8. Memory

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Jen's breathing quickly becomes irregular and she immediately feels warmth gather in her palms. Her head tilts back and an intense warm feeling spreads to the back of her head making her gasp. Her shoulders become heavy and she watches as amber bolts of lightning sweep up her arms beneath her skin. The heat intensifies behind her eyes and they come alight and her dark brown irises are replaced with glowing amber ones.

"Jen," TC calls gently. He inches toward her but her brows furrow and she waves him off.

"She's a---" Khalil says wide-eyed. TC glances over at him but his attention is quickly stolen by amber-colored points of light a milky amber glaze seeping out of Jen. She pulls her hands into fists and closes her eyes; her head tilts back and the glaze spreads until it completely surrounds her. Khalil's eyes widen further.

"Is she supposed to do that?" Pk asks.

"The sphere TC," Jen says. TC nods, his eyes flash green and several windows open up on the main computer screen.

"Brandy," he calls. "Activate the containment sphere, shut down all unnecessary operations, and divert essential power to the generators only."

"I won't be able to run anything other than general operations, are you sure?"


"Understood." The floor to the left of the main computer splits and spreads in two halves. A clear sphere rises from beneath the floor. From top to bottom, it must be at least six feet, six inches tall, and the same across creating a perfect ball shape. A black band of metal encloses the sphere at a forty-five-degree angle and along it runs a thin strip of lights. Inside, white light shines up from the floor illuminating the entire thing. The entire room darkens in sections save from lights that mark doorways and vital areas. The two brightest things in the room are the sphere and Jennifer. She approaches it, and it opens with a woosh sound emitting fine white smoke, she steps inside and it closes. Jen stands at the center, extends her arms, opens her hands, and light shoots out of them.

"Oh shi---" Pk remarks.

Jen begins floating and light engulfs the entire space. Khalil and TC shield their eyes with their arms as a wave of pressure rushes through the room challenging their footing. They lock their knees and endeavor to hold their footing as the pressure increases. as the air pressure rises it suppresses their eardrums.

"What's happening?" Khalil yells.

"She's flaring," he replies cupping his mouth with one hand. "She has too much pent-up energy inside; it needs to escape." The pressure increases and the guys crouch lower, nearly sitting on the floor. A gust of air rushes against their backs pushing them onto their hands and knees dragging them forward; they tuck their heads low to the floor and cover them. In the next moment, the air presses them into the floor. A sharp crack and a flash of lightning strikes the top of the sphere like in a thunderstorm. The wind dies down gradually and the two guys look up to see that they're barely a foot away from the sphere. They rise slowly and Khalil looks around to find that several things have shifted out of place but every piece of equipment seems to be intact. TC raises his head and his eyes go green.

"Brandy," he calls. "Reset, return to main power and open the sphere."

The sphere wooshes open emitting thick white smoke. As it clears, Jen comes into view slumped against one of the transparent concave walls. Her head lolls resting against it and her long dark lashes rest still against her cheeks. TC waves the remainder of the smoke away, coughs, and, makes his way over to Jen, Khalil follows. An uneasy feeling settles in Khalil's chest as he approaches; he approaches anyway shooing smoke away. TC crouches over her with his hands held close to his body.

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