New home means new (idol) friends ;D

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I was awaken by the sound of Sam screaming. Gosh that girl needs to shut her mouth! I was going to stay up all night trying to come up with ways to impress the director that im volunteering for. Yeah, I ended up with nothing and was texting my friends back home all night instead. Mother funker is a winkle! He doesn't even aknowladge me unless it's to critizise me or to boss me around, WHAT A DICK!

Good morning :D!



Hey Min Ho




Gosh someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed d:!



Ugh! Sam is being nosey :c



:P Want me to pick you up?



Please :3



That right there was my friend and once my idol Lee Min Ho! Yeah, the actor!! We met at one of the places that I (amazingly wished I didn't) volunteer at. The director was such a pedophile and he was trying to kiss me, so Min Ho saw and pushed him off! Well he got fired and so did I D:! But I was still very grateful at what he did for me and we started talking and hanging out right after that.

"Can I come in?"

I recognized the voice right away to being Lee Min Ho! Yey I can leave now!


"Glad you're still awake," he said with a chuckle following.

"Ugh, be quiet or I'll kick you out," I answered with sarcasm.

"Aysh, what a pooper!" He sat next to me on my bed. "Wanna get out of here?"

"Yeah, where are we going," I asked. "You know so I can change."

"Oh just a little place down the road nothing to fancy so wear something casual!"

I sat up and took of the covers to reveal my white shorts and blu tank top. I got up and went into my my closet to get my bleached pants that say CAUTION on the right leg and my neon blue "flowy" shirt that I love. The reason my pant leg say CAUTION is because back home some girls did that as a prank and I, being the weirdo I am, thought it looked cool so the are now my favorite pants. I paired those up with my white converse and a silver necklace that hold my beautiful black ring.

"I'm going to change here since you are gay anyways," I said jokingly.


"I know I'm just joking," I said with a giggle. "But I am going to change in here since im wearing this tank top under and im wearing decent underwear."

"Fine with me!"

I rolled my eyes, "Dick!"

"Aww I love you too!"

Your biggest fan!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora