Chapter Two ✰ Chase Huxley ✰

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Whoever said money can't buy happiness clearly hasn't been invited to one of Jaxon Wan's epic house parties. If they'd taken one glance inside the Wan's mansion, they'd know there's nothing money can't buy. My one and only aspiration in life was for my modeling career to make me half as rich as Jaxon Wan. I happened to be at one of Jaxon's infamous parties on the night my life got irrevocably mucked up. I lounged in his pool surrounded by dolphins. Yes, Jaxon Wan has a dolphin in his pool. At least I'm pretty sure he does. I've never been anything short of completely wasted at one of his parties. I was chatting with a wannabe film director and some girl who I think was on Dancing with the Stars season 129 when my best friend, Mason, came running up to meet me. "Hey, you made it! I thought you weren't coming because you were working on your boring movie."

He rolled his eyes. "We wrapped up early, and it isn't a boring movie it's a profound and relevant documentary about corporate corruption. You're just too obtuse to understand its significance."

"Hmm, what?" I was falling asleep listening to him talk about it. "Did you need something or—?"

"You left your Holowatch in the upstairs bathroom, I came to return it."

"That's impossible, my watch never leaves my wrist." I glance down at my arm for confirmation but sure enough, it was gone.

Mason handed me my missing Holowatch.

I slapped it back onto my wrist and let out a relieved sigh. "You're the best, Mason."

"I'm really not." He gave a humble shrug. "By the way, someone's been sending you creepy messages. I would have blocked them for you, but I don't know your password."

I clumsily dragged myself out of the pool. I plopped down on the ledge and scrolled through my messages.

Chase Huxley, I can't get into the details, but you are in imminent danger. Go somewhere private and we can discuss further. —A friend.

I turned towards Mason. "Do you think there's any chance of a real threat?"

"I don't know, this sounds sketchy, like one of those spam messages when a Martian Prince asks you to send all of your credits to his bank account." He shrugged."On the other hand, we are celebrities, and it's not unheard of for us to be targeted for some reason or another."

"I don't know if I call myself a celebrity," I said, feigning modesty.

Mason patted my shoulder. "Then you shouldn't have anything to worry about."

He was probably right. Mason was a lot smarter than me, though I'd never tell him that. I tried to enjoy the party, but the messages haunted me. I went to the open bar and tried every single glow-in-the-dark cocktail on the menu, and it didn't help. Now I'm drunk and distressed and the same time. I thought alcohol was supposed to fix all your problems. Didn't Socrates say something like that? Or was it Mother Theresa?

I reached my breaking point around midnight. I had to know what the messages were talking about. I snuck out of the party and found my car. Without hesitation, I called the number. "Listen up buckaroo, I came here to have a good time, and your creepy messages are making me paranoid, so this had better be a serious threat or else, I'll call the FBI or something on your ass."

There was nothing but the sound of breathing on the other end.


A message popped up on my Holowatch. Are you drunk?


Your chances of surviving the night just dropped exponentially. At this point, you not getting killed would require a miracle. Go drink some water, then follow my directions to the letter. Okay?

"Did you know Jesus' first miracle was turning water into wine? Maybe I should drink wine instead of water, that might help us get a miracle.

I'm certain Jesus would not condone you giving yourself alcohol poisoning. I swear your own stupidity will kill you before Bionic Corp does.

"Bionic Corp? Isn't that company that sells toasters?"

Amongst other things. Including your car. Which is why your first instruction is to walk home, don't stop, don't talk to anyone, and leave your Holowatch and any other devices behind.

"So you're telling me a bunch of toasters are coming to kill me?"

I don't know why I've spent this long trying to help you. You obviously aren't smart enough to steal those maps. I must have the wrong person.

"Pfft maps? Why would I steal maps? I can download them for free on my Holowatch. The only thing I steal is hearts."

Cybernetic hearts?

"No, human ones, I'm a massive flirt, ask anyone. What would I even do with a cybernetic heart?

I clearly have the wrong person. Sorry for ruining your night. There was a deep sigh on the other end of the call, and then he hung up.

Good riddance. What a freak! Everything he said made no sense. I can't believe he had the audacity to act like I was wasting his time! I'm the real victim here.

Mason jogged up to me.

I dove behind my car.

"What are you doing, Chase?"

I poked my head out from behind the vehicle. "I replied to the weird messages even though you told me not to."

He raised an eyebrow. "What happened?"

"You were right that guy is crazy!"

"Did you happen to catch the guy's name?"

"No. I'm not even sure if it was a guy. They refused to talk they would only send written messages."

"That's weird." He frowned. "Why were you hiding out here?"

"He told me not to talk to anyone." I gripped the hood of my car to try to stop myself from falling over. Maybe, I had a few too many drinks."I know it's silly, but he's gotten into my head."

"It's okay. I understand. I'd  freak out too if I were in your position." He looked down at the ground. "I wanted to say goodbye before I left."

"Where are you going?"

He smiled. "Sara asked me to walk her home."

"Eww, the cyborg girl! You can do better than that, man."

His hands balled into fists. "There's nothing wrong with being a cyborg and Sara is beautiful no matter what."

I gagged. "Maybe, if you find wires and transistors attractive."

"You're an asshole, Chase. Has anyone ever told you that?" He stormed off.

"It was just a joke!" I called after him but he didn't respond. What's his deal? I've never seen him that angry.

I chose not to walk home that night. Can you blame me? I was so wasted I couldn't even stand up straight and, I didn't buy a self-driving car, so I could walk home from parties. I turned up the radio loud in an attempt to drown out my feelings from the night. A strange smell tickled my nostrils. It smelled like a mix of rotten eggs and burning rubber. I looked up and noticed smoke emanating from the engine. I may not know a lot about cars, but I know that's not a good sign. I gave my car the command to pull over, but it sped up instead. "Pull over!" I commanded, much louder this time. The car continued to speed up. I'm going to die tonight. That was the last thought I had before my car burst into flames.

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