1. Fresh Start

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Jen wakes to a gasp. Despite her blurry vision, the light that surrounds her is unmistakable. Like many times before she is surrounded by amber-colored points of light and the glaze that comes with them. Beneath her hand, her chest rises and falls so quickly, her body feels suspended like the first drop on a roller coaster. She closes her eyes again and takes a deep conscious breath. When she opens her eyes, tears skate down her cheeks. Jen pulls her blankets from her legs and swings them off the side of the bed but as she attempts to stand the room seems to sway sending her hands back to the edge of her bed.

"So he doesn't remember anything," Jen hears in her own voice.

"No," TC replies gently. "Every memory he had of you and your family had to go."

Biting her lower lip, Jen takes a deep breath and opens her eyes. Her hand reaches up to her throat absent-mindedly feeling around. Her brows furrow as she feels around again. She reaches for her phone and holds it out in front of her. She raises her head and peers into the screen. Peering at her reflection quickly indicates what's wrong. With a sigh, she sets her phone aside and stands. She finds herself walking over to her dresser, specifically her jewelry box. From one of the back corners, she pulls a small pouch of purple velvet; With two fingers she gently pulls it open and shakes the contents into her palm. Her fingertips run over the heart-shaped pendant as she raises the ends and clasps them around her neck. As her fingers curve around it, her shoulders sink and she swallows hard. The sound of knuckles against her door steals her attention.

"Jen? Honey?"

"Come in," Jen chokes out.

The door swings open revealing her mother, Lynn. Only her torso can be seen at the angle she's standing.

"Are you getting ready? You might be late if you aren't ready soon." Her lips are pulled tight but her eyes are wide and soft-looking.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm getting ready. I'm feeling a little...just not a hundred percent yet."

"If you're not feeling well, you don't have to go." Lynn walks toward Jen but stops short of actually reaching her. She folds her arms and Jen's eyes are drawn to her hands. Glinting on the ring finger of her mother's right hand is her new wedding ring; considering it's only been a few weeks since the ceremony, the ring is brand new. Jen's eyes flicker back up to her mother's and she pulls her hand from her throat. Lynn hides her left hand and meets Jen's eyes.

"No, it's all right," Jen says walking over to her closet. "I have to go. I have a test today." She pulls out a crisp white uniform shirt followed by a skirt and her usual sweater vest.

"Okay, well," Lynn answers. "There's breakfast downstairs if you're hungry." Lynn leaves and closes the door. After freshening up, applying makeup, and choosing a plain black choker, dangling earrings, and a wallet chain to add to her outfit, Jen heads downstairs. After waffles, sausages, and a glass of orange juice, waves and heads for the door.

At Garfield, Jen follows her usual route to her locker and starts swapping out books; in her periphery, she spots TC down the hall. He arrives with his headphones on, nodding the music as usual. He tends to his own locker then closes it, pulls his headphones down, and turns to Jen.

"Jen, hey." TC hangs his thumbs inside the loops of his backpack coking this elbows out.

"Hey," Jen replies closing her locker. His eyes search hers but she looks away before he purses his lips.

"H-how are you---" She looks away and adjusts her shirt collar.

"Nah, not right now." TC nods and swallows. His lips tense up and part momentarily but he seems to swallow his words and Jen begins walking. They attend homeroom together, split off for class, and then meet up for lunch. After receiving her food TC joins her outside on the bleachers. Picking at the food, Jen quickly settles for the fruit cup that she finishes in no time. She pushes the tray aside and leans back resting her elbows on the bench behind her. TC remains quiet eating his lunch as he looks around people watching. He soon finishes and begins lounging as well, simply staring up at the sky. Jen reaches for the pendant and holds it between her index finger and thumb. Her eyes close.

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