Meeting him.

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I sat there wondering what the director had told me, I mean I can speak and understand Chinese, but he was talking really fast!

"Go find Siwon, he's in-," is all i heard!

I walked around in circles when all of a sudden BAM! I must have run in to someone, SHIT SHIT, what if he's the director!

"Mother Fudgetickle," I screamed in English.

"I'm sorry what?"

OK well I'm temporarily blinded, so I don't know who said that, but I do know he isn't the director. I sat there on the floor with my legs crossed until I got my vision back. Although it was a little patchy I could see better than before.

"Are you OK ma'am?" Then all of a sudden there was muscular hands picking me up bridal style. Which is weird for me because I HATE being touched!

"What the hell are you doing? Put me down," I whined with a panicked voice as I got picked up four feet higher than before.

"I'm sorry I thought you were hurt because you weren't talking," the strange man muttered.

"Oh I'm fine so can you put me down? What's your name anyway," I asked because since I still couldn't see his face very well.

He put me down on my feet, but i almost fell so he held me by my waist. Which I didn't really mind anymore since it was either him or the floor.

He looked at me and I finally got the chance to get a good look at him and I couldn't believe what I was seeing!

"Hello my name is-"

"You're SIWON!" I started hyperventilating and my eyes were wide.

"Oh so you do know who I am.."

As soon as I composed myself I looked up at his beautiful face and took it all in. I just couldn't believe it, here in front of me was Choi Siwon the member of the Korean Pop band "Super Junior" and was also had the male lead role of the Taiwanese Drama "Skip-Beat!". Wow Korea is a really lucky place! First, Lee Min Ho, then my new best friend Sam ,and now Choi Siwon!!I suddenly realized he was staring back at so I backed away tripping a couple of times in the process, but managing to stay standing.

"I'm sorry I wasn't watching where I was going. I was trying to look for you, because the director is asking for you...."

"Don't be sorry I wasn't looking either. Well I'll go look for the director," he responded and adding one of his famous three finger waves.

"B-bye," I managed to get out. "Nice meeting you."

"You too," he said with a grin. "Wait what's your name?"

"Err.... it's Damaria, but call me Jenna."


"....Yes," I said stuttering.

"That's pretty," he said softly. "OK well what's your number so next time you can just call me."

"Uh.. (INSERT NUMBER HERE)," I said barely breathing.

"Kay bye!"

I watched as he walked off with the goofiest smile on my face. Gosh he just asked me for my number, wow what a dream! I got up to leave since it was the end of my work shift and I needed to head back home and study for school. Then my phone started vibrating and on the screen it said:

Hey it's Siwon ^.^

~Hors!3 <3

OMG! It's him what should I put.... maybe "Hey OPPA!"? No, way to desperate. I finally decided it on:

Hey Siwon :D is this your number?


Seconds later...

Yes please save it! ^o^

~Hors!3 <3


Haha :P what if I don't!?




~Hors!3 <3





Pervert -_-

~Hors!3 <3


Says the guy who kisses his band members.... ;D



I must have upset him because he didn't answer back. Great, I just met the guy and I already pissed him off! I walked to my car facepalming myself like twenty time when I suddenly felt a tap on my shoulder.

"Hey," turned around to see Siwon. "I don't just kiss guy you know!"

"But you still admit to kissing them," I responded with a giggle.

"Yes," he said carefree. "I mean no!"


"You are so mean," he said in a whinny voice.


"Nothing," he said with a hint of fear in his voice.

I just giggled and continued walking. He followed after me and that made me laugh, because his face was confused.

"What's so funny?"

"Nothing HOOOORSIE."

We both went our seperate ways to our cars and all I could think of on my way home was him. I hope I meet that gentleman once more.



Yeah well ..... yeah :c

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