F*ck you! No more candy!

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I sat outside smoking a cigar, yes a cigar. I only smoke when I see some things that not even I can explain. I haven't talked to Min Ho in a week, which is weird because most of the times he calls to much! I got kicked out of the drama in Taiwan so I haven't talked to Siwon either since he is always so busy!

I kicked the bucket that was next to me and walked back to my apartment in rage. I don't like it when people don't call me, maybe I should delete their numbers! No that is kind of a mean thing to do, but Heechul does it all the time. Yeah if Heechul did it I can do it too right, like the time he kissed Sungmin if he can kiss guys so can all men! Wait I just realized that he also kissed Siwon once... WTF?! Why am I going crazy it's not like Siwon is my boyfriend, so I shouldn't freak out if him or Min Ho don't call me, right?

I threw the half finished cigar in a pot filled with water. I ran back in to find Sam on the couch giggling into the phone. Probably speaking to Donghae, AGAIN! She and him totally hit it off, stupid love birds.

"Hey Jen what are you up to," she said without any interest.

"Nothing who are you talking to?" I asked her. "Is it Donghae again?"

"Um, no it's my dad," she responded with a glare. "You met him once at my art show, remember?"

"No I don't remember..." I sat there awkwardly.

"Oh well he's coming over next month so can you call Donghae and ask him if he can come please?"

"Why don't you call him!" I crossed my arms. "Isn't he the love of your life?"

"Shut up you bitch!" She said covering the phone.

 "Don't tell me to shut up you DUNG lover," I walked away ignoring her.


That whore would just talk to him non stop and I felt sad, UGH im jelly!


I'm bored I wanna talk to someone.

Hm....Siwon? NO. Min Ho? NO. Donghae? More like Dung. Mom? Wtf! Leetuek?.... YEAH BITCH!

"Hello," said a manly voice.

"Um is Leeteuk there?"

"Yeah,...... HYUNG! PHONE!"

Damn boys and their loud manly yells.

"Kkkkk~ Hello?"

"Teukie? It's Jenna!"

"OH! Hi Jen-....Yennah?"

"Um... Just call me Jay," I said after hearing him have difficulty with my name.

"OKay, Jay! Hm so why are you calling? kkkk~"

"I wanted to do something, because I have no friends and I'm a loner."

"kkk~ You're funny! Um, well right now I'm doing an interview with Kyuhyun, but we can meet up somewhere if you want?"

"Kyuhyun? OKay that's cool! Where do we meet?"

"Ah, How about he park next to Siwon's apartment?"

".....Are we gonna go with Siwon?"

"No we'll go somewhere else I just don't know where else to meet."

"OKay that's fine then. See you there. Good luck with the interview! :D"

"Arraso. Thank you!"

I hung up the phone and ran outside to let Sam know I was leaving soon, but all I saw was a very handsome gentleman with redish hair sitting in our couch.

"Um hello," I said in English.

"Hello, I'm Ren," said the redhead.

"Oh hi I'm Jenna. Um do I know you?"

"Uh I domt think so."

"So who the fluff are you?"

He just pointed at Sam who was coming out of the kitchen.

"Sam, I'm going to take a shower then I am going to the mall. So please take care of the house and don't let anyone in!"

"Your leaving?"

"Yeah... why?"

"Oh well my cousin is here! Donghae is coming over later too!"

"I don't wanna see your Dung! And well I have something to do! D:"

"Dong! And okay I understand c:"

I ran out the kitchen and stopped in front of the handsome redhead.

"It was nice meeting you. I apologize but I have to go. Bye~!"

He waved and I bowed. After that I just ran out like a crazy person wanting to leave before Dung arrived.

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