Chapter 10:Covert Operation

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Guide us, my friend, Ritalin said to his orathark, whom he had named Reyna, after she saved him from a Tearia, nearly losing her life in the process. The orathark chirped in reply, and flew to the north east, where oratharks were kept. The two Keltorean battleships, four cruisers, four frigates and 6 corvettes, along with 3 of the surviving 7 zeppelins and several hundred fighters and bombers followed. Talaeos, two younger Sun Warriors, and a Ring Wielder observed the magnificent creature from the lead zeppelin, for the first time able to witness it without aggression.

"Master, how do you know this is not a trap? The facility could be surrounded by Delmar forces, and we would not be able to return to safety in time", said Freya, one of the two newly graduated Sun Warriors from the Vanraael Academy. "It is a risk, admittedly, but it is unlikely that they can muster sufficient numbers to overwhelm us. Most of their forces are gathered at Vanraael and Felluria. If any threat arises, we will be able to deal with it without serious casualties. Nevertheless, you are right to be cautious", Talaeos replied.

For a moment, no one spoke. "Master, what was it like before the Kalsari? When Keltorea first went to war with Delmar? Were you under the same conditions?" Maior, the other Sun Warrior, asked.

"When we first discovered Rakka Garraz, it was but a glimpse, before I and many others, and a battalion were cut off from the rest of our forces. For four days, we fought the Delmar forces, while our army attempted to break through their encirclement. Then, for a month, everything was going poorly. Most of our fleet and army was destroyed, along with many Sun Warriors and Ring Wielders. All due to Mandraesyr, Kanratur and Hurzalas. Masters Ulmara and Olron were killed by them personally, but not before dozens of Tearia fell to their weapons and magic. Master Yoluren defeated each of the Dark Lords, and several times, could have killed them, but they managed to escape. He was eventually killed by Hurzalas himself. By then, however, the Delmar encirclement was finally broken, as fresh reinforcements arrived. Two days later, we routed the survivors to the doors of Rakka Garraz. They held out for four days more, but on the last day, I, Xular, Juralen, Lumaira, Pyron, Jukira, Kortea, Masters Eon, Giarna, Oreana, Rokitas and Ritalin stood before the ruins of the fortress, after a brutal fight with Mandraesyr, Hurzalas, Kanratur and what we thought were the last pf their followers. In the end, as our forces closed in, the Dark Lords vanished, leaving behind the charred remains of the Tearia that had fought alongside them. We thought they were beaten, and no longer a threat", Talaeos replied.

"Oh, how wrong we were", he added.

Ritalin channeled light into his senses, and spotted the facility. He signaled Reyna to slow down, as the rest of the battle group passed over them. They attacked the 8 Delmar battleships and the support vessels, keeping them occupied, while several squadrons of fighters followed Ritalin to the facility.

Reyna unleashed a volley of energy beams, taking out many of the anti air guns, and the fighters finished off the rest, though around a third of them were shot down. Four troop carriers and four squads of airborne troops, along with a platoon of tanks went down to the ground, and the 320 strong force followed Ritalin towards the facility. They were met with around 500 Delmar ground troops and vehicles, and several Tearia.

Ritalin cut down a demon hound, and skewered a rothari, before turning his attention to the Tearia. Four Darkswords descended on his defenses, followed by torrents of fire, lightning, dark energy and telekinesis, but the Elder repelled every attack. He caught a Darksword between his trident's teeth, and delivered a cut with the short blade at the end of his weapon. He ducked under a mid cut and blasted the Tearia with a beam of light. He scattered the four warriors with a telekinetic wave, and attacked the more injured one.

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