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Siwon POV

"What the hell?" Jenna?!

I try to jump away from Min Ho and he throws himself to the floor to attempt to hide.

"Min Ho. Get. Up. Now. " Leeteuk said in anger.

Oh shit.

"Hyung... why are you here?"

He sighs when he looks me in the eye and points at a pissed off Jenna.

"Why are you guys... doing.... that!" she screeches.

Because I want to. Duh.

"Uhmm.... I was... uhm .... passing by and decided to visit," Min Ho answered but it sounded more like a question.

"Siwon hyung? You like penis?" asked Kyu.

"KYUHYUN!" screamed Jenna and Leeteuk.

"Uhm... you see... I've know Min Ho for a while... so we tried ... experimenting .... and liked it so, here we are."

"But you are so religious! "

"I'm not gay!"

"You inserted your dick inside him. Sounds pretty gay to me." I glared at Kyu.

"I'm going home," grunted Min Ho.

"No. Stay. Guys leave. This is my home."

I got up with the blanket to cover me and lead them out the door and returned to my room to see Min Ho under the covers laughing.

"I can't believe we got caught," he said between giggles.

"Who cares."


I climbed on top of him and kissed his neck softly. He moaned from under me and wrapped his legs around my waist rubbing our erections together.

Min Ho pulled on my hair while I bit down on the soft spot on his neck. I could feel him shivering from pleasure. God that's hot.

"Again?" He asked.

I looked at him and saw a look of lust and worry combined.

"Why, are you busy?"

He let out a moan when I massaged his inner thigh.

"I don't remember ..."

I chuckled and kissed his lips deeply.

We were at it all day and night. I'm actually tired. Stupid Min Ho. Why are you so good?!

I bumped in to someone.

"Sorry!" I apologized quickly.

....WAIT! ITS...! OH MY GOD.

Holly Shit.

"Hey Siwon," he said.

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