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Jenna's POV

Both my crushes are sleeping together.

Why me?

I've only know Siwon for a couple of weeks and he's already a big part of my life, but I can't believe this.

"I'm Sorry." Siwon hid his face.

I can't be a bitch. He is still my friend. God, say something you DUMBASS.

"Uh, its fine Siwon."

He looked at me uncertainty. "I really do like him. Not just know."

"I figured."

He reached for me and pulled me for a hug so I wrapped my arms around him.

I looked past him into the hall when I suddenly saw some kind of flash.

"What the..."

He ends the hug and asks, "What's wrong?"

"Oh uh Nothing. I have to go, but have a Goodnight. Bye."

I wave at him and head out.

What the hell was that flash....

*Next Morning*

"Holy Fuck."

I woke up to Sam's screams.

I opened my window to only be blinded by flashes of light.

"What the fuckery is this?"

[A/N: Sorry its so short ><]

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