5. Unresolved

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Jennifer's heartbeat pulses in her throat as she gnaws on her lip chewing hard. She presses the phone harder to her ear as she shakes Khalil again with her free hand.

"What is he doing here?" Jen asks herself.

"TC, come on," she says. "You've gotta help me here." With a sigh, she takes her phone from her ear and dials a different number. The rings twice then it picks up.

"Jen?" Gambi questions. There's some rustling in the background and then a distant yawn. "What---what's wrong?"

"Uncle Gambi, I need help," she requests. She puts her fingers to Khalil's jugular vein, closes her eyes, and waits. She holds her hand as still as she can and two staggered breaths pulsate beneath her fingertips. A sigh escapes her lips. Her shoulders relax and sink.

"Jen? Are y---where are you?" The padding of heavy bare feet follows and then more shuffling. Jen relays the address and commotion follows in Gambi's background. She hears a door open and close, the jingle of keys, and, the sound of rubber-soled shoes on the hardwood.

"Are you all right?"

"I'm good, Uncle Gambi but, Khalil, he---" she says running her thumb across his forehead where beads of sweat have begun to form. "He's not doing so hot."

"Khalil? What is he doing here? I thought he---"

"Please Uncle Gambi, just get here. He needs help." Jen hangs up the phone and with all the strength she can muster without her powers, she pulls Kahlil out of the clearing into the shadow of a bench behind a cluster of bushes. She pulls his shoulders up on her knees and holds his head in her lap again. His body shudders and the shaking in her hands intensifies.

"What are you doing here? she asks. Jen squeezes her eyes shut trying to force the tears back inside. "You're supposed to be miles away, starting your new life---doing good somewhere else. Why did you have to come back?"

Khalil's body shudders again and Jen finds herself gasping. She braces his shoulders and rolls Khalil on his side so that his cheek is in her lap. She holds him in place with one hand and begins running her hand back and forth across his forehead along his hairline. His furrowed brows go smooth at her touch and tension in his shoulders gradually lessens. His breathing soothes and after a few more minutes it seems to have returned to normal. Suddenly he gasps and Jen freezes. He shifts in her arms and slowly rolls over onto his back. His eyes squeeze shut then open slowly showing his dark brown eyes through tiny slits. He peers up at her.

"You," he breathes. His eyes open wider and his brows knit. Jen covers her nose and mouth. He reaches for her, his fingers curve around her wrist but when he tugs her hand remains.

"Don't," Jen says. He lets go and brushes the hood back from her face. He dries a tear on the back of her index finger. The takes his hand away.

"Why do you know my name?" Jen's eyes well up again but she looks up and away before she can stop herself, her attention is back on him.

"I can't tell you that."

"What can you tell me?" he asks. His gaze doesn't waver.

"You're not supposed to be here," Jen replies. "You're not supposed t---" Tears streak her cheeks and she pushes the heels of her hand into her eyes. She dries her cheeks with the backs of her hands then locks her jaw and lets them fall. Khalil makes eye contact and winces almost winking; Jen covers her mouth again.

"Then why are you helping me? " He asks. Jen swallows and clears her throat.

"Because I---"

"Because you know me. I know you do." He reaches for her face and she tugs away narrowing her eyes. "That, right there," he says. "That's why."

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