Brunch with the Super Bunch! (Read!! I finished it! ^~^!)

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It was around noon when me and Sam decided to go to meet Siwon. Sam was really excited because she was hoping he would bring Donghae. Aish that chick is obsessed! Anywhore, I'm super excited because he said Henry was going to acompany him!! Gosh I love him! I mean he's the only one I can speak english properly with! ~o~

"Let's go," I shouted from her car. "I want to beat the traffic!"

"Aiiish, so bitchy!" She walked out of the house in one of the sluttiest clothes I've ever see. To hell I was taking that slutty whore with me! Ugh I hate girls who go overboard! I loked at her like she was a fucking crazy psycho.

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU FLIPPING WEARING," I screamed as she was about to enter the car.

"Uh clothes..?"

"Fudging hardly," I waved my hands around.

She looked down to her boobs that were falling out her bra-like shirt. I just stared out her then ran out the car and dragged her into my room. I picked out a floral blue dress similar to mine except mine was white and I was wearing pink slippers but I picked out white pumps for her. Well at least her make up was decent only eyeliner and pink gloss.

When her outfit was decent enough I rushed with her behind  me into the car. I called Siwon telling him we were running a little late. When we finally arrived to his apartment it was about 1:30 in the afternoon. We walked in because he had left our names upfront. We walked into with smiles on our faces and then our grins got wider as we entered, well Sam's did. He had invited Donghae and Leeteuk and well seeing Leeteuk made me happy since I heard he was really nice and fun, but he is way to old for me so that could be a problem. I ran around, probably looking crazy, saying hi to everyone and hugged Henry and Siwon twice.

"You didn't tell me she was so pretty," said Leeteuk to Siwon.

"She is quite attractive ,her friend too!" When Sam heard him say this she just went in a giggling crazy laugh marathon.

"Do you speak English," asked Henry in perfect english.

"We both do, but I am perfect at it." I explained to him.

I looked at him and then he smiled at me with those beautiful lips of his. I stared, but not for long because Sam and Donghae took him away. I walked to couch and sat down next to Siwon.

"Wow you have great friends," I said to Siwon.

"Thanks, so do you," he said looking at Sam.

All I did was nodded and then just looked at our friends playing around like 6 year olds. I couldn't believe I was so lucky to have people like this in my life. I was enjoying the moment then Leeteuk told us the food was ready. We all moved into Siwon's dinning room and I sat between Siwon and Sam. Siwon said grace and I just ate while everyone else had their eyes closed. I mean I don't hate praying it's just that I was really hungry and couldn't help it.

We had a very good brunch and everyone cleaned up. Leeteuk and Henry were the first ones to leave the Sam and Donghae deciede to go watch a movie, so I was left with Siwon alone. That was kind of awkward so when I finished helping him clean up he said he had something scheduled so I decieded to leave home. I was heading out of th ebulding when I noticed Lee Min Ho getting out of his car. I ran To him to find out what he was doing.

"Hey Oppa!" I got to his car and was standing there while he just looked like a deer stuck in the headlights.

"Oh crap," he muttered.

"What are you doing here," I asked.

"Uhm...I'm meeting Siwon," he said quietly.

"Oh...ok," I said slowly. He just walked away without saying a word, which I thought was weird so I just took my car and drove home. Ok so today was weird and awkward, but really fun! :DD



Hey it's Lucas!~ <3

Thank you for reading my story :) I LOVE YOU!

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Hope you liked this :)

The video has nothing to do with this but it's one of my favorite songs! :DD <3

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