg and brought her elbow down on his chest. He tangled her leg with his own as he fell, bringing her down with him. They separated, and came back up, before locking blades once more.

The Sage's eyes flashed gold. "Now." Talaeos leapt into the air, evading a fire bloom. He unleashed a torrent of lightning, which his opponent caught with her palm. She channeled the energy into more fire, which he blocked with a shield of light. He drew his pistol and unleashed a volley of energy balls, which she met with a burst of red lightning. She snapped her fingers, and the Hunter's hand opened without his bidding, releasing the pistol. The Sage's eyes flashed, and gold eye beams launched out, which he met with his own. The two attacks dissipated, and Talaeos retaliated.

The Sage evaded his telekinetic blast, and countered his lightning with fire, and sent red lightning raining down on him. He repelled the attack with his hand, and attacked with his Sunsword, which she blocked with her own, while simultaneously catching him with telekinetic waves to his sides, and a lightning blast to his chest, throwing him to his back. He rolled instinctively, evading a fire torrent that had launched from the ground. He leapt back to his feet and attacked once more. He swept her off her feet, but she quickly recovered. She unleashed a storm of fire, which he absorbed into himself. He felt the power coursing through him, and released it in a blast of light.

The Sage leapt over the attack and landed with a telekinetic surge, staggering him. She blocked his lightning, and locked his arm, before throwing him back with a telekinesis enhanced blow to his chest. He flipped back on his palm, and sent her skidding back with a telekinetic wave. They closed the distance, and their Sunswords clashed, both focusing on physique at the expense of all else. At last, their Sunswords crossed in the middle, and they stopped, sheathing the weapons.

"Good. There is nothing more I can teach you with your weapon. We shall continue with the Stone tomorrow. For now, rest", the Sage said.

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