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Honestly i dont know where this chapter going so just uhm— enjoy?


Park blink.
It was just 7, he was getting to college early since he got things to do for his senior, P'Wad .

But then, Lam was already infront of his room.
Room door.

Smiling, dearly. "Hi park." Lam says

Park blink again. "Why are you here?" Park asks.

Lam smile. "I was going to pick you up to college." He says "would you like to go with me?" Lam continues but a little slow then before. He is shy.

Park tilt his head.
He open his mouth but close it again.
He clearly saw Lam's cheek turn bright red. He nod.

"Great.. you want to use the bike or.. uhm the c-car?" Lam say a little nervouse.

Park laughs. He hold Lam's hand to stop his movement. "We can go by bike Lam." He says

Lam cough to ease his nervouseness. Then he smile. "Okay, uhm sorry."

"No, why would you say sorry. You did nothing wrong." Park say

Lam nod. "Sorry.."

Park look at Lam unamused.

Lam rack his un-itchy hair. "Let's go?"

Park nod. "After you." He says, signing for Lam to walk first.

"Uhm- but I, ah o-kayy.."

They both walk side by side to Lam's bike.
Before Lam get on his bike and let Park sit at the back part.

Then Lam drove his bike to engineering.
Weird tho. Lam thought.
Oh righy, it's always Park who drove them here.

"Thank you Lam." Park say as he get off Lam's bike.

Lam smile. He nod. "Sure." He says helping Park to take off the helmet.

He puts Park's helmet on the back sit and took of his after.

Then Lam took time to rack Park hair. Tidy it. Before smiling dearly to Park.

Park stares at Lam's movement.
Lam is handsome. Yes he know it since the first day but now? He is HOT?

"Have a nice day Park." Lam says

Park nod. But the he tilt his head. He just noticed Lam doesn't wear his blue engineering jacket.

"Where are you going?" He asks.

"I don't have morning class today, the professor cancelled it." Lam says.

"Oh," Park nod. "Are you going back?" He asks.

Lam nod. His class only started at 2pm. Plenty pf time so he plan to finish his undone homeword at his room.

Park seems confuse again. He blink.

Lam chuckle. "I'll get going first na." He says dropping a quick peck on Park's lips.

Park blink. Then he nod.
"Drive safe." He mumble.

Lam smile, he nod. "Thank you"

Park blink.


Later that afternoon Park found Lam sitting at tgeir usual table with Forth. He has two portion of rice and tomyum with him.

"Hi Park. I've buy us lunch. Is tomyum okay with you?" Lam asks

Park nod. "Sure" he says.

Lam smile.
Again. Park always love how Lam's lips shape into heart when he is smiling.

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