3. Homecoming

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"Hey," Jefferson says panting. He leans forward and presses a light kiss to Lynn's cheek. He clears his throat and has a sip of water from the bottle he's holding. He leans against the counter opposite her. Lynn pulls clean laundry from the dryer, and fills the nearest empty laundry bag with it; she loads the washer again and hauls the full bag over her shoulder. Jefferson offers his hands and tasks the bag without prompting. His wife walks ahead of him, heading toward their bedroom where she takes the bag and pours the clothing over the bed.

"Where's Jen?" he asks heading into the bathroom.

"She went over to Anissa and Grace's," Lynn replies as she holds out an article of clothing, considering how she will fold it. "They're helping her choose a prom dress." Jefferson comes back into the bedroom flicking water from his hands.

"She didn't like any of the ones at the mall?" he asks, setting into the armchair on Lynn's side of the bed.

"No. Not really."

Jefferson nods then heads back into the bathroom, the sound of water can be heard through the door. Lynn finishes up the laundry then takes the bag and heads back down to the laundry room. She is about to start sorting a load when she notices dark blue fabric sticking out from behind one of the machines. Using a hanger, she snags the bag and pulls it out of its hiding place. It is one of the older laundry bags, larger than the rest with a ribbon as drawstrings. She shakes it out brushing off the lint until it's clean and gathers it up to toss into the laundry basket filled with bags when she notices something strange. There's some weight to the bag, not excessive but enough for a thick or heavy piece of clothing. She reaches inside and retrieves a tie-dye grey and white hoodie. She raises and shakes it out. It appears familiar but the longer she looks at it, the more confused she becomes. It's too small to be Jefferson's and it's not something Anissa would wear, not to mention she's been completely moved out for over a year now. It's not her own. The only person left is Jen but, if it is, Lynn's never seen it. She tosses the hoodie in with the rest of the laundry and decides to figure out whom it belongs to when it's clean. As Lynn arrives on the main level and finds Jefferson milling around the kitchen. He pauses a moment then settles for a glass of water and takes a seat at the kitchen island.

"Hungry?" she asks brushing his shoulder as she passes. She makes her way to the other side and begins washing her hands.

"I can eat," Jefferson replies with a smile. Lynn pulls a few things from the fridge and makes quick work of grabbing some sandwich ingredients. She grabs a pan, and places it on the stove. After toasting it on both sides, she sets it on a plate and puts it in front of Jefferson. 


Jen stands atop a short platform with her arms spread wide in the elevated center of the back fitting room surrounded by formal wear. A seamstress is bent at her feet busily measuring away. Soft rock pours from the sparsely placed speakers above, Anissa and Grace are milling around searching for outfits, and Jen's mind can't help but wonder. For what seems like at least the seventh time of the day Jen shakes her head in an effort to clear her mind. Anissa suddenly calls out and starts to make her way over.

"What about this is one?" Anissa says raising a black and gold gown with a plunging neckline. The v cuts deep, stopping just short of where the center of a bra would naturally hit. She turns the dress revealing an identical plunging v hanging from thin straps a hair thicker than spaghetti straps. The gold comes into play at bottom of the v covering more areas don't the length of the dress. It needs heels for sure; three-inch ones at the shortest. Anissa approaches and holds the dress out to Jen. The fabric feels a bit scratchy beneath her fingers but as she feels the inside it feels better.

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