Chapter 6:Recovery

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Talaeos opened his eyes, and looked around. At first, all he saw was white. And then, blurry shapes materialized. He channeled light, and his eyes cleared. He saw Lumaira half sitting in a chair at his bedside, and Juralen and Jukira by the window. He stroked Lumaira's hand, letting her know he was awake. Immediately, she sat up, and checked his pulse.

"Welcome back", she said, smiling. "It's good to be back. How long was I out?" he replied. "Two weeks. The wound you received from Mandraesyr healed in the first four days, but that drained your body of over a half of its energy. Had it not been for your connection to the Stone, you would not have survived", Lumaira said.

"You had all of us on alert the entire time. By now, Ritalin joined us. He significantly sped up your recovery", said Jukira. "For the past week, we have been planning our next moves, in between light probing attacks from Mandraesyr's army. Giarna, Eon, Rokitas and Oreana are defending Felluria from the combined might of Kanratur and Hurzalas. We can not stay on the defensive for much longer. They shall grind us down eventually. We have to counter attack while we still have enough forces", Juralen said. "They outnumber us four to one. We can not break through them head on", Talaeos said.

"That is precisely why we will not be launching any ground assaults. We will be attacking them from the air. That is where they are at their weakest. Their sky fleets are numerous, but their ships are old. Our technology is more modern. We have better protection and better armament. Our ships are faster and more maneuverable. Even with the Oratharks, we still have the advantage. Over the past 6 years, our engineers and scientists have been working on new fighter and capital ship designs. The first prototypes were tested during the battles of Raevel, Daarven and Hellion, where the fighting had been most intense. The tests were successful. The two prototypes destroyed dozens of their fighters, and over a dozen capital ships. Now, we have four new fighter squadrons, and 12 of these new capital ships, and we have more ships of all kinds in various stages of construction. All we need now are volunteers, to form special battle groups, which will be operating in their rear, disrupting communications, logistics, and destroying their supply depots. One of us will lead each of the battle groups, in case any Tearia go after us. Mandraesyr, Kanratur and Hurzalas will stay on the front lines, so we shouldn't have to worry about their interference too much", said Lumaira.

"If too many of us are away, our defenses here will be much weaker. Can we really afford this?" said Talaeos. "Their attacks will be weaker, too. It's a risk, admittedly, but we can not afford to stay on the defensive for much longer. Slowly, but surely, we will be whittled down. We have to strike", Juralen replied.

Suddenly, alarms blared. The four rushed out of the chamber, and to the city walls.

"What is going on?" Juralen demanded. "Kalsari!"

The Vanraael sky fleet sped over them, the 6 battleships, 11 cruisers, 4 frigates and 7 corvettes, supported by 1300 fighters, all circling over something. Roars could be heard, as the beast retaliated against the fleet. Several dozen fighters fell from the sky, followed by 2 corvettes and a frigate, along with 2 cruisers.

"Right flank!" Another sky fleet appeared. "Those are not Keltorean ships! Open fire!"

Juralen, Talaeos, Lumaira, Jukira and Ritalin formed a shield of light, blocking the shots from the warships. Ritalin unleashed a torrent of lightning, taking down several fighters, and released beams of light, burning through a capital ship's wing. Talaeos, Juralen and Jukira flung the ship into another, destroying both. Jukira extended one hand towards the sky, and shared a glance with Talaeos and Lumaira. They nodded, and sent streams of lightning into her free hand. Lightning streamed from the sky, and as the energy filled her to the brim, Jukira released it, blasting the enemy sky fleet, taking down most of the remaining ships. The rest swiftly retreated.

The battle with the Kalsari was going poorly. Already, only 4 battleships, 6 cruisers, 1 frigate, 3 corvettes, and just over 1000 fighters were still airborne. And the damage dealt to the Kalsari had been less than desirable.

"Where are these new ships kept?" Talaeos asked. "In a separate hangar, over the regular one. Why?" said Ritalin. "I am going to take one of them on a test flight", Talaeos replied. "Not without us, you are not", Juralen said, clapping him on the shoulder.

The Sun Warriors loaded onto the fighters, and joined the sky fleet, while the defensive weapons provided artillery fire.

"Pay attention to its blasts. One strike, and you are dead", Ritalin said, as he opened fire on the monster beneath them. Jukira and Lumaira fired missiles, hitting the creature near the eyes, disorienting it, thus allowing the other ships to get closer. The battleships unleashed a barrage of missiles, and the fighters struck its eyes again. The enraged creature swung its limbs, taking down a few more dozen, and unleashed another energy beam, burning through the bridge of a cruiser, taking the vessel down.

And yet, it could not last forever. The Kalsari was now considerably slower, and its attacks were easier to evade. Its weakened legs buckled under its weight. The battleships slammed into its sides, front and back, knocking the wind out of it. At last, after a few more such maneuvers, the monster collapsed, and ceased breathing. They had won.

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