Chapter 13:Collapse of Felluria

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Delmar forces stormed through the broken walls of Felluria. Eon and Giarna cut down hordes of Delmar ground troops, aided by what was left of the Felluria Garrison, and just 40 capital ships in the Felluria defense fleet. 40 out of over 600.

Rokitas crossed his Sunsabers, blocking an overhead blow from Kanratur's scythe, and kicked him in the hip, pushing him away. The Knight retaliated with a series of quick slashes, which Rokitas intercepted with his Sunsabers. The Elder batted the scythe aside and landed several strikes to the gaps where Kanratur's armor did not cover him, eliciting a hiss of pain. Kanratur released a blast of dark energy, throwing the Sun Warrior into an ice wall. The force of the impact drove all wind out of him, and his weapons fell out of his hands.

Rokitas conjured a lightning shield, just in time to deflect the scythe that Kanratur hurled at him. As the Knight called the scythe to his hand with telekinesis, Rokitas reached out to it himself, steadying it in the air, and simultaneously blasted him with a lance of red lightning, distracting him long enough to pull the scythe out of his reach.

Rokitas flared light, and golden armor covered his entire body. He swiftly closed the distance between them, and tackled the Knight, enhancing his size, strength, speed and weight. Light blades sprouted out of his fists, with which he pummeled away at the Knight, putting maximum pressure on him. Kanratur slammed his fist against the ground, throwing him off, and got back to his feet. Rokitas hammered down on his defenses, not allowing his foe a moment to recover. The two exchanged blows, while everything around them devolved into pure chaos.

Oreana brought her halberd down on Hurzalas's broadsword, and hurled debris with telekinesis, which he destroyed with a burst of white lightning. He pushed her back with a telekinetic wave, and attacked with his broadsword, not allowing her to use her magic. Dark energy flared ad his finger tips, and small dark blades launched at her. She could not rely on Rokitas's light armor, or his light blades, or even a basic light shield, for her own abilities with light were almost nonexistent.

She evaded the first volley, and leapt into the air, hovering with telekinesis. She unleashed torrents of gold lightning and white fire, keeping her foe grounded, forcing him to focus on defense. Simultaneously, the Sun Warrior pummeled him with debris. Still, her foe held, and she descended, hammering down on him with her halberd. Hurzalas sidestepped several strikes and caught her weapon with a dark energy net. Oreana released the halberd, and struck him in the chest with her electrified fists, sending him sliding back. She attacked again, but this time, he was ready. He caught her fist and unleashed his own white lightning, nearly frying her hands.

Oreana shoved him back with a triple kick to the chest, and struck him on the temple with a piece of debris. He snarled and backhanded her in the face. He called his broadsword to his hand and impaled her through the gut. She tackled him to the ground, and unleashed a barrage of strikes with her electrified hands and elbows, abandoning any concern for safety. Hurzalas made no attempts to strike back, merely covering his face and chest with his arms, waiting for her to tire as her adrenaline steadily abated. His patience was soon rewarded, as her strikes rapidly lost their previous speed and power. Hurzalas threw her off, and got back to his feet. He retrieved his broadsword, and walked over to the broken Sun Warrior.

Oreana looked up as he towered over her, weapon raised for the deathblow. She called her halberd to her hands, just in time to block, and jumped from her knees, back to her feet, startling the Knight. Hurzalas recovered quickly, however. He hammered away at her defenses, swiftly exhausting her. He batted her halberd aside and as fire and lightning flashed at her fingertips, he sliced off her hand, leaving her unarmed, and thrust his broadsword into her chest, and pulled her other arm up and forward, letting the fire and lightning pass over his shoulder. Oreana gasped, her legs unsteady, and fell to her knees once more.

"You have fought well, Elder. You were a worthy member of the Sun Order, worthy of all honors, and of respect from your fallen predecessors", Hurzalas said, and brought his broadsword down on her neck. Oreana's corpse lay still on the battlefield, the cool breeze playing with her hair. Even in death, her face was peaceful, betraying nothing of the storm that had raged inside her just moments prior. Hurzalas placed her halberd on her chest, and closed her eyes. He burned the insects that had already come to feast on her flesh, and disappeared with a flash of dark energy.


Eon, Giarna, Rokitas, and the survivors of the Felluria Garrison gathered on the 17 remaining capital ships, and set out for Vanraael, after taking care of any Delmar ships that were fast enough to pursue them. Kanratur and Hurzalas had finally achieved their victory, but they had lost over a half of their army and fleet in the process, and both had sustained multiple injuries. The small reinforcements would give Vanraael enough power to finally break Mandraesyr's siege, and with all of them combined, they just might have the power to end Mandraesyr for good.

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