Chapter Twenty-Nine ꕤ Katrina Madden ꕤ

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I rolled my eyes so far into my skull, I think I saw my brain. Marisa's holier-than-thou attitude was grinding my gears. I don't know where she got the delusion she's so much better than everyone else. She thinks she's so morally superior just because she's never killed anyone. You don't like the murders? Grow up. I can't wait until I get my code and blow this place. I've wasted so much time already, and for what? I've been so helpful for no personal gain. It doesn't suit me. "Let's go, losers, we're going next door."


I led them back to the spa, where the receptionist was still passed out on the ground from when Atlas had choked him. I'll admit it, I admire how brutal Atlas can be if he puts his mind to it. Atlas and I aren't that different. Curseword was the rough draft, and I'm the completed product. I'm continuing his legacy. No one wants to talk about that because he's the hero and everything the hero does is excusable, right? But villains can never be forgiven. I kicked the receptionist in the skull to make sure he didn't wake up anytime soon.

"That was unnecessary," Marisa said. She clutched onto Patch, helping him limp through the lobby, being extra attentive to ensure he didn't stumble. The sight was so sickly sweet I wanted to puke. I'm so glad I don't have anyone to take care of. It seems like a total drag. Besides, I can barely keep myself alive some days, never mind anyone else. I'd probably kill a goldfish within hours of owning it.

"What are we doing here, exactly?" Patch asked, scanning the spa lobby. "Are we getting our nails done?"

"I wish. We're looking for the Annihilation Code. I thought you would've inferred that from our previous conversations," I said, annoyed.

"In a spa?"

I clasped my hands together and took a sharp inhalation, trying to control my temper. "Because this is where your nephew told me it was."

"How do you know he was telling the truth?"

I froze in place, waiting to hear what he had to say.

"I'm just starting to wonder if my darling nephew figured you out and brought you here to deter you from the real code."

That's not true, Atlas didn't suspect a thing until Chase told him. Even if he somehow figured out that I was Oblivion, he never would've sacrificed Patch's life just to inconvenience me. That's not the kind of person Atlas is.  I studied Patch's expression and noticed a slight upturn of his lips. He was trying to trick me. He wanted me to second guess myself. Well, I've got some bad news for you, One-Eyed Willie, I'm done being played with. I'm already Bionic Corp's pawn, I won't be anyone else's. "It's here, I know it," I said. That wasn't entirely true. I didn't know that for certain, but I needed him to believe it was here.

"It would probably be somewhere you wouldn't expect. Bionic Corp is sneaky like that."

"I know that already. You're not the only one who worked for them, you know? I know more than you."

"If you know so much, why don't you find it yourself?"

I scowled at him and extended my claws in a silent threat.

Marisa stood between us. "Fighting won't get us anywhere, guys. Let's finish our mission, and then we'll never have to see each other again."

"Great idea!" I said, marching towards the other end of the foyer.

"Where are you going?" Patch asked.

"I don't know! I don't know anything, okay? Is that what you want to hear? I don't know what I'm doing, and this stupid freaking spa is my last hope! I bet you two just love seeing me fail, don't you?" I kicked over a ceramic vase, causing it to shatter. The pathetic fake plant bounced twice, then I stomped on it in my fit of rage.

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