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3rd Person POV.


Lam glances at his phone. Lam is sitting at their food court table waiting for Park.

It was already past 8.30 but Park is nowhere to be seen. Lam was about to pick his bag when a heavy patting Park run near him.

BRUGHH- Park throws himself on the chair. Tired.

Lam looks at sweating Park unamused but he still past him a bottle of water.

"Thank you L-Lam," Park says while drinking the water in one go. After a few minutes, "The traffic was ridiculously heavy! where the fuck is everyone going early in the morning? " Park started to rant.

Lam shook his head. "Work, school, I don't know. but we are running late. It's Professor Jung's class by the way." Lam says.

"shit let's go LAM!" Park says as he quickly pulls his stuff and Lam's arm with him.

luckily they got in class before Professor Jung came.

Lam shook his head again unbelievable. "I told you it will be easier if you just go and send N'Peach. I can go by myself." Lam says.

Park doesn't say anything. he shrugged his head but acted like he can't hear anything.

Lam shook his head again. Park is always soooo stubborn. Yesterday, Park told him that he need to pick N'Peach this week since her brother is out of town, so Lam told Park that he can pick N'Peach while Lam can get to college by himself but Park refuse. Which Lam doesn't understand, why?

Park says Lam always goes with him so he should go with him no matter what. So Park will send Lam first and go back to N'Peach's house and pick her after. which is not close. making Park in hurry to get to their morning class on time.


Lam and Park just finish their calculas class, now it's lunch, Forth is going to meet their professor's for their lab project.

Tul and Max was yet to finish their classes since they took different major from Park, Lam and Forth.

"What you want for lunch?" Park asks after they get to their table.

Lam shrugged, "I don't know." He answer.

"I want pad thai, then I will buy the same for you." Park say.

Lam nod, before looking at his phone.

"Em- hai P'Lam?"

Lam look up when he heard his name was called. It's N'Peach.

" have you seen P'Park? " Peach ask politely.

Lam look at the girl, in her hand there is a choclate bento box. He doesn't want to answer but he need to be nice so " he is quieng there." Lam say.

Peach look at the direction while nodding politely. "Thank you P' Lam." The Nong say again before going to other direction.

Lam sighed.


Not long after Max and Tul arrive, and couple of minutes later Forth come. By the time Park bring two set of pad thai, all of them already there.

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